I've noticed that as much as we like to think ourself to be amazing in the US we are in fact not as grand as we think. I believe this because of a downward spiral we are taking where books are replaced by social network post, and a lack of interests in what goes on around us has made most of what we still for some reason call "news" into a gossip arena on how to lose however many pounds in a week, or the new colors for spring, and of course every detail of any celebrities life.
Can we really say we are the best when we are brainwashed by televison shows depicting drama, fights, and pardon the term but "slut mentality"(must sleep with everyone) just so some snot nosed brat can have 15 min of fame for being an idiot? What will it take for us to stop these things? Surely everyone cannot honestly think this is the way it is and that we can not try and change the course we are on.
I did not write this to start a fight, so don't comment with oh goodness your not a true american. I very much am and it is because of that fact that I plead for some kind of change.
Took some pictures today, but then lovely photographer bail, glad I'm not paying for this shit. Have to reschedule for the rest, damn!
I feel far to lazy today for working out, cant I just think really hard and it all vanish?? No today like any other day I have to get up(even though I don't want to) and workout till I hurt and feel gross being covered in sweat. fml I hate you skinny bitches who dont have to try, you starved skeletons, I never want to be you, I just want to be fit
01:36 Jun 27 2012
The news was already shitty - and at the moment, England is worse off on that spectrum.
People will tend to think that television is real, and that people really are like that. Television is the world's favourite babysitter these days (just shove the kid in front of the tele and press "ON") and people grow up thinking that is how people react and that it is normal, not acted out.
It's worse in other countries when you've got kids ringing 911 when there's a real emergency, because they saw it on tv.
People honestly think things are the way they appear on television.
06:00 Jun 27 2012
I don't know as much about how it is over where you are, but sounds like its no better. I will admit as I kid I loved cartoons, but I still got out and played and lived. Now every kid is a doughboy and "no one know why" is an idiots answer. Play with your kids duh! Given your correct the news never has been great but come on I don't care that yet another celeb is a drug addict, lock them up and go on.