masterofRevenge1977's Journal

masterofRevenge1977's Journal


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19 entries this month

09:35 Sep 30 2019
Times Read: 449

"A Spell To Welcome A New Pet

You Will Need:

A cleansing crystal (smoky quartz and citrine work well)

A rose or clear quartz

A candle (any color)

A carving tool

Some item that belongs to the new addition to the household

This spell is all about creating an environment of love and support for your new critter. This spell is best performed before you’ve brought your new friend home but you can use it afterward as well. If you’re really into the idea of keeping your pet cozy and comfy you can perform this spell monthly, even if you’ve had your pet for years!
Begin by cleansing your home. Crystals are one of the safest ways to cleanse when you have animals since smoke, essential oils, and herbs can all be far more harmful to our animals than they are to us. I like to use citrine for this since it gives my home a warm, sunny feel but whatever cleansing crystal you prefer will work just fine. 
When your home is cleansed and ready to go, get out the rose quartz and the item that belongs to your new pet. This can be anything from a toy to a food bowl to a crate or a terrarium or even a collar. You can work at your altar if you like but if your pet is going to have an area of the house that is just for them, performing the spell there might work better. Just make sure that while you’re working no critters can get to your spell! This spell does involve burning a candle and we don’t want any singed whiskers.
Begin by carving your new pets name into the candle. You can also carve any words or symbols that relate to how you want the home to feel to your new friend, maybe hearts, the word welcome, or anything that makes you feel warm and loving toward them. When you’re done, set the candle in a holder in front of you. If the object is small, place it in front of the candle with the rose quartz in front of both of them (in a line facing you). If the object is larger like a crate then you can place the candle and the quartz inside of it (as long as it will not be damaged by the candle) or in front of it. 
Place your finger or hand on the rose quartz, imagine how happy you will be to have your new pet come home with you, feel the warmth and welcoming that you want to give this animal flow through your arm and into the quartz. As you continue to feel this love and excitement for your new pet, feel your energy extend through the quartz, filling it up and overflowing out into the object, and further into the candle. Feel each of these objects begin to pulsate with your love and hold onto it, you are programming each of these items to radiate this emotion to your pet so that they always feel welcomed and loved in your home. Allow the candle to burn itself out, adding more love and energy to the spell as you like.
When you’re finished, make sure to get all crystals and candles up and put away so that your new critter can’t get to them. Your home is now ready for your new friend!





06:28 Sep 30 2019
Times Read: 453

"Spell for healing and get well wishes

This spell is great to cheer someone up who is unwell, and speed their way to recovery.

You need a candle, which could be green or white, and a lovely bunch of flowers or a potted plant such as chrysanthemums, which symbolise cheerfulness.

Place the candle in front of the flowers and light it. Staring into the candle flame, with the flowers behind it, think about the person who needs healing. Try to picture them in your mind and then visualise sending them a beam of healing energy from the candle flame, through the flowers.

You could try visualising the energy as a ray of green light, because green is often considered to be a healing colour. If you feel saying some words will help you focus your intention, then simply repeat the phrase "Get well soon".

Continue this for as long as feels appropriate. Ideally, let the candle burn down completely, but don't leave it unattended for safety reasons, and I don't think it matters too much if you have to blow it out - you can always relight it later.

When you visit the person who is ill, give them the flowers as a present to cheer them up even more."





15:14 Sep 28 2019
Times Read: 464

A person should always choose a costume which is in direct contrast to her own personality.”

Lucy Van Pelt, It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown




03:54 Sep 27 2019
Times Read: 482

"When they call you crazy, remember that great ideas don't come from average minds."
Self Develop Shop




06:19 Sep 22 2019
Times Read: 517

Sanguinarian in Latin means "he who drinks blood"




02:00 Sep 22 2019
Times Read: 528

You can be sexy and feel good in your skin, no matter what size you are.

Ashley Graham




14:15 Sep 20 2019
Times Read: 543

"Positive energy and attitude is sexy to me."





