masterofRevenge1977's Journal

masterofRevenge1977's Journal


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61 entries this month

21:01 Aug 31 2019
Times Read: 601

A black Aura doesn't mean your evil. It Just means, your life is unbalanced, unorganized and full of depression and health issues.




05:37 Aug 31 2019
Times Read: 622

"Have you been feeling down about yourself lately? Struggling with self-confidence? Have you forgotten how awesome you are? This spell will have you remembering in no time! Here's what you need:

1 Purple or yellow candle

Your favorite essential oil

A mirror, preferably a full body mirror

A paper and pen

Sit in front of the mirror and light the candle. Spend some time writing about the many wonderful things about you on your paper. Maybe you helped your friend through a tough time a while back. Maybe you always bake the best pumpkin pies. Perhaps you always stand up for your loved ones. Spend some time meditating on these things. Allow yourself to vividly remember each affirmation. When you’re ready, anoint your forehead, wrists, and neck with your favorite essential oil. While looking into your own eyes, recite:

"I made from earth, fire, water, and air.

For a purpose, I was declared

to bring the world beauty and light,

to remind everyone of why it is bright."

Allow the candle to burn all the way through. Read your affirmations every night before bed and every morning when you wake up. Keep the paper in a safe place or sleep with it under your pillow. This spell is best cast on a Sunday evening, during the waxing or full moon"





01:37 Aug 31 2019
Times Read: 648

The term "psychic vampire" was popularized in the 1960s by Anton LaVey and his Church of Satan.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.




22:06 Aug 30 2019
Times Read: 683

If you treat yourself with respect then others will respect you.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.




18:11 Aug 30 2019
Times Read: 704

Hybrid or Psi/Sang Vampires claim to have no primary feeding method, being able to feed from either source at any time. Others report changing their primary feeding source from energy to blood, or vice versa, at various points in their lives. Some, but not all, vampires who can feed or have fed via both methods choose to describe themselves as Psi/Sang or Hybrid vampires. Still other community members go further to define sub-classes of vampirism based on the detailed methods and sources of psychic feeding. These classes are most often distinguished from one another based on the type of energy gained. Those who feed from natural or elemental energy, and those who feed from humans either during sexual contact, during magickal rituals, or during times of high emotional output may be described as specific types of vampires. Further subcategories of psi feeding energy exist, including terminology to describe those who feed from direct contact with the human aura, those who feed from the ambient energy of crowds and public places, those who can only absorb certain kinds of emotions, etc.

Definition Of Real Vampirism – Vampirism & Energy Work Research Study
Copyright 2005-2016; Atlanta Vampire Alliance [AVA] & Suscitatio Enterprises, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
This article may be redistributed, translated, or adopted by other organizations provided there are no content modifications and full citation is included.

Additional Article & Publication Resources:

Vampires Today: The Truth About Modern Vampirism
By Joseph Laycock, PhD; 2009, Praeger/ABC-CLIO Publishers




02:00 Aug 29 2019
Times Read: 730

My gf and I have plans on seeing korn and Alice in Chains. I will post some pic soon.




07:10 Aug 28 2019
Times Read: 757

How you treat people, is a reflection of how you treat yourself.




15:33 Aug 27 2019
Times Read: 793

The TOV(The temple of vampire) has been around, since the 80's.
They are now partners with The church of Satan.
Church of Satan and Tov condemn violence and illegal activities.
I have been a member on and off for years, and I never seen a true member of the TOv, in all my years, harasses or threaten anyone.
Tov is not a mafia. Its an organization.



19:40 Aug 27 2019

I was a member as well...lol I just didn't like how some used their teaching to hurt woman to achieve their goals.


07:26 Aug 27 2019
Times Read: 816

The temple of vampire( tov) Is a harmless group, that charge a monthly fee to use their online form.




04:30 Aug 27 2019
Times Read: 833

"Self harm or suicide is never the answer. Don't let the haters win"




04:14 Aug 27 2019
Times Read: 837

"I will not be drowned by your thoughtless scheming"
Korn thoughtless




08:14 Aug 26 2019
Times Read: 867

A spell for kindness.....

