you know most of the time i would tell people if they are bored to materbate.... but you know right now i am so i dont even want to do that... so what to do besides read or write.... i have no idea.... i most of the time have some one to talk to but he is not on right now.... most of the time i talk to Hellfire, he is a great person to talk to even when you are felling down but you know what is funny is he says the same about me... i think it is even more funny that we used to talk on line before and he dont remember.... that is most likly sad not funny because he and i thought a lot about each other... anyway if you are on and you are reading this please come talk to me if i am on.....
some times i just do and say things with out thinking. this is kind of weird i dont really know what to write. some times when i lie down to fall asleep i can't, there is just to much that is going on. My mom is getting married again, my mom and my real dad broke up after finding out my dad was cheating on her and got some women pregnent. The babies name is kit kat. she is so cute you know I was heart broken untill i found my boyfriend Duane he really brittened my day if my best friend wasn't there you might know her newvampire6988. she is the sweetest person even though she wont admit it .. if i lose her i wont have anything, or anyone.. her mom is making her not see me anymore .... now that she is gone you would think my boyfriend would be happy because he thought i was cheatting on him with her... that will never happen she is not that way... he has changed, he yells at me all the time for no reason... he never used to care if i told him i didnt want to do something, now he gets pissed i just dont know what to do.. everyone keeps telling me to break it off with him but i dont want to be alone. What is a 17 almost 18 year old girl suppost to do? i just dont want to be alone.. my friend newvampire6988 was suppose to move in with me once she turned 18 but i feel our friendship is falling apart. Anyway that is enough about that ... no one wants to hear any of this... i have to go bye for now i will write again soon.