13:51 Sep 20 2019
Times Read: 545

My wonderful girlfriend bought me flowers.




11:59 Sep 20 2019
Times Read: 549

"I have always believed that your face is a mirror to your nature"





08:43 Sep 20 2019
Times Read: 561

"In spite of everything I shall rise again: I will take up my pencil, which I have forsaken in my great discouragement, and I will go on with my drawing."

Vincent Van Gogh




08:22 Sep 20 2019
Times Read: 562

A study done by the Atlanta Vampire Alliance said, there are about 5,000 vampires living in the United States.





10:08 Sep 19 2019
Times Read: 581

Vampire for President? So Far 77 White House Hopefuls File Paperwork for 2012 Election


Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee may not have announced their campaign for president yet, but more than 70 other Americans have, including a self-proclaimed vampire and a woman who says she has no interest in living in the White House.
The candidates so far include New Jersey resident Jonathon "The Impaler" Sharkey who registered last year with the Federal Election Commission and told ABC News that he would be tough on crime. Very tough.
"I won't be bullied, I won't be blackmailed," said Sharkey, 46. "Criminals and terrorists will fear me along with corrupt law enforcement officials. I will not tolerate crime or terrorism."
"Certain criminals, instead of being put in jail, they should be brutally tortured and impaled," said Sharkey. "Upon them being found guilty of their crimes I'll beat them, torture them, dismember them and decapitate them."
Sharkey says the he drinks the blood of his "girlfriends and mistresses" two times a week and when asked if he believes he has a chance of being elected responded, "Yes, I have a chance of winning. People like Sarah Palin are making it quite easy to pull off."
So far Sharkey has not had to file an official statement of candidacy with the FEC. That is only required if he gets more than $5,000 in donations. So far he has zero.

An Israeli Running for U.S. President

Sixty-four-year-old Israeli and Miami Beach resident Raphael Herman is also gearing up for a presidential run, nevermind that he wasn't born the U.S., a prerequisite for the position. Herman claims President Obama has set a precedent.
"I was not born in America. I was born in Israel, but you see [President Barack Obama] wasn't born in this country either. I have his birth certificate," said Herman, a reference to the "birthers'" theory that Obama was actually born in Kenya.
Herman declined to provide ABC News with what he claims is Obama's birth certificate.
Herman, who claims he speaks nine languages, is no stranger to media attention. He has run for mayor of Miami Beach six times. Each defeat, he said, was due to what he calls "repeated fraudulent elections."

Candidate Says Experience Not Needed for Presidency

Presidential hopeful Deonia "Dee" Neveu, a mother of five who lives in Virginia, says that experience shouldn't matter when it comes to electing the leader of the free world.
Neveu, who didn't respond to messages left by ABC News, writes on her campaign website, "Besides, 'experience' is not a requirement to be President of the United States of America, according to the United States Constitution, Article II, Section I, so please don't make it your requirement, because it was written and meant to be open for many to have the big and great opportunity to apply if they choose to do so."
One of the mantras Neveu says she identifies with is, "If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself."
As for living in the White House, Neveu isn't interested.
"I don't want to live in the White House," she writes. "I would like to use a part of the White House to host fundraising events for America."

Presidential Candidate Refuses to Smile

Californian Mosheh Thezion is also running, and uses his campaign website to be as honest as possible about his past and also explains that he "never smiles" because he hates the way he looks when he does.
"They'll just dig it up anyway," said Thezion. "I hate politicans who lie. I tell the truth, I have nothing to hide, why would I want to hide something?"
Thezion writes on his website that he use to be a habitual drug user, using "pounds and pounds" of marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine and alcohol, before finding God and "giving up his sinful ways."
"I grew up a loose liberal which is why I'm a conservative today," he writes.
Explaining that he is running for office because he has "no choice," Thezion vows that if elected he will "abolish the Internal Revenue Service" and "pay off the entire national debt, permanently."

