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16 entries this month
Feel the aura21:14 Dec 23 2005
Times Read: 551
An easy way to feel the aura ......
rub hands together and move them apart very slowly, make a small circle motion and you should feel either a tingle, or a 'ball' of energy between your palms.
Pull hands apart slowly and see how long you keep the feeling there.
aura as I work21:08 Dec 23 2005
Times Read: 553
When working I will sit for my group to seemy aura, as I said previously I have two who see aura very well.
When we work spiritually our auric field expands into the outer ones, they say Buddha had an auric field that extended for miles, I knowmine will fill a large sized room.
I sat one day and they saw the field about 12 inches away, I had been working on the lower levels as I had been teaching. I then asked my guides to come forward, and they saw clearly the field extend outwards into the celestial. I will when we next meet go into trance to allow them to see the difference.
keep you posted on that one lol.
Auric fields21:04 Dec 23 2005
Times Read: 554
The Aura is made up of seven main aura's which extend up to four feet from the body.
They are in same space same time, each aura extends out further from each other.
The auric fields are interconnected and rely on each other to function, a problem in one canlead to a problem in others.
The etheric aura extends about two inches out from the physical body and is usually a shade of blue in colour, which relates to the physical condition and health of the physical body.
In the etheric aura you feel all the sensations, both pain and pleasure.
If some one is in pain the energy of that aura is erratic , I find that I will see green in the area where there is pain because it signifies healing is required.
The emotional aura extends about two to four inches from the physical body and appears as rainbow coloured clouds and is associated with feelings.
Bright colours indicate positive, darker colours negative.
Problems here can lead to problems in the first and third aura.
The mental aura extends about four to eight inches from the physical body and is usually a bright shade of yellow in colour and this is where we see the thoughts and mental proceses.
This aura is brighter the more active the mental thought process is.
The astral aura extends about eight to twelve inches from the physical body and appears as brightly coloured rainbow clouds and is our bridge between the physical and spiritual world.
The etheric template aura extends about twelve to twenty four inches from the physical body and appears as a blue print form.
There is an empty groove in the etheric aura aura into which the etheric aura fits holding the etheric in place. It is the template for the etheric dimension
The celestial aura extends about twenty four inches from the physical body and appears as a brighter shimmering light of pastel colours.
This is where we communicate with spirit.
The ketheric template aura extends about thirty six to forty eight inches from the physical body and appears as an extremley bright golden light that is rapidly pulsating.
This aura takes on the form of a golden egg that surrounds and protects everything within it
To see Aura20:47 Dec 23 2005
Times Read: 555
Many ways on the net to learn, this is mine.
As I said in the previous post, I se aura when watching spiritual work, or when sitting in a circle when the energies are heightened, This is beneficial for those who do not normally see becasue they are opened by the surrounding energies.
We find that to just have a subject sat or stood against a light coloured wall, and allow eyes to go slightly out of focus. somemay only see a white thin outline, some see an outline against the wal, certain colours from certain parts of the body and sometimes nothing lol.
Learning curve........
Aura19:33 Dec 23 2005
Times Read: 556
I see aura normally when working in group or when watching someone working spiritually or healing. If I am asked to give an auric reading then I 'see' it clairvoyantly not as some who can just see the colours emanate as in an auric photograph.
Recently two people have joined my group who are gifted with seeing aura all the time so we have begunto develop that gift in them and ourselves so thought I would share some things.
Auras are a type of electromagnetic energy emitted by all living things (including plants) that surround our bodies, and also related to the chakras ~ the energy points along the spine. We all have an aura which reflects our emotional condition and our state of health. Those gifted can interpret the colours to assess physical and emotional state of person being read.
As a generalistion, the clearer the colour the more positive the energy. Cloudy, murky or pale colours in the aura may have a negative meaning. Breaks in the aura, or large dark patches, can mean the onset of a physical illness in that area of the body.
I work with direct link to my guides and or those who come to give to family and friends, so, although there are many sites that will give a definition to a particular colour, I will always go with what I am told rather than what a colour is supposed to mean. Therefore I'm not going into what colours mean as I do not work that way, but a guide I do use is that red is the energy colour, either too much too little, also an anger.
