mtsoul77's Journal

mtsoul77's Journal


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14 entries this month

VR Admin - My Two Cents

04:42 Sep 27 2008
Times Read: 756

I have a ton of respect for the admin on this site. These people devote their time to helping maintain the quality of this website, and most of the time they don't get anything but crap from the other members for it. Not from me. From me, they get a big THANK YOU. I can only imagine the kind of BS they deal with on a daily basis.

Why do they do it? Good question. Maybe they enjoy the punishment! :P Seriously, I'm sure they do it for the same reason that I became an Acolyte - they enjoy the site and want to help out in whatever way they can.

I'm not aiming this at anyone in particular, nor am I trying to say that all the admins are right all the time no matter what they do. I'm sure some of them make mistakes when dealing with people. They are, after all, only human. What I am saying is that, when all they're doing is their assigned job (such as deleting BS forum posts), they don't deserve the crap they get.

Think about it, for the close to 10,000 members on the site, there are only 13 Dominars to deal with all the crap in the forum and VampBox, only 8 Sentorans to monitor all of the profiles, portfolios and journals, and only 6 Procurators to deal with probably hundreds of database submissions, most of which I imagine are crap or are already in the database, but the submitter didn't bother taking the time to check. That's 27 people to deal with the BS of thousands. That is a ton of work for a job they aren't getting paid to do. We need more admin!

Let me just say that I am not trying to kiss ass with this entry. My friends are my friends through thick and thin (no, none of them are admin), and I don't give a damn what anyone else thinks about me. I just think that people on this site need to realize that the admins are only making sure that the rest of the members adhere to the rules set forth by Cancer. Rules that EVERYONE agreed to when they created their accounts. Don't want to play by the rules? Delete your account. It's that simple.



04:50 Sep 27 2008

It's members like you that make it easy (when it's easy) :)

05:23 Sep 27 2008

Thank you. :)

Don't ask me how, but I forgot to include the Regents, Consuls and Master Vamps. Up the number of admin to 41. That's still not enough admin for 10,000 members.

05:27 Sep 27 2008

Very well said :)

07:01 Sep 27 2008

That is 41 far too many


In regards to my last entry.....

02:39 Sep 27 2008
Times Read: 771

Now that I know what happened, I'm even more ticked off.

I didn't realize that I was dealing with someone that had hacked someone else's account. If I had known, I never would have put the offer out there to make the graphics.

I really hate hackers. Are you so pathetic that you have to go and steal someone else's VR account? Wow, what a wonderful life you must have. I mean, why steal a VR account? If you're going to hack into someone's account, make it something worthwhile. A bank account for example. But a VR account? Seriously??? Get a life loser!




00:55 Sep 27 2008
Times Read: 787

I was working on graphics for Vasilia for her coven, but her account no longer exists. I don't know if she changed her name or if she deleted her account. I can't contact her on Yahoo IM because my IM isn't working for some reason.

I really hate having put so much time into these graphics for nothing, when I could have been working on things I'm making for other people. :(




The current state of things....

23:20 Sep 21 2008
Times Read: 807

I don't know what I caught, but I feel like crap. My chest is killing me. It hurts to breathe. I can't stop coughing. My head is so congested that it hurts. And I'm tired. I shouldn't be tired, but I am. I spent the day on the couch, curled up in a ball, covered up with 2 blankets.

I was really looking forward to my weekend without the kids, but honestly I've felt horrible since before they left Friday morning. Now, they'll be home in a couple of hours, and my weekend was a waste. Other than a quick run to the store yesterday, I didn't do anything or go anywhere. I just didn't feel up to it.

Now I'm even more glad that I decided not to make the trip to Syracuse this weekend for my cousin's wedding. Sure, it would have been nice to go home and see everyone, but being sick here in my house is much better than being sick while I'm a guest at someone else's house.


As far as the graphics that I'm working on for people, I've got a good start on them all. I should have them ready in a couple of days, or at least a first draft of them anyway.


I won't be around tonight. I know I told some people that I would be, but I'm going to crash as soon as the boys are home and in bed. Hopefully I'll wake up feeling better in the morning.



23:28 Sep 21 2008

Please, please go to the doctor if it continues. My fiancee was just admitted today with Pneumonia. It's our living nightmare right now...please do not make it yours.

