"You spilled your milk, you rotten brat!"
Stepfathers slap was no a pat.
The angry words that spewed from his ir,
Hurt far worse than my hands in fire
My tender buttocks black and blue,
Had been beaten with stepfathers shoe.
Now my head hung low trying to disguise,
Tears that flowed from blackened eyes.
"You'll regret the day you were born!!!"
Stepfathers voice yelled with scorn.
"Now, get ou of here and don't retrun,"
"Or I"ll use my fist and then you'll learn!!!"
So with a sack of clothes and nothing more,
This child left out the front hall door.Wounded and scared, I trudged the road
My pitiful bag such an awsome load.
Just thirteen,oh, such a fragile age?
Yet just another chapter, another page.
From a life racked with pain and woe,
As far back as my thoughts would go.
I saw love as just another word,
Its demonstration had never occured!
Remembering no hugs no tender phrase,
No gentle or grateful words of praise,
As thoughts drift through those fragile years
i myself kneels beside my bed in tears.
"forgive me, Lord, for this rage inside,"
"It feels better to expel it before i die"
"Now with my soul battered to the bone;
"I feel there is no way i can atone."
"How can I love, when I've suffered such hate?"
"And id eternal Hell my only fate?"
" they say I've killed of God's creation,"
"Yet our government kills as a nation???"
" This leaves us all Lord so confused,"
" When we grow up in life so abused!"
"And Lord, I know, had I kept you in my life?"
"I would have conquered all my strife!"
"Please, if you hear a child cry into the night,"
"Woeful cries of pain,or scared cries of fright,"
" Please,Please,Dear Lord, go to it's aide,"
"For peoples sins,I've known and paid."
"And Please Lord, heal this heart so defiled,"
"Help me to mend from this broken child."
"Because in you there is a true Fathers love,
That embraces me with tender arms from above!!!"