So yet again I am up during the day time hours. How can this be why can this be? It is not that my sleeping times have changed. It is just that I have been trying to work on my car and to no avail can I get it fixed. At least it is raining now but that also negates my plans. So if I do go out I might not have to wear my sunglasses. Its funny I have to wear them during the day, when it is cloudy, when it rains, and at night when I am around bright lights.
So my car has been out of service for two weeks now. I have tried pretty much everything that I can do to try and fix it. I was using my dads truck but I had to take it back to him tonight. So it looks like I am going to have to try harder to fix it. If nothing else like some of my friends say I need a bigger hammer. Plus getting paid every two weeks and then 9 times out of 10 I am broke on the same day. And the bad thing is its a decent paying job. So I guess I am going to beat the crap out of the broke piece with a hammer till it falls off and I can run a shorter belt.
Sleep would be nice right now. But for some reason it just won't come to me. For me the sun is up I should be asleep. But I am not. I am I tired as hell and have so much to do. I am supposed to wake up in under three hours. Which I really distaste since I am nocturnal. I guess I really don't have much to say right now, but rant that I can't sleep. That and having an empty bed with no one to lay down and snuggle up to does suck. But it looks like it will be that way for a while. So when ever I do get around to making a custom coffin just for kicks I might just sleep in it too. Especial if I have no one but me in my room.
So this by far has been an interesting day. I spent time with my bestfriend. I was trying to ease his burden because his brother hung himself on the 18th of October in the late hours of the night. His poor brother thought that it would be best if he removed his mortal bonds and moved on to the afterlife. The one thing that his brother did not think through was what was going to happen to the people that loved him. Suicide is never a good thing to do. It always leaves such a wide lash of pain and suffering in it wake.
My bestfriend has spent many hours crying at the lost of his kin. I cannot fault him for doing so. As if I lost my kin I would most likely not be able to be around anyone but him and a few others. it is just so sad to see someone suffering so much that the only way that they see out is to do themselves harm. If anyone thinks that it will help the kin they are so wrong. If anyone thinks that hurting themselves is a good idea I beseech thee to seek help for yourself. If not for you then for the loved ones that you will leave behinde.