mercenary's Journal

mercenary's Journal


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letter home

07:18 Oct 19 2010
Times Read: 479

Dear family,

hello family, how have you guys been? sorry that i havent been able to write you guys a letter as often as i wanted to because the war got in the way. i believe my last letter to be from around the time before winter began last year. hopefully you guys are in a better position than me. around winter of last year, our commanders started a campaign during winter, of all things to do. at least HQ had the sense of giving us winter equipment. we were defeating the enemy during the winter. that changed when spring began. our commanders did not give us time to rest and insisted on pushing on. sadly, the spring rains turned everything to mud. we switched from not moving in the cold to not moving in the mud. however, the enemy expected our commanders to do this foolish move and soon began a effective counter-attack against us. they were just preparing for this moment this whole time. throughout the spring campaign, our commanders tried to halt the enemy juggernaut, which did not work in the end. just when spring was turning to summer, i was fatally wounded by the result of a shell that exploded nearby a truck that gave off shrapnel. i had spent the summer in a hospital recovering both physically and mentally because the doctors told me that i was in the field for too long without having leave of any form. while recovering, i realized that i received a scar that would be with me for the resy of my life. fortunately, during the summer there was a sort of ceasefire between us and them because the spring campaigns drained resources of all kinds on each side. this allowed the hospital where i was to be in a better position to take care of us since there wont be huge number of wounded men coming in. as of right know, there is a sort of uneasiness between both sides as each is waiting to strike the first blow to the other.

either way, it sucks to be here, seen to many friends die or sent home with a grave injury that does not allow them to fight anymore. as of now, i have been placed in the section where i fought during the spring, making me have all sorts of memories come to me. those memories mostly bring sadness to me because times have changed. all of these things have left me with a sense that i should be doing something, that what i am doing has no purpose. sometimes i wonder if i am even doing the right thing since the end is nowhere in sight.



i dont know where this stuff came from. all the pressures of my life has made me write this stuff i guess since i cant release my anger at the wall at my place. i just needed to do something that would calm me down for now.



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