Well ya death scares alot of people but when it was seconds from happening to me. I wasn't scared I was thinking of my life I spent and how it was a good life even though short. As i counted each breathe thinking it was my last my family came to my head and as he punched me for i hoped the last time i smiled knowing i had the pictures in my head of my happy family. As most people say me they only saw the mess he left but i say me and so did one of my guys friends he never look sorry or hurt (he looked pissed though)about what had happened to me. He was glad i got to live and was there every time i needed him to stop the bad dreams i had. One night i woke in tears knowing the boy(he was 16 i was 14) that did this to me would get away and do it again. My close guy friend was there to take away the tears and tell me it is a dream and sang me to sleep. He is now married (to one of my other close friends)and he still comes by to make sure im ok and to sings me to sleep.
No one where I lives ever talks about Vampires or creatures that could be out there. I want to believe there out there but no one can tell me so I'm here to see it too believe it. I really want to believe trust me but it just hard when everyone around you thinks there myths and tells you to shut up about it and move on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sometimes you have to find your own truth....regardless of what everyone around you thinks. ;) good luck dear
That is how religious people must feel, too. They just have faith that their god exists.
Fact is nothing more than a consensus of opinion. what you need is to find your own personal truth. Truth is gained via understanding and understanding threw living experiences.
You are on the correct path.