You will need the following:

Pink candle (represents friendship and affection)
Runny honey
A clean, small jar with lid (old baby food jar is perfect)
A pen
Small strip of paper

Write the name of the individual for whom you are directing your spell to on your sheet of paper and place it inside the jar. Drizzle honey inside of the jar using a honey dripper (if you try pouring it inside, then the honey tends to go everywhere except the place that you want it to go). While the jar is filling up, visualize the other individual treating you with kindness the way you would like her or him to be. Once the jar is full, place the lid on it and then seal it using molten wax from your pink candle.

Your jar should be kept on top of your altar or another place where no one else will touch it. The spell’s energy gets recharged each day by placing the jar in a sunny area. Bury the jar after six months and then recast your spell if needed. However, by that time, the other individual should already treating you kindly. (If you would like people in general to be kind to you, just write “All Mankind” on your sheet of paper, before placing it inside of the jar.





06:02 Aug 26 2019
Times Read: 881

Marilyn Manson: ‘I created a fake world because I didn’t like the one I was living in’




14:13 Aug 25 2019
Times Read: 891

"People tend to associate anyone who looks and behaves differently with illegal or immoral activity"
Marilyn Manson




13:31 Aug 25 2019
Times Read: 897

"There are a couple of types of kin, and I will go into each kind here in the preface before i get to the signs of kin.
First there are the Shadowkin that I will address. Those that belong to the shadowkin are: Dark Fae..such as Bean Si (bean sidhe, banshee's) Leanan Sidhe(said as shee), Those who call themselves psychic vampires, which flow synmously with the Leanan Sidhe, except leanan do not get or want to be apart of the 'vampire subculture' and stereotyping..and prefer to follow the pagan community from which they are from. Many will argue about this though, and I am not hear too argue back. I am leanan Sidhe so I think I know my own race and can speak for them! (well at least..myself!) Also those who are werekin..by this i mean astrally werekin..meaning the shift their form like Shamans on the astral, though some may be able to shift their form on the physical plane, but it takes a Shaman of great disclipine, and ability to this..not average kid joe on the street.
Faerykin are of two courts, the Seelie court and the Unseelie Court. The Sidhe above who are shadowkin are also FAERYKIN as well, because the whole the magick of both light, and darkness within..therefore Shadowkin. The Seelie court is seen as the blessed court, or the Court of Inner Light. The Seelie Court is seen as the Dark Fae/Court..The Court of The Inner darkness.
Neither court is "GOOD NOR EVIL" The light and The Darkness here Do not represent the struggle for goodness and badness, as christians tend too think on things. Nature is both light & dark equally, as therefore magick and all things are. Only In the Shadow too you find equalness of all things.
However, faerykin comprise of Both of REINCARNATED Fae and Those who are disincarnate and remain in the Otherworld, and in nature to help keep things balanced, The Kin who are reborn here Hold special powers and abilities and have special roles to fufill. They are the natural born psychic witches, the helpers, the saviors of our race, the healers, The Prophets and the messangers of the goddesses and Gods of the paths we follow. The faerykin are Tuatha De Dannan, and those who have lived for milennia, and have reincarnated over and over and over too fufill their roles in their chosen destiny. These are the De Dannan's who chose too enter the Cycles of existance, The cycles of existance are explained into the celtic doctrines of rebirth.
This is seen as Lugh choosing too go and end his life as Tuatha too enter the cycles of rebirth, not all Tuatha De Dannan chose too end their immortal lives, for when Mil came and sent their belief's underground they would not be ruled by this new age, so into the physical gates of the Land of ever young did they go, till their age came yet again, which fast approaches! Check out my thesis so too speak on this on this Page: Tuatha Cycle Of Existance
It is Said of Faerykin & the Tuatha De dannan That they could enter the otherworld in physical form to retire there and They could choose when they wished too Start Reincarnation. This is what I also have read and remembered personally from past like regression. We Can also wish too stop reincarnating any time we wish.
DragonKin- The Dragons were spiritual benefactors in metaphysical form on annwyn when once the planes was the same as The earthen Plane, once all that was on the astral was possible here on earth, and this is before the age of mankind. All Things were magickal then and there was no death nor sickness. There was a prophecy however that at a certain time the worlds would split, and Earth would become seperate from the Tir Na Og / Annwyn. This was fortold by the Dragons Raising..and they were not in physical "flesh" form. They were great and powerful, and only in a form of transparency, clear crystal, clear glass looking..they were very psychic and the power of the third eye comes from the Dragonkin race. They are older than any kin, in their souls and memories..except the celestials. But Man was prophecied too come and so he did when the sons of mil invaded Ireland.
Where Annwyn Is
Annwyn or Tir Na Og is on the astral plane right over -roughly given- where The Ocean between Ireland & Scotland are today. That is why the places and brughs and Sidh's of Ireland are so connected with the Otherworld and why some places Of Ireland are considered Physical gates too the land Of Ever-Young. Because THEY ARE. If Allowed Passage or Invited a Physical Body Can leave the threshold of The Earthen Plane straight over into the Otherworld. HOWEVER, he or she must be favored by the De Dannan in order too do this. I have been too Annwyn Via Dream / Astral Projection Read About It Of Course this is also possible by astral projection, and is usually only permitted by Astral Projection for those of Ireland today do not readily go looking too Cross over the lands of Faery.
But Onward too How too tell if you are Kin..