Green and blue are healing and communication colours.
The meanings of the colours difer from auric field to field so *smiles* if you want to know more of how I view them come join my circle lol
Taylor .... guide of a dear friend12:15 Dec 22 2005
Times Read: 560
Cymbeline12:13 Dec 22 2005
Times Read: 561
My doorkeeper12:13 Dec 22 2005
Times Read: 562
Merlin12:11 Dec 22 2005
Times Read: 563
Spirtual Art12:10 Dec 22 2005
Times Read: 564
I am artistic .... I enjoy working with my hands *grins* well art in all forms lol........
I also draw 'with' spirit.... I draw my guides and others, I draw pictures frm which I can give a reading........ it changes, I develop, I only have a few of my first ones which are my guides.
If and when I get another scanner there will be more
Ribbon meditaton12:07 Dec 22 2005
Times Read: 565
Sit quietly, with or without music, and take four deep breaths.....count slowly to four in, hold for four, breathe out for four...
Go into the silent mind, rid the thoughts of the day, and imagine you are in a field....huge green field with nothing to see
walk into the field and you will find a basket on the floor, filled with ribbons......sit down next to the basket and feel the gentle warmth of the sun on your back....
reach into the basket and take out a red ribbon....wrap the ribbon round your fingers and take in the deep red colour, letting it fill you....move the colour thru your body then let go of the ribbon, and watch as it floats away and plays around your head....
next take the orange ribbon.....as you hold it tightly in your hand the orange begins to flow through your body.....take it in, feel its warmth, then let it and the ribbon go....watch as the ribbon joins the red as you take the yellow ribbon.....
hold the yellow loosly in your right hand and feel the yellow sunlight flow thru your body, opening the solar plexus...as the yellow flows breathe out thru the solar plexus to open it more, then let the colour flow out, and the ribbon leaves your hand and floats into the air....
next take the green ribbon and hold it in two hands close to your heart....breathe in the colour, allowing the broken emotions to take the love of the green and begin to mend all hurts......breathe in deeply and hold the colour close........then release it and the ribbon rises taking the pain with it.....
find the blue ribbon and wrap it loosly round your throat, swallow gently taking the blue deep within opening the voice box to let out the words held in too long....let go of the ribbon and watch it snake its way to join the others floating gently round your head.....
nexxt is the purple....hold it in your right hand and place it on your forehead......as it touches your skin an amythyst crystal is placed there and starts to spin, opening the third eye......release the ribbon and then watch as they all join together.....
reach up and hold all of them and then the colours enter you once more and a rainbow washes thru you, from the base chakra moving up through each one and out through the crown, going from all colours to a bright white light reaching out toward spirit......
let go of the ribbons and watch as they float off into the sky.....turn to the side of you and you will see a cloud is there, move and sit on the cloud and float off, following your rainbow ribbons......
this is now your time to go where you wish.....you may be joined on the cloud by a guide or loved one, or just drift to rid yourself of tension.....
ask to return after 20minutes
and enjoy
Unicorn meditation
12:06 Dec 22 2005
Times Read: 566
Sit in a silent room, darkened, burning white candles......lavender incence burning if you wish.....
close your eyes and feel the chair beneath you, relax your shoulders, allow yourself to slump within your own body.....breathe in deeply four times, each time count four as you inhale, hold for four, exhale for four.......
empty your mind of the thoughts of everyday life, quieten down and empty yourself, find you silent place witin.......
I want you to imagine a forest, heavily wooded, dark green leaves on the trees, but with sunlight shining through the leaves casting a dappled effect on the ground around you......it is approaching sunset, the time of magik, the time of peace......
as you stand there a unicorn walks from the trees and moves close to you and looks you deep in the eyes.....he bends his head and gently touches your hand with his horn, and you are filled wih a red, deep dark red, energising red......take the red into yourself and breathe it in deeply, let it flow through you slowly, watch its colour fade until it reaches the crown chakra and disappears into the air......
he touches you again and you are filled with a deep orange, warming, full of knowledge.......take it and flow it slowly through your body, moving it slowly through every cell, letting it fade to nothing as it leaves through the crown.......
