Last night i was very upset about something and i was in need of blood very bad . I was so desperate that i resulted to cutting myself. When i first drank my blood it felt good going in but the outcome was bad . I never felt more guilty.I just laid there on the bed with the knife in my hand crying . My body was so heavy with guilt that I could not move for hours. I felt like I was killing myself slowly . I felt like I was my own victum .
I get energy from blood drinking . I believe that there is something in the blood that tells you how some one is feeling . Lets say that i am sad and i get blood from someone that is happy , their energy in their blood will give me energy and make me some what happy. You can say that it is like transferring energy . If i have no way of getting blood i also do something called energy evaporation . Thats when i can get energy off of people just by watching them in activity , for example i go to nite clubs and seat close to the dance floor and feed off of others energy that they are giving off while that are dancing.
The reason i drink blood is not becasue i lust for it , but becasue drinking others blood is like a energy drink to me . I only drink when i am sad or depreesed , not when i am angry , because then i would feel like the blood donor is my victum . I only drink blood from the ones that are willing, i dont prey on virgins or random people,LOL! I only drink blood from intimate partners.