Dozens Are Signed Up to Run for President

Presidential hopeful Rutherford B Hayes, not to be confused with the nineteenth president of the United States by the same name, writes on his website, "The current administration is engulfed with socialists, communists, and marxists as well as insatiable condesending egos."
Unable to be reached for comment, Hayes might best be reached by his supports via Twitter, where he goes by "2012 Hopeful




12:17 Sep 16 2019
Times Read: 608

My gf wants to get married.



07:42 Sep 17 2019

I got married on 7/7/17.
My divorce finalizes next month on the 10th.


06:52 Sep 07 2019
Times Read: 649

Founded in January 2006, the Voices of the Vampire Community (VVC) is an international network of diverse voices from the vampire community. Membership to the VVC is by invitation only and is based exclusively on the merits of an individual's lifetime contributions to the vampire community. The VVC is not established as a broad representative body for everyone who operates a forum, House, or group. It is designed as a serious discussion network for matters that affect our community both internally and externally from the media, academia, law enforcement, and the general public. Membership to the VVC is not based on an individual's social or viewpoint popularity. Prospective candidates are selected in a democratic process of nomination and election by current members. To be nominated, an individual must meet the following criteria:

Be an active participant in the vampire community and eager to involve themselves in 
various projects and discussions.

Have previously demonstrated contributions to the vampire community on an intellectual 
level that exceeds average.

Have previously displayed leadership qualities and proper behavior within the vampire 
community for an extended period of time.

Have earned the deepest respect and trust of others; and in turn strive to afford the 
same respect, regardless of individual differences of opinion.

The VVC undertakes various projects to benefit the vampire community such as providing informational materials in the form of digital and print publications, podcasts, educational videos, and RSS feeds. We also work with the media, academia, and law enforcement to ensure the myths, misconceptions, and stigmas attached to real or modern vampirism are not adopted as the basis for their work or professional decisions. 

The VVC is not a governing body and will never attempt to act as such within the vampire community. The VVC respects an individual’s right of expression and a group’s right to operate by their own guidelines. We will not police informational content or the behaviors of individuals within the vampire community. The VVC invites you to use the contact form available on this public website to submit questions, comments, or offer suggestions."




23:58 Sep 02 2019
Times Read: 671

Be with someone who will gives you the time and the world. That will put you first, and say kind things about you to their friends.



21:30 Sep 07 2019

"Be with someone who will gives you the time and the world"

That in itself, would be amazing. It is rare, and a very wonderful quality of a person to have. I have been very fortunate to have one who is every bit that. Thank you for reminding me how wonderful he is:)


22:37 Sep 01 2019
Times Read: 696

Vampyres are not the monsters, that society portrays them has.




16:44 Sep 01 2019
Times Read: 715

Most human living Vampyres( HLV)
I know, are humanitarian.




03:43 Sep 01 2019
Times Read: 657

The Vampiric Ethos
Contributions By: Sylvere ap Leanan, Michelle Belanger, Merticus, Zero, Maloryn, & RedRaven

We recognize the intrinsic value of everyone, regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, or spiritual philosophy. We do not follow or promote any particular religious, political, or philosophical creed. Our community strives to create an atmosphere in which individuals are not only free to create their own meanings, values, and convictions, but also expected to do so. To that end, this document represents a basic premise for ethical, educational, and safety awareness within the vampire community.

Use of the phrase "vampire community" implies all those who actively participate in the discourse and social interaction surrounding vampirism. This includes those who personally identify with the psychic (psi), pranist, sanguine (sang), or living vampi(y)re archetype and subsequently practice what is known as modern vampirism. It includes the donors who many such vampires rely on and trust with their health and safety. It also includes those friends, advocates, and supporters who contribute their own voices to online discussion and offline interaction, as well as those who approach the community in the spirit of sincere discussion. Though it is primarily intended as a forum for vampires and donors to share their experiences, the vampire community is the result of all of these types of participation. There is no class system within the community, and we reject any imposed social structure which values some community members over others. All of us are relevant to the community and to each other.

