i drop the bucket
down to the bleak empty
of my world-ravaged soul
and find only bitter...
only dark
i must find my spine
among the bones of
i do not remember
their names
and some i cannot
even recal their face
it was...
the land,
it was dust
i let my skin dry
in it
i let my eyes
turn powdery and wander
judas called my name
we played double
blue eyes
constant acceptance
the sincere
of flying
i hold on
you let go
and the
is forever
i drink
you go
and the why's
just keep coming
i hold on
as you set
all love free
i light a cigarette
against the coming of the storm
the coming of
the white
i take a picture
a small purple bag
a dream of ocean
the material of a soul
lost long ago
in a fire
i rise
i aim
i take my shot
the wood on wood, scrape-
the-floor sound...
i prefer round rolling
glass bubble noises
like rain drops
and boiling rice
wrap velvet fog rain
around my heart
bring the heated shadow
make me warm and dark
like no home, no religion can
promise full-moon passion
and fire in my soul
for you
every cell spontaneous flame
and succor as I burn
i like this one
thank you, its clumsy but functional
clumsy but functional?
sir, you denigrate your abilities.
you are most talented in your indever to breach the inner halls of artistic writing. very well penned.
and always
always and
always with that same...that-ness!
that look,
i scrunch my face in
when you turn your back,
i say...you say... and,
always with that same look.
i don't know if anyone goes back to read, but thank you! this limited message thing is a nerve-dancer, anyway to get around it?
you have to level up or buy a premium membership
thanks, daddy-o...i guess i was hoping for a quick-fix, mum always said i had no sense of deferred gratification :)
anything but humdrum.
don't hang up i
want to talk
(to) with
you for a
(away the owls) see
i don't get out
much and i
was wondering (stevie-like mind
you) how
you are
old gray satin ribbon
laid carefully
on liquid heat
on solid dust.
a straight question mark.
then! old black(widow) facade
distant, lifeless, so long there.
was she ever green? ripe?
blue with hope? was she ever
not old? ever soft? welcoming?
and question mark,
riding an exclamation
goes on
dusty once black, sun
dried ribbon question,
statement satin