*hugs tightly*

23:57 Sep 21 2008

It very definately sounds like the big "P" as Kontradiction says. Don't delay and see the doctor straight away. I delayed earlier this year, and ended up in hospital under the CAT scanner, three bouts later!! (I don't think I ever truly recovred from the first bout) They are still having the situation under review, and I have to go back to hospitial shortly, and it is all because I wasn't quick enough to go get treatment the first time!

Please look after yourself.. you owe it to the kids and yourself!

01:16 Sep 23 2008

Thank you both. I know it sounds like Pneumonia, but I've had Pneumonia several times in the last few years, and it just doesn't feel like Pneumonia. I think it's the flu, because now I've got some funky stomach bug type of thing to go along with the other symptoms.


03:52 Sep 21 2008
Times Read: 816

More from Photoshop...









21:43 Sep 20 2008
Times Read: 842

I'm finally getting the hang of Photoshop. I took this.....


and turned it into this....


Damn thing had almost 600 layers by the time I was done. :P



21:47 Sep 20 2008

That looks really cool, I so wish I had a photoshop program.

22:09 Sep 20 2008

Wow, good start! Did you find that on one of those tutorial sites? Nice job!

22:11 Sep 20 2008

I dig that ..

22:13 Sep 20 2008

Ah, I forgot....

Thank you all. :)


05:03 Sep 18 2008
Times Read: 853

I finally had a chance to sit down and look through some Photoshop tutorials online. I just finished this one....

ruby c

I think it came out fairly decent, given that it's my first attempt at working with layers and that it started out as a picture of dirt.



21:46 Sep 20 2008

I love this.

04:27 Sep 27 2008

I really love this one too =]

04:43 Sep 27 2008

Thank you both. :)


22:05 Sep 17 2008
Times Read: 879

I just installed Photoshop CS2 on my computer. If anyone knows of any sites with good tutorials, let me know. I'd greatly appreciate it. :)



22:18 Sep 17 2008

The only one you'll ever need:


22:19 Sep 17 2008

You can find a few on YouTube. If you're totally new to Photoshop you'll probably want to focus on learning the Brush and Pencil tools as well as the Selection tools and their various modes (single selection, multiple selection, subtract from selection, etc). Then move to layers and you'll be on your way.

22:55 Sep 17 2008

Thank you both.

I'm not actually new to graphic design/photo editing, but this is the first time I've had a full version of Photoshop. I usually use other graphics programs, so I'm familiar with the basics, but I've never dealt with layers before.

I've seen so many cool things designed with Photoshop that I just had to get it! :P


03:35 Sep 14 2008
Times Read: 902

And now I know. I'm shocked, and deeply saddened.



03:42 Sep 14 2008


oh no...?

03:44 Sep 14 2008

I posted this to get the last entry off of the New Journal Entries page. I didn't want to draw attention to it. Though it seems in my doing so, I've pulled more people into my journal.

03:47 Sep 14 2008

i'm sorry.

Rat is also in UO and we love her there.

my apologies.

04:01 Sep 14 2008

No worries. I was pretty vague.


03:24 Sep 14 2008
Times Read: 908

Before I logged in, I checked the Journal page, and I kept coming across entries pertaining to Vampirewitch39 (aka the rat.) Though she's in my coven under a different name (WitchHaven3), she is still a close friend here and I'm really starting to worry.

My first thought was that something happened to her mom. I know she's been sick. Then I started thinking that maybe something happened to VW herself, and not her mom.

My thoughts are with you Kay, even though I don't know what's going on. If you need anything, and I do mean anything, I'm here for you.




04:27 Sep 12 2008
Times Read: 915

Some photos that I've been meaning to post for a while.... (Don't mind how crappy they are. They were taken with a cell phone.)

mom n nick

My mother learning to ride her new Harley, and my step-father


Mom on her bike again


My step-father and one of my nephews


My younger son, Cole, on my mom's new Harley


My mom again


And again :P


Cole waiting for the bus on his first day of 1st grade 8/27/08


Cole waiting for the bus on his first day of 1st grade 8/27/08


Cole getting off the bus on his first day of 1st grade


Cole really loved his first day at school this year. Look at the smile on his face!


