phycoassassin's Journal

phycoassassin's Journal


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"Memorial" (Rest in peace Peter 1959-2024)

19:08 Jul 18 2024
Times Read: 119

The house i live in currently, there was a man named Peter. He died just recently, and in the two years I've been living there I barely knew him. I still don't know what his last name was.
Before I go further, I must point out that where I live is a home for disabled adults that are older. For the most part, I hate it, I never wanted to ever end up in a place such as that, but that's where I am now.
I've been in that damn place two years, and the place is a living hell in my opinion! Peter was quiet most of the time and confined to a wheelchair, he couldn't move his arms or legs and had to be fed by hand, by a staff member. Carlos was also one that also had to be fed by a staff member.
Only myself, Lauren, and Barry could walk around and do for ourselves, the others were all wheelchair bound. Now in the two years that I've been there, Peter was hospitalized twice. It had to do with his throat.
Doctors were able to stabilize him the first time, and he came back to the house after a few days, he was pretty much back to normal, but in his current condition, had to be taken care of, and checked on at night.
All of the others in wheelchairs had to be checked on at night, periodically through the night. Me being a little more healthy at 67 years of age, was never checked on, so I was pretty independent, as was Barry, and also Lauren.
It was recently, that Peter was again in the hospital for his throat problem. He left a few days before July 4th, and came home the Friday after the 4th. That was when I was told that doctors could not fix him. He was in his last days on this mortal plane, and we were all told of his plight.
He was placed in his bed and on oxygen, where he spent the most of his last days with us. I felt sorry for him. There was nothing that could be done. He was getting hospice care in those days after he returned home to the house. His Sister was coming to the house every day to tend to him and his needs.
It was a sad situation for all of us in the house. I did go in to see him one day but didn't go inside his room. I was a little uncomfortable with what was going on. I was never good at dealing with the whole death thing, or being that close to it as i was in those days after Peter came back to the house.
The day he left this mortal plane, and crossed over, we were all sitting down to dinner. The vibe at that table was heavy and I felt a change in the psychic vibrations in the house.
Brandon one of the staff members was sitting across from me at the table, helping one of the people eating at the table, and all of a sudden he turned to look in the direction of Peter's room, grabbed his phone and walked over opening the door slowly, quietly, to look in on Peter.
He did go inside the room which was darkened so Peter could sleep, get some rest, and not more than a minute later, he came out of the room with his phone at the ready, literally running to the phone at the desk.
Maricia the house manager went into Peter's room, she was in there a short time, then came out to open the front door to bolt it so it would stay open. She stood at the open door for a few minutes talking on her phone awaiting the arrival of an ambulance or some official person, or persons to come and tend to Peter who had passed from the mortal world.
That was the moment we were all told he was gone from us, and free of his mortal body, in a matter of speaking in a better place. We were all in mourning from that time and we were sent to the back end of the house and the door to the hallway closed so no one would have to see Peter's body being removed from the house.
I had gone back up that hallway for something and passed by Peter's room to witness two shadowy figures standing on either side of his bed, possibly Maricia and Brandon standing over him. His body was covered, it was a somber sight to witness and also kind of scary in a way.
I just went back towards my room in the back of the house and sat in my chair, thinking about Peter and where he could be at that moment, in spirit form outside his mortal body.
He left us in a very sad way, we didn't expect it to be so soon, he wasn't all that old but he was in a body that didn't function in the normal way. In a sense he had gone to a better place free of his disability, and his wheelchair. May he rest in peace and fly on the wings of eagles.



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