1.) You Are Born with a Caul (A Veil over one's face that foreshadows clairvoyancy..the second sight)
2.) You remember places, beings, people, animals at an early age from "another time or place or world" and can recall names, etc. This is not the same as having a vivid imagination. When one remembers such things they have physical as well as emotional trama at first..you could have shakings from the memories..you could cry from it and not understand why..you can pass out. Recall is different from imagination because we have things come to our mind rather than dreaming things up in ones mind. One's awakening is not the same for everyone..it may happen over night..and it may take up too a year or more. It depends on the type of being the individual is.
3.) You are born with your permenant teeth allready in..or have an extra set of teeth (as in three sets of teeth) or you have no extra set of "adult" teeth.
4.) You are an extremely strong seer..telepath, empath, or have a multitude of psychic abilities which may be some no one has even heard of or have names for.
5.) You remember being Concieved, and can describe it in detail. (not being born..you remember conception between your two parents...and you remember life in the astral planes - otherworld before reincarnating on the earthen plane.)
6.) You had an odd experience being born..you were born non-breathing but begin breathing soon after. Or your mom had odd experiences while you were being born. Such as..being given a twilight shot thats supposed to knock Her out..but instead it kept her awake, and or she had visions of who you were while during birth, etc.
7.) Sensing energy patterns from an early age, being able too see wobbly light around a person (their aura).. Having odd dreams where you are flying..falling..you see yourself in the shape of a Faery, Dragon, or some kind of Animal.
8.) You gave prophecies of future events as a young child, big changes etc, forsaw death of family member..and of course no one believed you, and they also saw it come true.
9.) AS you grow up..feeling that as more as the world turns you are on the outside lookin in..that as more as events turn around you, you find yourself looking around at them but being apart from them..knowing you belong with another race of beings, knowing you belong with another world..and wanting to go home. Having a longing so bad it can clinically depress you at a very young age.
10.) Doing things at a fast speed no one else is able too, doing things and tasks noone is able too do, being able to pick up heavy objects as if they were light..having amazing adrenaline..being able to open doors - move objects that would not budge for anyone else. Being able to sense energy patterns in pictures, people, and unmoving objects, being able too see and taste sound waves..sometimes being able to smell sound waves. (ever smelled lighting after a thunderstorm?) Knowing that a particular place..a field, a crossroad is full of magick, glamour, etc.
11.) Having allot of feelings of deja vu, not being able to digest certain meats or dairy products..not being able to eat allot of vegation because of the gastric problem it can cause..having illnesses that noone knows how to diagnose..having illnesses at early ages.
12.) You die and come back..remembering things from the otherside, and or you die and come back and start to remember past life memories, thus triggering your awakening..the point of remembering who you are, whom you have been, what you are, your abilities, and how to control them better.
13.) You manipulate energy and objects..you use energy from your body to heal, sense danger, and manipulate electric and mechanical objects..you sense lighting before it strikes and sometimes can lead lighting to strike your own house..or a tree near your house, if you are "feeding" on the thunderstorm in the area..you absorb energy into your chakra centers and may be an empath who drains..also known as leanan sidhe and a psychic vampire. You drink blood, thirst for it, and crave it and are not goth and or into any scene..and you abosorb the lifeforce running through the blood. This is known also to leanan sidhe's and is also called Pranic Vampyrism. They do not dirnk blood to be trendy or because they like to taste..they drink it because they absorb the energy in the bloodstream. The Prana/chi and lifeforce, also called akasha/spirit. Energy, and blood feeing substain the astral body, by building up the astral "immune" system so we have something to fuel it and our abilities. That is why we may manipulate, drain energy or drink blood. Not because we think its cool and trendy.
