mtsoul77's Journal

mtsoul77's Journal


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9 entries this month


14:01 Feb 27 2009
Times Read: 682

Off he goes to start his day. Propelled forward by excitement and anticipation, a definite bounce in his step. I watched him as he ran towards the bus, wiggling impatiently as he waited for it to stop. When he boarded the bus, he was too caught up in his feelings to turn and wave to me out the window like he normally does. Even though we missed that little part of our daily routine, I still watched the bus depart with a smile on my face.

Today is a big day for my little boy. He's going to be on his school's television station. He'll be interviewed by the principal about the book he's currently reading, and congratulated for the 100 books that he has read this year. He's thrilled about it.

I'm happy for him, and proud of all of the hard work that he has put into reading this year. My only regret on this fine Friday morning is that I can't be there to watch him make his TV debut.



15:31 Feb 27 2009

no but you can do something special for him tonight to show him you're proud of him.

00:57 Mar 04 2009

..just have to read this, to know of your pride.


14:27 Feb 26 2009
Times Read: 684

It took me a while, but I finally redid the layout for my profile. I'm happy with the way it turned out.

I think, after seeing it all put together, that I can say I'm finally getting pretty good with graphic design. Not spectacular by any means, but good enough to make decent backgrounds and graphics to match them. Yay me! LOL




14:02 Feb 25 2009
Times Read: 687

I thought I would get an early start on dinner by doing some prep work this morning, using the food processor to shred cheese for homemade mac & cheese, and what happens? I damn near cut the tip of my finger off trying to clean the blade. So, not only did I have to finish cleaning the food processor, I had to clean the blood that I dripped all across the kitchen. :(

So much for good intentions, huh? Next time, I'll go back to the manual method of shredding - a box grater. I've never hurt myself with one of those. :P




01:10 Feb 24 2009
Times Read: 689

Ugh! I hate being sick. My lungs are so full of crud that I got winded just making my bed. :(

I'm honestly starting to think there's something more going on than just a persistent cold. I first got sick right after Christmas, and while it has gone in spurts where I'll feel a little better then get worse again, it hasn't completely gone away. Two months of being tired all the time, being congested, having a runny nose, a cough, a tightness in my chest, and an occasional sore throat. Will it never end? I would think that my doctor would be starting to get suspicious that it might be more than a cold, but no, unfortunately not.

On a positive note, my younger son has read 100 books since the beginning of the school year. His reward - a nice certificate and some Mardi Gras beads. :)

He's actually read more than 100 books, but only the books he brings home from class every day count towards his total. The extra books he gets from his reading group (usually 2 or 3 a day) don't count, nor do the books that we get at the library every week. So he has actually read over 300 books since the last week of August. That's a ton of books for a 7-year-old.




01:35 Feb 23 2009
Times Read: 693

I just realized something while I was sitting here listening to my MP3 player. Naturally, I have it loaded up with songs that I like, but as I was listening, I was reminiscing, and it hit me. I don't think I have a single song on my MP3 player that is just "ear candy." They all have some kind of meaning to me.

For instance, the last 2 I've listened to were by PM Dawn, which was my childhood best friend's favorite band. He moved overseas the summer between 7th grade and 8th grade, and we lost touch. Listening to PM Dawn makes me think about him. I never told anyone, but I had the biggest crush on him!

Before that was "Funky Town" by Lipps, Inc. A song that reminds me of being a carefree 5 year old. It was my favorite song at the time, and no matter where I was, if that song came on, I would start dancing and singing as loud as I could. I remember being in Sears picking out new clothes for school when it came on. There I was in the middle of a packed store, singing and dancing.

Going back another song on my playlist was "Can't Fight This Feeling Anymore" by REO Speedwagon, which makes me think of "the one that got away." I remember being in a bar with a good friend one night, a guy that had was in a pretty serious relationship with a girl I really didn't care for. They had been together the entire time I'd known him. There we were, just hanging out having a few drinks with some of his friends, the jukebox rockin' away in the corner and this song came on. I got about 4 lines into the song before my eyes welled up with tears and I had to either go outside or make a fool of myself in front of a bunch of guys. Needless to say, I went outside. He followed me out, and things just kind of clicked for us without either of us having to say anything. A few weeks later, he left his girlfriend and he and I started dating. Unfortunately, over time, I wanted things he wasn't ready for, and instead of waiting, I let him go. Today, he's still a good friend. He's in a relationship that makes him happier than I've ever seen him. I know I should be happy for him. Most of the time I am, but there are times, like when I hear this song, that I just can't help but kick myself for being so stupid.