If we want the respect of others, we must in turn be willing to afford them the same respect. Our beliefs evolve from our own unique experiences; there is no one set of "rules", nor one path that's right for everyone. There is no harm in disagreements amongst one another; however, discourteous behavior should be avoided when possible. We promote the fair treatment of others with open-minded contemplation of their views. However, it violates our principles to expect undeserved deference, or to accommodate that expectation in others. We will not grant respect to those who by their actions prove themselves unworthy of such. The vampire community is comprised of individuals with diverse social backgrounds and spiritual paths. Although we may not agree with someone else's belief, practice, or tradition, we all have a common right to exist, and to participate in the community.

We encourage originality and self-expression tempered by personal accountability. Each of us is solely responsible for our own words and behavior. No member of our community, whether vampire, donor, or advocate is isolated from the rest -- our actions reflect not only on ourselves, but also on the rest of the community. More adept or tenured members of the community should assist those who ask for advice, each in accordance with their own ability and absent of any personal agenda. We recognize the existence of sensationalist media and its potential threat to both the safety and privacy of ourselves and our loved ones. We expect those members of our community who appear in public, whether at social functions, in print, or on the Internet, the radio, or film to act in accordance with these principles -- to conduct themselves at all times in a responsible manner.

The vampire community is the result of its members engaging in self-discovery; it is not a prefabricated identity. Whether one is a vampire or donor, a friend or supporter, the substance of the community is formed through our self-awareness and interaction. We are true to ourselves, and encourage self-awareness in others, so that we all can live according to our own aesthetics and consciences. While it is acceptable to use pseudonyms as alternatives for proper names, we believe that adopting a phony persona robs us of the opportunity to form genuine, lasting bonds with each other. The vampire community is a product of our own individual contributions and perspectives; in this culture being untrue to oneself strips the entire community of relevance and purpose. In addition to our own self-awareness, we should be aware of what goes on within our community, striving always to foster a safe and structured environment for ourselves and others.

Vampires and donors alike are committed to protecting the safety of their loved ones and themselves. We will make every effort to educate ourselves on safe feeding methods, including but not limited to: basic anatomy and physiology, first aid, sterilization, disease prevention, and safer sex practices. In all matters relating to feeding we will exercise judgment with a clear and alert mind, acknowledging the bond between vampire and donor. Anyone who performs an activity that is knowingly harmful, negligent, or contrary to the prior expressed desires of a donor may endure harsh and openly voiced or published criticism within the vampire community as well as potentially become subject to involvement from law enforcement.

We encourage adhering to the following practices:

We do not fail to thoroughly screen donors for both physical and mental health conditions and concerns with frequently updated testing information as applicable. Likewise, we do not fail to uphold all applicable laws governing legal age of consent and matters relating to blood consumption or exchange.
We do not feed from those who are knowingly infected with HIV, Hepatitis, or other blood-borne diseases or from those whose physical afflictions or condition places them at risk of harm by either sanguine or psychic feeding.
We do not feed from someone whose psychological health we have reason to believe may be harmed by either sanguine or psychic feeding
We do not allow others to feed from us if our physical or mental health is in any manner compromised or we harbor any doubt as to our present health status.
We do not fail to practice safer sex, and likewise do not feed from those who do not practice safer sex. Blood exchange should occur between consenting adults, ideally while engaged in a monogamous relationship or otherwise universally agreed upon arrangement.
We do not feed from anyone who is intoxicated, under the influence of illicit or illegal substances, or otherwise unable to render informed written or verbal consent.
We do not draw unfavorable attention to our donors or ourselves by either flaunting feeding practices in an inappropriate setting or by exposing ourselves to those who actively seek to exploit us for personal gain.
Whether we are vampires or are donors, we are not hesitant to report illegal behavior to law enforcement and remove ourselves from harmful situations.



11:42 Sep 05 2019

Interesting. Thanks for posting it. Have a wonderful day!!


03:34 Sep 01 2019
Times Read: 671

"People seem Strange when your a stranger."
The doors



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