Eyes closed tight,
And I can't breath.
Gasping for air
As I sit
In this dark, cold, fearful room.
Hands around my throat
Trying to taste the blood soaked air.
I hear a shriek in the opposite direction.
But the piercing noise doesn't last very long.
What ever it is,
It's coming.
Walking the path over in my direction
Humming a tune my mother would sing.
A tune so inviting
Now extremely frightening.
I try to scream
As ice cold hands run across my shoulders,
But nothing comes out but a whimper.
Slowly moving it's hands up my neck
A shiver goes rushing down my spine.
As feel its breath on me
I try not to cry out of fear
And give them that satisfied pleasure.
Finally I'm able to suck in a breath of air,
Just for it to be used in a scream of pain.
Slowly falling towards the floor,
Grappling my way to stay alive.
Stabbed in the chest with your knife of lust.
Bleeding my love out for you,
I try to stay stable
And in control.
Our game of tick-tack-toe
Slowly turned into a game of twister.
Emotions got tangled,
Then was broken in a painful way.
Snickering, you came my way
And held me in your arms.
Slowly you pulled the lust out,
Then stabbed me with it once again.
Over and over.
We've made a routine .
I fall in love,
You crush a dream.
I take the knife I call lust
And bury it deep beneath the ground,
And stay away from you.
My life,
My emotions
Don't need to be fucked up by my
7 Deadly Sin.
The urge and the longing
To change the image
Of what I see.
New hair, or a new piercing.
Anything to make myself feel like I belong in my skin again.
The unjust feeling's just so...
Awkward and uncomfortable.
The change I need,
The difference I'm searching for,
I just can't seem to find.
What do I do?
I've gotta do something soon,
Or who knows just what might happen to me.
I feel as if I might get to my climax of insanity.
The hidden me,
The real me,
That even I have yet to discover,
Is trying to be set free.
I change so much though
So how will I know
When the real me is out there for people to see.
Will I just know?
Will the feeling of change finally stop
Ruling and controlling my life?
The urge and the longing
To change the image
Of what I see
Once again wants to be set lose
To fine the real me.
23:44 Jun 01 2009
To live in fear is to die a thousand times...let it go...
expose your self to fear and you will galvanise your being and then your soul..TFS.X.
20:40 Jun 05 2009
Is that suppose to be advice or just something to say about people who fear things?