Okay so I’m working on my house when a friend stopped by and gave me some rather upsetting, yes at the same time rather funny news. As some of you know I was in a vampire LARP a while ago, but the game was stopped for a while due to “problems of a personal nature” So the came had stopped.
Now for the news. The game is up and going again and has been for a few weeks now. The new ST had made it a point to NOT inform me or anyone who was connected to me in the game. Now I can understand that the new ST didn’t want me in the game, I knew the rules better then him and could point out every little bit of meta gaming he would do. Hell I did it before.
As it turns out he is going on with the same storyline but tool the liberty of killing my character and those who were not invited.
I have discovered that he managed to sneak into my characters haven, find me, stake me and then drag me out of my haven and tie me to a tree to greet the sun. Now for the cheese of such an idea. Getting into the haven is close to impossible. I know I wrote the haven description and it took no less then 15 pages. Still the character does not sleep in the room he has for himself. His sleeping place is elsewhere. He is of a really low gen so dominate couldn’t work and his heart is removed (hidden in a safe place. that no one could get to) Even IF he were abler to do this trying to tie down a City Gangrel with above elder protean just ain’t going to happen.
To top this off he made a point to do this when he knew I wasn’t going to be there, hence why I wasn’t invited to the game. Now I really want to call this ST a cheesy power gamer with a Napoleon complex, I’m not going to do that. Rather, I am going to write the eulogy for the character in that game.
So please bow your heads
We are here this evening to deliver our friend into the void beyond. He was a scholar, a poet, and a warrior. His unlife was filled with adventure, love and darkness. He shall be missed. It is sad to know that the he has survives countless battles and disasters, only to be brought down by an overdose of cheese. This overdose was only due to another persons feelings of fear and personal ‘short’ comings lead him to act in a childish way ending in the death of this character.
He shall be missed
He would be survived by his childer in the area, but that same person who saw fit to kill that character killed all his childer in the area. But his legend shall live on as well as his other 300 plus childer and grand childer.
I now ask for a moment of silent in memory of this character (or to plot revenge)
Thank you