The Lost Mirror…
The lost little soul is looking,
Looking deep inside of themselves,
Trying to find the answer long hidden,
Something that was meant for dead,
Their own emotions.
The lost mirror comes wandering up,
Showing the little soul all it needs,
All it needs to be whole again.
The mirror plays with the little soul,
Showing all that could be made,
Friends, family, and joy if given a chance,
So the little soul leaves the wandering mirror.
The mirror smiles to itself,
And turn around to find another little lost soul.
The mirror tripped on a rock walking to a lost soul,
And landed face forward and smashed.
Nobody came to the aid,
Only those who wanted to see this person alive,
And yes, the mirror is a person,
A person who shows you all that you feel,
All that you left behind,
And all that you tried to hide from the world.
The mirror people can see either light or darkness,
And it just depends on what they feel first.
If they feel evil, they show you only the darkness,
And if they feel good, they show only the light.
The mirror leaves when it feels its job is done,
To show the souls what they were made for,
And not too soon for the soul clings to friends,
Family swarm around them with love,
And joy even pops up with promises of love.
The mirrors are made for endings,
But never good endings,
For the only good endings are made for people,
People with real souls,
Not the fake mirror souls that show what was already made.