14.) You have a lower body tempature..you breathe slower, your heart pumps slower. You have to breathe quicker when you are being examined by a doctor/nurse. Your blood flows slower, your blood pressure is lower, or not there at all. You are pale, you do not tan..you do not burn in sunlight. Extreme exposure too sunlight and heat makes you sick..you feel drained in it, you feel nausea, or Extremely Dizzy, or you devolp a rash when you are in a very hot room or out doors, you actually feel the sun sucking out your energy. YOU STOP AGING at a certain age, usually in your early/late teens, you continue to grow, you just don't age. You appear very Youthful, but your eyes appear very OLD.
15.) You feel closer too older persons..people twice your age you feel more comfortable with than people your own age. If your pagan you know more than a 3rd degree intiate when you have only been practicing a few years.
16.) You sometimes interfere with a Radio/TV station..by raising your hand or walking across the room you static the station or can clear it up.
17.) You don't take drugs, you don't drink and you don't smoke. You feel no peer pressure to try any of these things. You know better, and you don't want to defile your body in that way. You don't have sex too fit in..or too be trendy or just because "you want some" you value sex as very sacred..and won't give into it unless with the right person.
18.) You get cold more easily, if you get the slightest amount of chilly sometimes your hands/body part will close its coloring, and will go stark white. (Hypothermia) you have to run your fingers under warm/lukewarm water to warm them up. You are always in body temp. between too hot and too cold. You wear Jackets in spring and summer, or long sleeves, sweats and pants. Not just because of the cold you can't seem to shake, but because mosquitos flock to you like christians at the sunday altar call.
19.) You prefer an alternative religion..wicca, paganism, druidry..the extreme old ways.
20.) You are a loner..and chose too be a loner. You don't want to fit in with society, you hang out alone because you feel most comfortable that way. Yet you are comfy about people, and are not worried too be around them..you just usually chose not too be amoung them. You enjoy the quite life, and you always look about for people like you.
21) You are often referred too as an "Indigo Child". (meaning you have nothing but an Indigo colored aura) I recently had the chance too read about the color of my aura. Most people have many colors in their auras, sidhe's only have one color. Deep Rich Sparkly Indigo. (the darkest purple you ever have seen) It said that Indigo is a newer color too the aura spectrum, and that Indigo colored auras basically belonged To extremely enlightened children with extrodianary gifts, or Young Adults, and that they were extremely gifted and talented and made their own paths, and saught knowledge of all things like a person Posessed. It defiantely described me.
22) Your eyes glow or change colors between moods, seasonal changes, you have pointy ears, pointy noses, and oddly colored hair, and you appear faerish on one side of your face, more than the other.
23) If you drink OJ, Juices, and or energy drinks and caffiene products you become insanely CHEERFUL and BUBBLY and peoply-person, meaning it makes you higher than one would be on normal drugs. Odd things can happen if a Sidhe gets enough caffiene in them. I become so slap happy I want too hung everyone and everything..including trees, bushes, iron posts..you name it. Also over the counter medicine will effect you different..tyenol..can make you high even if you only took one tablet, it can also make you dizzy. I have had some bad experiences with tyenol. Advil doesn't work on us and can cause holes in the stomach. Benedryl..conks us out and makes ya sleep the sleep of the dead. It also will stop anxiety attacks.
These are just some of the signs of otherkin..I hope this helped you! This list is also being updated from time too time."





