Just a brief note to say; anyone can add anyone here but that does not mean the person you add has to add you. Grow up, get a life; this is not high school and I don't care who signs my yearbook.
I do reserve the right to refuse the requests of those who fish for friends or rates and no explanation from me is necessary.
*except this one time.
You've viewed 666 pages today. LMAO!!!!!
lol......you're so evil :p
ha ha ha
I thought it was pretty funny, hahaha
I thought I was awesome at level 66.66!
Next up I need to shoot for 999! LOL
I have heard that ignorance is bliss. It also looks exhausting.
14:48 Mar 28 2011
I agree -
I love those messages I get from people stating....
"I added you as a friend and added your journal. Add me to yours."
They didn't even say please......
*delete message*
18:46 Mar 28 2011
yeah, exactly. Last night there was also a little girl telling me she was looking for friends...what? no coffee? no chat? Just 'be my friend'? Just like that?
Sorry, I like to talk to a person first before I commit in any way.