the next touch sends a bright sunshine yellow flowing into you.....the warmth of the sun, flooding the solar plexus with heat and awakening it to the cosmos.....hold it in your solar plexus and let the warmth flow out , then allow the colour to rise and dissipate into the air......
he gently touches your chest and a flood of emereld green washes into you....swirling round the heart chakra, going from green to pink back to green, taking away pain and leaving you with calm emotions......let the green wash up through the throat and fade up out of the crown......
his next touch sends a vibrant blue into your throat chakra......wrapping round your throat like a scarf, unblocking the voice box .... swallow hard and take the blue within...swallow again and then let the faded colour flow up and out to the atmosphere.....
he looks up and touches your forehead and a beam of purple moves in to the third eye, swirling round, opening you, filling you, let the purple flow through your body taking away all negative thoughts, then let it flow up through the crown as it fades......
he stands and a beam of twinkling starlight flashes from his horn, hits the ground at your feet and flows up through you, moving through each chakra with a bright white light of purity......cleansing .......let the white light flow through each centre and go up to the crown.....the crown chakra begins to open like a water lily, and a shaft of white star light moves out from you and into the night sky.........
the unicorn moves forward and you get onto his back....lean down and hug his neck, feeling his warmth flow through you......
the sun has begun to set and its now twilight.....as you watch more unicorns come into the clearing where you are......they bring fairies and all magical creatures with them......
this is your time now to play.....to let go of adulthood and allow the magikal kingdom in......wander where you will.....you may meet favourite characters from childhood books or films.....you may meet fairies and dragons......or just ride the back of the unicorn......
your guides may come close to play in the twilight with you.......ask for 15 minutes, and when the sun sets and the moon appears, get down from the back of the unicorn and thank it, say goodbye to the ones you have walked with.....
turn and walk from the forest, feel yourself back in your chair,,,,,,take deep breaths and when you are back in the room, open your eyes and smile............
Rainbow bridge meditation
12:05 Dec 22 2005
Times Read: 567
sit quietly and begin to open in whatever way you do ......take 4 deep breaths, counting in for four, breathe out for four.....
visualise a bridge made of the colours of the rainbow, get the colours as bright as you can ....
the bridge is in the clouds, soft white clouds, and you will feel a great peace coming over you as you stand there....as you look over the bridge someone is waiting....it is your main guide/doorkeeper.......walk onto the bridge, and let each step fill you with its colour......the colour you see the most will be the colour you need this day for whatever reason.
walk slowly over the bridge, and be aware that other things may be with you, animals, fairies, angels whatever.....say hello, they are there to help you....
as you get to the end of the bridge there is an archway, with a door that is closed and padlocked.......your guide takes your hand and gives you a key.....
open the door and walk into a garden, and close the door behind you.......
there is a pathway lined by trees, and a bench in a clearing. You go and sit there with your guide.
now you may just sit and talk, have others come see you.....or your guide may take you on a journey.......you may wish to explore the garden.....
this meditation is for you to unwind and do as you wish
ask to stay for 20 minutes.......
when you return walk back thru the door and lock it.....this place is yours and u can return when ever you wish to.....walk back over the bridge and as u do you will be back in the room, in your chair.......close down and enjoy the rest of your day
remember the brightest colour and use that colour to aid you in that day ......
be well and enjoy
Dolphin meditation
12:04 Dec 22 2005
Times Read: 568
if you have a dolphin meditation tape all the better.....isnt necessary tho
sit down and breathe in deeply, holding for four and exhaling for four....
relax into the chair, go to the silent mind and find your stillness, forget the thoughts of the day....
i want you to go to a beach, white sand, soft lapping waves, cool breeze.....sit down on the sand and look down to your left, and there are pebbles there waiting for you
pick up one and it turns to a deep red in your hand, sinking into your skin and disappearing, filling you with the red of life, energising you......it flows up thru your body....turn it to a red balloon and let it float away into the sky....
pick up another pebble and watch as the stone turns to a tangerine orange and sinks within, filling you with warmth and hope, flowing thru you and leaving as a balloon off to play with angels.....
