Here are some wierd things I have noticed about Myself since I have invaded My friends home for a bit until I find Mine in San Anton lol enjoy.....
1) I sleep really fucked up in another bed,I mean sheets all over the place,remote is Goddess knows where and I'm not even gonna try to figure out how my damn scarf ended up under the bed,cell phone...uuuum oh yea wedged between the headboard and the matress
2) I step out the shower and have to remember right before I open the door"hey dumbass not your house cover the hell up!"
3)I open the fridge alot but get nothing....dude WTF like it's gonna magically appear(fridge knomes)
4)I still don't like cats that much..fur flying everywhere the sudden attacks,tail whapping me in the face did I mention the hair....
5)I don't really know where I'm going unless it's work so I look like a shut in when the neighbors see Me(quit looking through your damn blinds ya pervs)
Man I need to hurry up and get My house!!!!