whats a name like ying yang sung kang king sang?
yang and ying are large deities on earth......
the purple dragon emperor is a soul who died for the universe................
the devil told me ; i cant take your soul you are a all........
well after the accident .......
i once killd the devil and he stepped outside his black box in hell.................
the ethernal farao must vote each year.......
i discovered i must stay 20 days in one place or yang visits me.
and my friends run away....
time doesnt exists..........and KAIN is my friend....
what if one warns cain and cain chooses to alter my blood in 1974 if time doesnt exists....
vashdet and arcana are my allies and i have the hearth of the wulf the inuit devil..........
the devil said i cant make a devil of you.......
i have meet satan vampirus and with a box of light i managed to get bitten..........
another devil made me so afraid i accidently killed my bug gift or scarabs...........
but i do see the entire universe..........
and i know kung fu with the hearth of a wulf.
and i am not interested in ufo............
i live on earth with the wulf,dragon,snake and the tiger,marduk marukka,kumari queen of hell,tiamat the white dragon....and vashdet and arcana.
and we have a sexual relation.
the name...... re = night so if i become one with re-amun
i bless myself with the ethernal blood-dragon of re
in the name of nagashir amun re.
ra/re means for gods you have something to say.
when done:i only want tobe with myself in my existince.
never possess yourself only bless/curse.....
thats what a guardian / farao junior does.
yammm yummm meat........
a little silver is fine...............................
the downside for a king;
the curses from the astral........................
they last more then 1 life...............................
imagine: the hearth of the wulf..................
and without hearth...................