midnightmistress's Journal

midnightmistress's Journal


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5 entries this month


Everywhere I Look

03:05 Dec 16 2009
Times Read: 507

Everywhere I look

I can see it

It whispers my name

With every glance

It goes through my mind

Every few seconds

I always ask myself

Is this possible?

How did this happen to me

Why do I think about it

And why does it sound

Ever so comforting

This needle

That pierces my skin

A shallow cut

That hurts so badly

I cant stop

So deeper I penetrate

To feel that twisted sensation

Because it gets him

Out of my head

For those melancholy seconds

Those seconds of bittersweet bliss

Combined into one

That mark that is left behind

Reminds me that it will come soon

It will finally come for me

And it will take me away

Far from here

To a place better than this

And it fills me with excitement

To leave this universe

With no regrets

And my hand laced in his

Until that time

I must impatiently wait

For it will call for me anyday now

I can smell it in the air

And I can feel it in my skin

I can see it

It's beautiful grin

That soothes my soul

I can see it

In everything

and in him

I can see it all

Everywhere I look





03:00 Dec 16 2009
Times Read: 508


The moon shined brightly into her eyes

Shooting stars were racing through the skies

She sat there patiently with a pretty smile

Waiting for her angel all the while

He told her he needed to speak to her

For his mind was quite a blur

A guilty conscience she didn’t expect

To her, there was nothing to suspect

Soon he touched down to her window

His wings were tainted and worn

Her face become sorrowful

A heart was about to be torn

She reached out to pet his softness

To feel the love he had bestowed

An infection shot into her body

Changing her eyes to a depressing gold

He began to tell her what he had done

That he had given himself to another one

Her fragile heart was left unguarded

“Soon we would have to be parted”

Insanity took a hold of her thoughts

Betrayal caught a hold of her eyes

Misery had consumed her spirit

As she began to fall to her demise

The angel started to panic

As she fell to the ground

He rushed down to her aching body

Emitting a crying sound

In his arms she laid there

Wondering “how could he?”

He promised nothing would harm her

That she was his dear sweet Brittany

He took her to her bedroom

To keep her from the cold

He wrapped her in a blanket

As her anger began to unfold

She shook and thrashed fiercely

Crying and screaming

He restrained her with his wings

She stopped, with tears streaming

He lifted her face to his

To give her one last taste

But little did he know

That his lips were deeply laced

He kissed her desperate lips

And the poison began to flow

Her heart was now diminished

He struck the killing blow




Alluring Star

02:59 Dec 16 2009
Times Read: 509

Alluring Star

Alluring star, hello tonight

My, how you shine so bright

Dance with me, dance with me

Make everything alright

Alluring star, hello tonight

You emit the softest glow

Take my hand, hold it tight

Never let it go

Alluring star, hello tonight

I love your midnight beams

Fill my eyes with only twilight

And banish their distorted screams

Alluring star, hello tonight

I sit and watch you shimmer

Help me sleep with less fright

Make my fears much dimmer

Alluring star, sleep well tonight

I hope you shine forever

Keep me safe, ‘neath moonlight

Leave me not, leave me never




An Affectionate Infection

02:59 Dec 16 2009
Times Read: 510

An Affectionate Infection

It seems so unreal

So delightfully sweet

Another purely dark soul

To make this heart beat

To have a taste of the darkness

That potent flower

Leaves me lost and hypnotized

Hour by the hour

You have come to me

Filling me with that darkness

I had tried so hard to escape from

But secretly craved it

My heart beats fast

Pumping misery through my veins

Causing my body to ache,

Twitch, and violently shake

Your vampiric tendencies

Send chills down my spine

Mutilating my sensations

Making me feel divine

It is so hard to resist

This twisted sickness

That has toyed with my mind

Making me forever blind

You have penetrated my insides

Crawled beneath my skin

Leaving a delectable laceration

On my heart within

Make me your mistress

An irresistible temptress

Choke me with your eyes

Look at me with your hands

Touch me with your lips

Pull at my silken hair

Leave me lying breathless

And gasping for air

Your kisses are so passionate

Causing my head to spin

Let my eyes roll back

While you perform your sin

I want to make you mine

I want to show you affection

I want to fill your soul

With love's sweet infection

So come away with me

To our own special place

Leaving us forever lost

With not even a trace




My Darkest Love

02:57 Dec 16 2009
Times Read: 511

My Darkest Love

Take me away, my beloved

To a place of eternal bliss

Where I am forever yours

With a succulent kiss

Wrap me in your wings

A soft crimson set

Let me touch them gently

Just a loving pet

While I stroke your feathers

You look down at my face

Watching my innocence peak

A child-like grace

You lace your hand in mine

Making sure we are secure

And then to my surprise

We slowly begin to rise

I get a little scared

But you comfort me with your smile

Suddenly I am content

Beginning to giggle all the while

I whisper in your ear

“My Dark Angel, where must we go?”

You answer softly with a grin

“Among the stars, where our love will grow.”

We fly above, landing on a cloud

And we begin to dance

Leaving me breathless

With an everlasting trance

Laying down, staring up above

The stars begin to twinkle

Reminding me of your smile

A moonlit sprinkle

I become weary and tiresome

So you cuddle me

Flying us back to my house

Making me feel so free

Quietly we sneak into my bedroom

You put me beneath my sheets

Then you join me

To have sensual treats

We explore each other’s bodies

Feeling the warmth of our skin

I spread myself open to you

Letting you slowly sink in

I gasp as I feel you inside me

You kiss me so softly

I run my hands through your hair

As you begin to thrust lovingly

You stop and look into my eyes

Grinning seductively

Then you trace your tongue down my body

Flicking it vigorously

Parting my silken lips

I moan longingly

Aching for you to try me

To taste my sweet innocence

Breathing heavily

Becomes our music for the night

Being completely satisfied

With not even a fright

We start to wind down

And fall gently asleep

Before the night is out

I say one last thing

“I love you my dark angel

For you my heart is cordial

Goodnight to you, my nocturnal savior

Goodnight to you…my dear sweet Taylor.”



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