Me: aww damnit wheres the bleedin pizza? i ordered like over a fuckin hour ago!
Alec: thats why we should have order from pizza hut,,you fail
Me:shut up alec just cause you have a small penis doesnt mean u can take it out onh me...
(Glare from alec,doorbell rings and i open door to no one)
marley: wind blows* I AM THE INVISABLE PIZZA MAN!!!!!!1FEAR MY MIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!! thatll be 8.50
Me: 8.50? 8.50?? EIGHT FUCKING FIFTY?!?!?!?!?! alright you have change for a ten?
marley: CHANGE!?!?!?!?!?!?CHAAAAANGE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! sure here you go.
Me: bitchin, hey i have bud, wanna chill?
marley:chill...did you just say....chill to me?
Me: o.o yess i did whatcha gonna do??!!?!? HUH!?!? DONT BE ACTIN A FOOL IN MY CASA!!
marley:*sniffles* my brother died by chilling
Me: oh snap crackle sorry
marley: rice crispies...its GOT A BONG?!
Me: O.o;; why...yes i do
marley: i love you
Me:. . . . . . i love you too.. . . BUT OUR LOVE CAN NOT BEE!!! D:
Alec:(on the couch watching us) what the fuck is wrong wth you people?! YOU!(points at chris) stop being a inviable pizza man and come smoke ya emo... AND YOU(points at me) you....well i just dont like you(spits on my face) come and smoke or GTFO bitches
(me& marley look at each other and with the same thought we sat on the couch and then killed
alec wth a shovel, and prosseeded to smoke)
bbest friends ever since