the next stone turns to the yellow of sunshine, sinks within and makes you smile with the love it sends thru your body, giving back your hopes of long ago....let it flow up to the crown and then watch the yellow balloon join the sun in the sky....
your next stone hold to your heart and feel the healing colour of green or pink flow within, washing away tears and pain....hold the colour in that area then let it flow up taking all negative thoughts with it, watch the balloon float away and drift into the distance taking pain with it....
your next stone of turquoise melts into your skin and flows as a river thru your body, washing away blockages in the throat area.....swallow the blue to open communication channels, feel it ebb and flow and then place the blue into its own balloon and let it go......
pick the next stone and hold it on your forehead so the purple sinks into the third eye, filling you with an intense colour.....feel it sweep through your body taking all remnants of disquiet, taking its healing thru you and then place it in a balloon and let it drift off into the sea....
the last stone hold tightly and as the white sinks into you youre filled from bottom to top with the pure light of the divine....it flows upward and out through the crown chakra, turning into a white shimmering balloon and speeding off into the new places......
as the last balloon floats away you can hear the call of dolphins playing just off the shoreline, leaping and calling you to join them.....
you stand and walk slowly into the water, feeling the waves lick gently round your toes...
you get to waist deep and a dolpin comes close....you stroke the dolphin and it nuzzles you gently....
you can stay here, and just watch the dolphins as they play round you, or go deeper and swim with them....if they wish they'll take you below the water.....you will be safe and come to no harm, go and do whatever you wish to do.....
the dolphins are the angels of the sea......they will heal, they will fill you with love and laughter.....
they will show you wwhat you need to see......
play for a while then after 15/20 mins or so swim back to shore, there will be a towel waiting......dry yourself as you walk off thebeach and find yourself back in your chair.......
St Germaine Violet Flame meditation
12:03 Dec 22 2005
Times Read: 569
St Germains Violet Flame.
All of us at times have buried emotions and thoughts, and we all need to do a baggage clearing from time to time.
Say your protection prayer.
breathe in on a count of four, hold for four, and exhale on a count of four, slowly. do this four times
Now imagine within your minds eye that you are at a large gathering of people, all very happy to be there, many are just milling about, but others are stood either side of a fire walk, waiting their turn, for this is no ordinary fire walk, for this fire uses the Violet Flame of St Germain. It is now your turn, you find your feet are already bare as you stand before the start of the walk, as you look down the walk there at the other end stands your guide waiting for you.
The coals look hot - there are red and yellow flames dancing over the coals, you can even feel the heat, but do not let this put you off. Gently put your foot forward to start your walk..........,as you put your foot down for your first step instead of heat, you feel coolness, and the flames of red and yellow have turned to violet.
Walk on and as you do so, the flames reach slowly up your legs.they cover your feet, ankles......calves,knees ......let your mental and emotional feelings blend with the flames, they reach slowly to your thighs..............feel your body become light as all that baggage leaves you, relish what spirit is giving you, feel yourself becoming as one with your higher self,
The flames continue up to cover your torso, your neck, your face........untill you are completely covered. Your walk is nearly over, but just stand for a moment and let the violet flame suround you, you feel cool and safe, and they then slowly burn back down to the ground.
You have reached the other side of the walk and are now stood side by side with your guide totally at one with one another.
Your guide takes your hand, and together you go to a place just for you. You may meet other guides or loved ones, talk with your guide or sit quietly and just see what comes to you
ask to be brought back after 20 minutes, thank your guide as you return to yourself
close down and say your closing prayer
Meditation12:01 Dec 22 2005
Times Read: 570
Meditation, used by many for their own reasons.
For me, I sit (or should a lot more than I do ) to connect, to recharge my batteries, to give myself time for me.
Work wise, we sit in circle and the meditation is the start.....the meditation I am given will be dependant on what work we are going to do that day, I don't always have a choice lol.
I share here a few of the favourites of myself and the groups I teach.
If interested you can read whilst you sit quietly at the screen, many I know have wandered offinto their own space for a while whilst they read..........whatever, enjoy.........