tranny- as heavy as my geo metro x2... 4000 pounds
engine- as heavy as my geo and husband's rodeo sport- 6000 lbs
drive shaft- 900 lbs- heavy as harley plus a yamaha motorcycle
my husband's rodeo weighs 2200-2300 pounds (1 ton)
my friend's semi weighs as much as 40 of shawn's rodeo... 80,000 pounds... 40 tons
70 foot long....
13 foot 6 inch high...
102 inches wide....
now you guys know more than you wanted to know about semi's...
ok so i only got like 4 hours of sleep last night and here i am up late again. it's quarter to 11 here. i should be in bed, but i have to go to the airport.. i HATE that fucking place... too many tourists, too many non-drivin fuckers! you know this is the only state that can get away with the billboard that says this...
it's an allstate add. one of my favorites but it just goes to show the non-driving people here.
how many states have you seen someone make a left turn from the right turn lane? or decide that they want to go straight and just take their half of the middle in the suicide lane because the turn lane ended about 3 miles ago? i hate people driving. and another thing here...
SEMI-trucks... those fuckers OWN the road. no one respects them. if they want over... LET THEM OVER. most of the time they go faster than you. not all truck drivers are as bad as you think. it's everyone around them that are. they have to go through 12 gears and about 80,000 pounds to stop. so next time one of you wants to be the JACKASS that cuts one off and gets nudged by the bumper of that driver, IT'S YOUR FUCKIN FAULT DILWEED!!!!