01:29 Aug 25 2019
Times Read: 931

I believe in a vampyre Democracy, instead of a Monarchy. Everyone should have a voice and a right to be heard.
A right to agree or disagree with an Elder.
A right to a donor or donors of your own choosing.
Donors have a right to be respected and treated with kindness.




08:16 Aug 24 2019
Times Read: 950

Don't Make Assumptions. Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.

Don Miguel Ruiz




04:25 Aug 24 2019
Times Read: 967

"(Names) heart is as cold as ice so let us fill them up with nice. Nice things are all the say, over and over again after this day. Only nice things they say, so let us proclaim, (name) will only say things of nice or pay a fee, So mote it be!"





23:55 Aug 23 2019
Times Read: 997

Whatever you post online is not a secret or sacred. Bill Gates, ,corporate business and even the President of the United States can see and share what you write.
Unless you copyright it.




23:11 Aug 23 2019
Times Read: 1,008

An Important life lesson I learned, in my 39 years of existence, is not let people get to you. People will judge you regardless of what you do or say. Everyone has a critic.




23:44 Aug 22 2019
Times Read: 1,045

Never give up on love. Everyone has a soul mate.



00:19 Aug 23 2019

I were my heart on my sleeve true love is out there, just got to touch the right soul.

00:46 Aug 23 2019

Truth bomb!!!!


23:29 Aug 22 2019
Times Read: 1,056

"Many call Gotham the ”Rome of Vampires” and has the largest collection of lifestyle vampires, clans, households and courts than any other place on earth"

gotham's halo is located in New York.





20:54 Aug 22 2019
Times Read: 1,061

Psi- vampyre feeding

"Feeding is not harmful to the partner. Most partners will just feel a little tired and fuzzy-headed after being fed from. Many have described it like a mild drug, something that is pleasantly mellowing. Some experience euphoria during feeding and feel they are riding intense waves of pleasure. Others can achieve an altered state of consciousness with intense dream-like visions."





17:39 Aug 22 2019
Times Read: 1,093

Psi-Vamp who underfeed will experience depression and illnesses. If a psi vamp who overfeed will become manic, anxious and jittery. It's better to stay in the middle.
Just like regular food. Eating too much everyday , can cause sickness and health problems.




02:02 Aug 22 2019
Times Read: 1,119

my gf and I went swimming to avoid the humidity.




20:11 Aug 21 2019
Times Read: 1,137

"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring."
Marilyn Monroe




16:28 Aug 21 2019
Times Read: 1,170

I do agree with the
The 13 Rules of the Community
Especially the line That says "he should be selfless and pure, and he should put the interests of the whole community before his own."
Except for "his". It should be he/she.
For one, its 2019 and There are female elders and leaders in the vampyre community.




14:26 Aug 21 2019
Times Read: 1,196

Vampyre houses and covenents should support ,nurture, educated and help you, not dictate your every move.
Also Noted! There are many vampyre outreach programs and support systems you can go too.




08:14 Aug 21 2019
Times Read: 1,220

True friendships can't be divided.




06:23 Aug 21 2019
Times Read: 1,235

True friends and family will never throw you under the bus.