"Iris" by the Goo Goo Dolls makes me believe that it's possible to find someone to love that I can be completely myself with, even when the rest of the world could never accept everything about me.

Golden Earring's "Radar Love" makes me remember all of the treacherous 4 hour (one way) drives I used to endure to spend time with my (now ex-) husband. Sure, times have changed, and I despise him now, but listening to "Radar Love" makes me remember what being that in love was like.

"Jesse's Girl" by Rick Springfield brings back memories of my friend Shana and I when we first started getting interested in boys. She and I used to sit in my bedroom, listen and sing along to "Jesse's Girl" and then we'd talk about boys for hours.

The Jeff Healy Band's "Angel Eyes" and Aerosmith's "Angel" - Both of these were songs that my first serious boyfriend dedicated to me. We would talk on the phone and he would play them both for me every night before we went to bed.

Out of the hundreds of songs I have on my MP3 player, each one holds a special place in my heart. Whenever I want to take a walk down memory lane, I never have to fear that my memory will fail me. All I have to do is slip on my headphones, press the little play button, and I'm instantly transported into the past. Technology is a wonderful thing. :)




A couple of animal videos that made me go

04:14 Feb 22 2009
Times Read: 701




21:51 Feb 20 2009
Times Read: 709

My younger son got off the school bus today with a huge smile on his face. He ran up to me and asked me "Mom, can I have a cell phone?" After a moment of stunned silence, I could only reply with a "what??" To which he says "can I have a cell phone? All of the kids in my class have them."

Of course I told my son no. At 7 I just don't think he needs a cell phone. My older son, who will be 11 next month, hasn't even asked me for a cell phone yet.

Are people actually buying their 7-year-olds cell phones now? If so, what the hell is wrong with them?



22:23 Feb 20 2009

Kids will always try to impersonate their parents I guess! that.. and peer pressure too!


The little things that mean a lot to me

01:31 Feb 18 2009
Times Read: 711

My older son definitely has his bad moments, but there are times that he can be so thoughtful. A couple of times a week he sees a therapist at school. The therapist has a box of treats that he gets to pick from at the end of his session if he behaves well and cooperates. Every time he gets to pick some treats, he always thinks of his brother and I, and brings us home something. Usually he brings me a pouch of cherry flavored fruit snacks because he knows I like them, and he'll usually bring Cole a pack of Juicy Fruit gum. Today though, he brought me 3 small Slim Jims. He got them out of his bag, showed them to me and asked me "you like these, right?" When I told him that I do, he said "oh, that's good. I thought so, but I wasn't sure. If you didn't like them, I would have given you the fruit snacks I got for myself instead."

I think it's pretty awesome that he was willing to give me something that he got for himself and take back something that he doesn't even like.



06:08 Feb 22 2009

Aww...bless his heart...That is really sweet=)


01:04 Feb 12 2009
Times Read: 719

It's just one of those days today...

If my oldest child was still alive, he would be 16 today. In 3 months and 3 days, he'll have been gone for 13 years. I have so many questions.

Why does it still hurt just as much today as it did the day he died? Shouldn't the pain have lessened at least a little over time? What would he be like today if he had lived? Would he have been a good student? Would he be rebellious, like I was? What kind of music would he have liked? Would he have been pestering me for the past months to take him today for his learner's permit? What kind of brother would he have been to my other boys? Would he be a kind person? I could go on and on.

I really miss him. Not a day goes by that I don't think about him, but two days a year (his birthday and the anniversary of his death) he seems to be all I can think about. I want so badly to be able to turn back time and undo that day. I would give just about anything (anything besides either of my other boys) for a "redo." I think every person should be allowed one redo in their lifetime. The day Kenny died would be mine.

Damn it! Why can't I just have one single redo?



14:38 Feb 12 2009


06:17 Feb 22 2009

I know what your going through...

I lost my little girl, Marionna, April 10th 2004 due to SIDS, she was born March 3rd 2004...

It's been almost 5 years yet it feels like it were only a couple months ago...

I relive that dread almost daily...

My Grandmother who lost a baby as an infant told me that day..."This is the worst pain you'll ever feel, time will go on but this pain shall never pass nor will you ever accept it"...I still believe this...

When ever in my life I had trials of let downs she had always told me "This shall pass, and you will grow strong from it"...

This time of year is such a sad time for me...A year later after her death I found out the baby I was having that year had congenital hydrocephalus...Then just this last year I lost my Grandfather ironically on Marionna's birthday...

If you ever want to chat feel free to message me anytime...

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