This is a goodbye... I am coming back in two weeks but I am not sure if I can get back on here until I get back. I am just hoping I can get on down there. Well I guess I will talk to you all when I get back.
Do you ever get the feeling no one is being truthful to you? I feel like that right now. Maybe one or two people are but a lot aren't. I just feel like I lost most of my friends I have had for a long time and now I am all by myself in my own little world. But does this make sense to anybody why my friends act the way they do? I have one really close friend that is all cool with me and then she basically lies about me behind my back... That is so total bullcarp. Why would I go behind her back and say something I have never even heard before? I just have one big messed up life that is actually about to be one big mess. Well I guess that I will be on and off of here every now and then...
Well now I am just about out of a place to live and do not have enough money to get a place of my own. My friends don't have a place for me and my mom's boyfriend doesn't like me. I still might have a job on the way but who knows anymore. I am kind of in a bad mood right now and will finish this later...
Like I said in my profile, I am very talkative most of the time. Right now I am listening to some music and getting ready for staying up all night(like usual). I will probably just search profiles to get some ideas for mine. I am getting ready to start a job at a movie store. Which works cause I love to watch movies. When I am not online, sleeping or eating... I would like to welcome you to my mind and see what it's like. I am almost always surrounded by music or really loud fighting. So half the time I am drowning out everything and just writing in my diary. I will have to type out an entry later if I have enough time. Well that is all for now. Hope you come back to read more.