06:12 Aug 21 2019
Times Read: 1,242

"If you want to find out who your real friends are, sink the ship. The first ones to jump aren't your friends."
Marilyn Manson




02:32 Aug 21 2019
Times Read: 1,304

If I was an elder in a vampyre house. I would keep personal drama etc private. Everyone has a right to keep personal issues confidential. I will keep it that way.
Laws and teachings will be private and not posted all over social media. Where mundanes can posted it everywhere and laugh. Remember nothing is sacred online.

And telling your Boss, your an Elder in a house or clan is not going to give you a job promotion.




01:38 Aug 21 2019
Times Read: 1,348

If I was to sire( teach) a childe( student) within the vampyre community I would listen to him/her and treat him/her has a person with feelings.
I believe that a childe can have more then 1 Sire at a time.
A vampyre is not a religion but a physical condition( in a good way)
It's like giving a rules to a person with blue eyes. For example law; A blue eye person can not talk to a brown eye person. Now! I believe this is wrong. A blue eye person can speak to anyone they desire. This goes for a childe.
A Learning process shouldn't be limited.
If I was to be an elder in the house, or in a clan, it would be a democracy. Everyone would have a voice within the house and clan.
Please note: I respect your beliefs so please be respectful to mine and I understand that every elder runs their house and clan differently.

It takes a village to raise a child.




17:13 Aug 20 2019
Times Read: 1,372

What we say and think will determine our actions.




16:44 Aug 20 2019
Times Read: 1,381

"truest voices in the world always create enemies"
Vincent Irkalla




15:45 Aug 20 2019
Times Read: 1,410

"We constantly fight our inner selves to do what is right for ourselves."

Lady Cat Noctem Aeternus

Feb 2006




15:27 Aug 20 2019
Times Read: 1,414

I would recommend Vampire Ritual Book by Michelle Belanger.




15:13 Aug 20 2019
Times Read: 1,417

I (Night Side Name) Stand here tonight before the Ancients in Love and Loyalty
Stating my complete ion of the Rite of Dedication
And to reaffirm my Rite of Initiation to the H.O.N.A.
Here I have continued on my path to Zhper felt the awakening of my inner Dragon and strive to maintain my Twilight.

I have experienced and verified for myself the reality of the Awakening!

I now make the Conscious choice to Apply & Practice Strigoi Vii
As a workable path in my life.
Here are my consecrated marks of the Bellah my robe and mask.

I vow to be a sword and shield in defense of the family.

I now declare myself Bellah
Does anyone oppose my ascension?

Hail Elorath!





07:44 Aug 20 2019
Times Read: 1,447

Meditation, healthy eating and exercise
is good for the vampyre brain, body and emotional being.




05:11 Aug 20 2019
Times Read: 1,473

My gf bought me a ticket to see Korn. It will be on the 2nd of next month.
I love korn, and very happy to be going.




04:38 Aug 20 2019
Times Read: 1,484

COVICA stands for Council Of Vampyric International Community Affairs.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.




00:30 Aug 20 2019
Times Read: 1,527

"To live with understanding, is to live with peace. To live with peace is to live with love"

Lord Ryu

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.




17:01 Aug 19 2019
Times Read: 1,563

By Lady CG....
Aging and Vampyrism

So you woke up one morning and there, standing before you in the mirror is the same person you've been staring at for... HOW many years? But lately something's bothering you... You don't look any different, not really. You feel pretty good. But... something doesn't seem right...

You scrutinize the person in the mirror, in minute detail. You see all the flaws and all the things that have drove you crazy for years. You see the same hair and the same eyes... or are they? It's tough to pinpoint, but SOMETHING is different. Or, maybe the tip-off is that you're over 40 and NOTHING really IS different! How very odd!

I remember when people started to admire the fact that my looks have never really changed. I can't even tell you how many old friends have walked up to me and told me that I haven't changed since I was 19 years old. They are wrong, of course. I've changed a lot! But, if you haven't seen me in years, you wouldn't know that. I don't remember who first pointed out to me, that I came to a point where I stopped looking older and settled into what I look like now. I think I was going through some family albums just before my mother died. My sister pointed out that I look better than I did 10 years ago... I thought about it a lot, for a week or so, and then I came to my computer and started comparing pictures of myself, stored on my dusty hardrive... It was true. I've changed, but I haven't. I DO look better than I did 10 years ago. In fact, I look younger! How very odd!

