Is the madness coming to an end or is this just the beginning?
Oh how I wish I was curled up in bed napping it up. I am so close to being done...
How the hell did we collect this much stuff? I am tempted to just call for a big dumpster and throw everything away. I suppose over time we collect things and before you know it you have a house full of things that are bound to be boxed up. Memories of yesterdays and forgotten treasure mixed in the with the inevitable crap of life.
I want to just bang through it all and get as much done today as possible to make tomorrow a lighter job.
But first caffeine and food. Like the pup that can't eat because she is hyperactive and trying to understand why her puppy world is being turned upside down, I didn't eat yesterday. Or today yet for that matter. So many things are swirling around in my head that my tummy has been silenced and relegated to the back seat.
Look after yourself first, and then go for broke on that stuff.. a bit like Popeye with his can of spinach :)
I have been a bit scattered lately with a trip to my homeland and now a move in progress. If you need me, you can message me as I will check daily even though I cannot be on as much as normal.
“If you had purchased $1,000 of AIG stock one year ago…you would have $42 left. Lehman Bros… $6.60 left… Fannie or Freddie… You would have less then $5 left. But, if you had purchased $1,000 worth of beer one year ago, drank all of the beer, then turned in the cans for the aluminum recycling refund, you would have $214 left. Based on the above, the best current investment advice is to drink heavily and recycle. It’s called the 401-Keg plan.”
Hahaha! *jumps on that bandwagon*...
That's a 21% gain in comparison to the other losers.
21:23 Apr 16 2009
It depends which side of the wire you are walking on :)
07:00 Apr 19 2009
Its just starting.. now you have all of the unpacking to do.