So here I am on the computer waiting for someone, anyone to talk to. I don’t know what to talk about or even to say. Just that I need to talk, to have company. I need to find something. I don’t know what I’m looking for, only that I’m looking. But what am I looking for. What am I seeking?
There is a black void in my life, and I have no idea what it is. It is like the path I’m no is not the one I should be on. I have good friends. I own and run two small businesses and make good money. I have a nice home and just finished buying a house. I own it free and clear.
So what is wrong? What am I missing? Is there more out there that I know exists, yet am currently unable to understand that it is?
I sit in my chair looking at my computer and I feel the cold blackness begin to surround me. It is here for me. It is here to take me away. I don’t feel like running or even fighting. I could care less if it is here to help or harm me. I just don’t care…..
The darkness comes. I guess like attracts like. For the darkness in my body and soul is that of anti-light. And that void is calling out to attract more void.
So what is next?