So many things stress me out right now and it really is something that I have to deal with alone. It isn't something I can burden other people with. It isn't for anyone to care or fix. I just need to suck it up and deal.
Woke up. Drank coffee. Washed dishes. Did laundry. Made lunch. Did some yardwork. Became dusturbed by how open, friendly and helpful my son has become. Annoyed daughter. Walked the cat. Wished for a small quiet room.
That has been my day.
Your day sounds vaguely familiar lol My baby girl is the same way as your son. She's entirely too friendly and she loves people. She'll run up to a total stranger and hug them. It's disturbing! She's only a year and a half old though.
Forays into the world of video games. I bought Dead Island because it looked like fun. Up til now my gaming experience has been minecraft and sims.
Not kidding. It is a fun game though and my son has been a great coach. Today he decided to introduce me to co-op gaming with Borderlands 2. I am lousy but it was fun to play.
16:33 Jun 07 2015
Sometimes it's good and even healthy to confide in someone who's not going to pass judgement either way. If you need to talk, I'm here. :-)