Daniel's new shoes


My older son has monster feet. After one wear, I aquired these shoes because they were too small for him. (Same shoes as above photo)


Daniel posing for some silly photos while waiting for his bus on his first day of 5th grade, 9/4/08


Daniel posing for some silly photos while waiting for his bus on his first day of 5th grade, 9/4/08


9/4/08, waiting for the bus. I think this is one of the best photos I've ever taken of Daniel, except for that expression on his face. I love the way he's standing.

The following photos are of the new bike helmets my sons got. My parents decided to take them shopping last weekend and buy them new helmets. They came home with $70 motocross helmets. Like they really need those to ride their bicycles around the neighborhood??? LOL







I hope you enjoyed your peek into my world. :)




9/11 Remembered

15:39 Sep 11 2008
Times Read: 916

It's hard to believe that it's been 7 years. I remember it as if was only yesterday. I was home with my older son, who was 3 at the time, and I was 5 months pregnant with my younger son.

I got up that morning to a phone call from my mother asking me to turn on the news and let her know what was happening because she was at work and couldn't find out. I flipped on the TV, sat on the couch and immediately broke into tears.

I spent the day glued to the television, trying to make sense of it all. I was worried for all of the people in NYC, both the ones I knew and the ones I didn't.

I left the house for work that afternoon in shock. Along the way, I took the time to notice every single American flag that I came across. I took pause at each one. Some of them, I saluted. Some, I stared at. For others, I closed my eyes to pray.

At the time, I worked for a telephone relay service that made phone calls between deaf and hearing people possible. On an average day, 95% of our calls came out of NYC. That night, because most of the phone lines were down there, it was eerily silent. The few calls we did relay were heartbreaking.

The calls in the days that followed were no better. I heard the tales first hand of people that had lived through it, people that had lost loved ones. I was coping with my own 9/11 loss, a very dear friend, but as a relay operator I couldn't offer my condolences to these people. I couldn't let them know that I too felt their pain.

I left that job a week after 9/11. It was just too much for me to deal with at the time. Being pregnant made me even more emotional in an already overly emotional time for everyone.

So today, 7 years later, I spent the morning reliving the event, as I do every year. I watched videos on YouTube, and spoke with friends about it. This weekend, I will make a trip to lay flowers upon the grave of the person I lost. I will also make a trip to the field here in PA to place flowers in honor of the brave people aboard Flight 93.

I'd like to hear your stories. Where were you? How did the 9/11 attack change your life?




02:12 Sep 09 2008
Times Read: 922

My younger son has a bully at his school. Today he threatened my son, called him names, and kicked him. Luckily, I've taught my son that it's okay to defend yourself. Cole spun the other boy around and pushed him to the ground, then went and told a teacher about what happened. I told him he did the right thing.

I know, I know. I'm sure many parents out there are going to give me flack about that, but that's just how I feel about it. I told him it's never okay to make the first aggressive move, but if someone is hurting you physically, you don't just stand there and take it.

My son has had problems with this boy before. They went to the same summer day camp this summer, and the problems started there. This child was absolutely rotten to my son for no reason. He started picking on him right from the very first day of the summer program, and it got to the point that I pulled my son out of the summer program because of it.

So, I sat down tonight and wrote an email to his teacher to let her know about my concerns, and I made sure to CC in the principal on the email. I will follow up with a phone call to the school tomorrow. If my concerns aren't taken seriously, and it happens again, I will be at that school first thing the next morning, and I will not leave until I have an appropriate resolution to the problem. If that fails, I will take legal action.

I know kids are mean, and I know they pick on other kids. If it was just words, I would take a different approach with it. But since the boy kicked my son, I'm being aggresive about it. My son shouldn't have to live in fear of going to school. He enjoys school. I don't want that to change because of a bully. Besides, we've already seen too many instances where bullying turns into something deadly. These boys are only in first grade. If we can stop the pattern of bad behavior now, hopefully it won't progress into something more serious.




02:23 Sep 05 2008
Times Read: 935

Last month a woman my mother worked with bought a $25 scratch off lotto ticket and she won a million dollars. She walked into work the next day, cleared out her desk and quit.

Yesterday, the woman was at home and not feeling well, so she went to lay down. A while later, her husband went to see if she was feeling any better and found her dead in their bed. The woman was only 44. They don't have a cause of death yet.

To win a million dollars in the lottery and then die within a month.....isn't it just crappy the way life works out?



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