Lust is calling everyone to one another
Theirs no way of stop this emotion
Emotion thats move to people together
Heat of that person warming you up
The lust in there eyes as they see you
Looking at your red lips
The calling of the one in your head
You can't stop this calling
That pain in your heart that eats me away
The pain in my soul
No one to heal that hurting pain
I call to the world begging to make it stop but it doesn't
I had love and will never love again
I heart and my soul is now break and shutter
No one to pick me up at all
No one to help me in this deep sadness I call my life
I have never knew that it will hurt this bad to have ones heart be rip out
I give you my heart and you shutter it
You said would hurt me but you did
I couldn't hate you
Theirs no way I could hate you
As I watch you and everyone around me
It seen that you hate me more
Over in my head I would say sorry
Now in my head I just think I am just worst less
I am not pretty
Now I really know I will be alone Forever and die alone
My place is to be in the ground and that where I should go and stay there
I should just..... End my world of pain....
I couldn't take my light out
I will just be alone forever
That is me
The one with no heart or soul
I will shut my door to my world
Where no one will hurt me
Shut the light out that I call love
I should just....
End it...
No one will help me
I am now and will forever be alone
My light will end
To a world of darkness
A darkness that will stay
To have onces love and lost that feeling
To have lost all feeling to love again to have eyes full up with tears
Wanting to have it stop the pain in my heart to have that feeling go away
Tears running down my face
Make the pain go away with the sadness that eats me
I know its will not stop for a long time
I know that once love I will always love
Time is test its self to me