Well I am enjoying the fine craft of painting. I paint 3 days a week which has now ceases till September. The other days I wake at 3am and drive to the new forest and clean. I do get paid so its good money yet its a disgusting job, only someone has to do it right?
On the internet, I've been at yahoo360, bebo, mp3.com, gamefaq.com, sofacinema, watching my fantasy cricket team develop (ranked just under 10k). IMVU, habbo, and maple leaf are things I've spent looking at but really haven't got it to very well. Miss UO lots still.
No girlfriends. No news there. My pushbike is falling to pieces and I need a new one. Not been to Isle of Wight for some time. Still living in college campus, which is very very cool, it basically makes all of life much better.
I've just been basically upping my skills in life, life skills, such as cleaning, cooking, and looking after my dear old self.
Read anything recently? No. Still haven't got much in to Queen of the Damned by Anne Rice, just haven't the time, is all.
I saw a good film the other day called Blood Diamond, would recommend, you can watch how the RUF (revolutionary united front) have caused chaos with the diamond mining in Sierra Leone.