this is a story i have worked on for almost a year now and its still not as good as i would like. parts of it are still very choppy and i have a problem with tense usage. feel free to tell me when i've made an erre or anything like that.
* note 2
i will not pose the chapters in order. sorry about that.
Chapter eight: hunter
My ribs burned from Niros punch but they had mended themselves out of the broken state. I held my stomach tightly the walk home with my head down in shame, thankfully he didn’t decide to run. At this point I couldn’t keep up with him.
“I knew you were too pathetic to hold your tongue.”
“I didn’t tell her anything!” I protested a pointless lie.
“So how did she know about the secret society?” Niro asked his anger not visible to anyone other than me. “How did she know you were a vampire hunter?”
“I don’t know!” I lied and hopes that I was strong enough know to keep him out of my own mind.
“I should go back and kill her now” he muttered
“You don’t have any proof to do that. The societies will charge you as a murder if you harm a human without proper proof!”
“Well seems like someone is getting luck” Niro said to me as we entered the house. “But your luck little brother will run dry soon and when that happens she’s going to die”
“Why do you have to do this to me?” I asked tears welding up in my eyes “why can’t you just let me be happy?”
Niro looked at me from over his shoulder.
“You should find some other ways of being happy. She’s going to die before you anyway why torture yourself by letting that girl be what you want?”
Niro walked to the kitchen and picked up a gun. This was a specially made gun that could only harm vampires; He then hurled to me a Japanese style sword I badly caught. On the blade written in old words no longer spoken was a spell one that would bind a vampire. I couldn’t focused and as I looked into my reflection I realized yet again that I hated myself as much as I did him.
“How can you be so cold?” I asked him not looking at anything
“I’m not as cold as you think, my young brother, this is something I’ve learn to do over the years and you will too”
I picked up a map and a bottle of holy water.
“Maybe I want to torture myself. Maybe I like pain.”
Niro walked towards the back door ignoring me.
“Come one we have work to do”
He then kicked the door open and made his exit. I wandered if I ever did stab him with the sword in my hand would it have the same effect on him as it did on a vampire. I didn’t see him any better than the things we were killing. And I wandered sometimes if there really was any difference between the two of us. How were we to know if we weren’t just evolved vampires, that we had just a little more control than they did and because of the control had less of their strength? After all, my brother had made it clear to me too often that we were not humans. And if I didn’t belong to the human world then there was only one other world for me to be part of. There was no limbo, No in between. There was the light and the darkness. And I could never see light in us. Maybe this is why Niro was so cold, because he knew the truth of our existence. He knew that there was no difference from the ones we killed and us, he knew things I didn’t. Things he always told me he’d tell when I was ready or when I was older. Slowly my world had been destroyed as I discover more and more about myself maybe he noticed this and withheld this information to save what bit of sanity I had left.
Life, sanity, everything… sometimes I wandered if it was even worth it.
The night was cold and the numbing feeling was beginning to settle in. my mind stayed put on the task ahead of me, the hunt, I couldn’t afford to let it wander, to let it get away from me, to let it return to Courtney and her normal life. The one I wanted so badly. We raced from my back yard and into the woods that led into the surrounding darkness, letting our senses guide us into the direction of the old abandoned school. I could smell metallic blood and I knew we were close, I knew he was here and I began to hope that we were not too late.
“Be on your guard” my brother whispered to me as we slowed to a creep and walked inside the decrepit building.
The school had been abounded for some time now and it was now the place you went if you wanted to see drugs or yourself. Nature had began to take over the stone and concrete making it look so much older than it really was.
My gut twisted around its self as I heard the sound of ripping flesh and a low growl. I could hear him breathing, sucking, feeding. We were on him now. Soon I would see a horrible site I knew I could feel it in the air around me. I gripped my sword tightly as I took a step into a class room.
There he was leaning over the body of another student I had recognized her. Not a close friend but I knew her from the halls, she was a pretty girl I think a senor, with long brown hair and a nice figure she was a cheer leader. Her closed were ripped badly sowing her bare breast and stomach and her body covered in blood from head to toe. The area left in a gory mess. Her legs were spread wide as Daniel sat in between them, and fed off of her lower abdomen I almost gagged to think of what he must had been doing before he killed her.
He turned when I thought of his name.
“You’ve found me again” he said in a cock voice that seemed to border line insane laughter.
“And so we have”
Daniel stood giving us some insane look of pure enjoyment. He was a cocky new born, Impressed with his new found abilities and power.
His face was covered in blood and so were the rest of his upper body and his hands. His eyes glowed green as he looked at us. His hair slicked black with the girls blood.
“Did you know the rumors were true?” he asked as if this was a normal social meeting. “That she was really a prostitute? She would sleep with anyone who would come here? I didn’t think it was true but as we can see…”
“You have no right to end this girl’s life” Niro said as he stepped forward
“No right?” Daniel laughed as he shook his head, making a strand of hair falling down into his face I saw droplets of blood being slanged down as it fell I watched the blood fall onto the dirty floor. “I have all the right to do this… she was a sinner and had to die for her sins.”
“And what do you know of corrections sins when you are one yourself?”
“I a sin? Only in the eyes of those who deny there self’s the truth”
He looked at me now and I couldn’t help but take one full step back.
“The vampire hunter” he said mockingly “the followers of god and the protectors of the day. Ha! Nothing but killers’ yourselves.”
“WE only kill the things like you, things that god never wanted. The devils instruments!” I spoke up now. Speaking the only words I could think of to defend our names. I felt as if I had to as if he was about to say something I didn’t want to hear or couldn’t take.
“This… Devil may choose to use whomever he wants. He was using that girl for some time now. And he will use you too.” His eyes got darker with the pause as he glared at me “very soon you will find yourself drinking from the darkest elixir the Devil has to offer”
I clenched my teeth as my stomach turned on its self once again in a knowing agony of something unspoken here in the darkness, I became nervous and my hands began to shake slightly.
“I know what you dream about, what you want.” He went on “how you crave blood and feed off of the hate that’s around you. How you want to kill and not only our kind… your heart is black and your mind is sick. You died a long time ago”
It’s her you want isn’t?
“Lies” I whispered as my lips quivered with fear.
He was right.
“Your lips may so lies but in your heart you know”
You want her so bad don’t you?
I dropped the sword and fell to the ground. My heart was pounding so hard, pressing against my chest. I gasped for are as things began to get blur.
You know it’s true don’t you? You know you’re as dirty as me. Her blood will end up on your hands. There is nothing you can do to change what you are. I know what you are.
“That’s enough!” my brother cut in noticing my condition. “this ends tonight!”
Daniel began to laugh. His laugh grew to a thunderous volume with in secants.
“End?” he stated now through his laughter “I am one of the immortals this will never end”
My brother shot two bullets into his area both missed and by the time I looked again he was gone I was somehow relived with this fact. Relived that this time it wasn’t my fault we didn’t ketch him, relived for so many other things but then there was a part of me wanted him dead. That part of me that wanted him dead was the part he spoke of, the twisted side of me that I tried to hide but somehow he saw it. He could see the demon inside of me