It's not, you understand, that I haven't changed over the years. I'm an older vampyre. I've been drinking blood for over 25 years. In fact at this stage of my life, it's my primary source of sustenance. Whether or not that has affected my aging process is questionable, but to be honest I have no other explanation, and recent events lead me to believe it IS.

At 14 years old, I looked 20. (I never got ID'd drinking underage in bars.) By the time I was 20, I'd already lived a hard life and my eyes showed it. I was never ugly... but I looked worn, sometimes. Pregnancy didn't agree with me... I gained a LOT of weight in the course of bearing 4 children. My skin stretched, I got a few wrinkles under my eyes, from lack of sleep and crying all the time as two marriages fell apart over the course of 20 years. I thought I was aging, and not even very gracefully!

Then something odd happened to me. I went through about 3 years of being very sick. I looked TERRIBLE! I had problems with my lungs, I had problems with my heart. Every muscle in my body hurt, all the time. I had two heart attacks, in a 6-month period. I thought I was going to die!

I can only speak for myself, but I went through some drastic physical changes. Its like one of my physical systems (i.e., circulatory, digestive, respiratory... you get the idea) was breaking down one at a time and then **poof** it rebuilt itself, stronger and better.

When it happened to my circulatory system I had two heart attacks, and my blood pressure was through the roof for a few months. Then, as suddenly as it started, it fixed itself. My doctors ran tests, tests, more tests... they can't explain that there is no scarring now and no sign I was ever sick. My eyesight has changed. I see farther and my night vision is superb. But I can't stand the sun, it's too bright as well as too dehydrating and my very near vision gets strained easily.

An old vamp friend suggested that vampyric bodies need to change to keep up with rapidly expanding vampyric minds... and maybe he is right. My mental abilities are also changing. My perceptions are very sharp, especially at night and I've gained the ability to recognize other vampyres at some distance. I can also feel things moving around me for blocks.

I hated being a vampyre when I was young. It hurt a lot when I didn't know how to look after myself. But as an "older" vampyre I don't have those problems. My "hunger" is much more intense... but on the flip side of that I draw energy from other sources, now, which is something that was harder before; now I do it with no effort at all. It also helps that I know I can live on animal blood.

Another thing I've noticed is my ability to use Magick has increased about 100 times over.

(Oh and that from time to time I wake up with a strange vampyre in my room who disappears if I try to talk to him... but that's another story.)

As I've said before, Vampyres seem to have an affinity for energy use. The ability is one that seems to grow with age, knowledge and practice. Mine has grown tremendously.

So MANY changes! In only a few short years! And it's still not over! Mental and emotional changes, Psionic Changes, Physical changes... It seems that I am in a constant state of evolution! Where does it end? When does my life go back to some semblance of normality?

Then, when I was sure I would rather be dead, than alive and live like this any longer, it just stopped. I got better, or at least, the changes slowed to a pace I could deal with and adapt to more easily. I'm beginning to think that the changes I have been going through will continue, but at least now they are progressing more subtly, and the changes do not hurt like they used to.

One day, some time ago, I went to the mirror to get ready to go out for an evening and realized... something was different. I looked okay. I decided to skip most of the complicated makeup ritual I usually went through. My skin looked fine. A bit of eyeliner, some lipstick for my always-pale lips... perfect.

I started losing weight. Not a bit at a time... a LOT, and at once! In a matter of months I lost over 40lbs. I started to feel good! Ok... something is DEFINITELY up! It came home to me, when I was working as a 38-year-old barmaid and 22-year-old guys were suddenly trying to take me home. I had to produce ID on three occasions in one month to convince young men that I was old enough to be their mommy!

So I started to wonder if other vampyres went through this...

We don't talk about it much, 2nd stage vampyrism. A few years ago, it was one of those things NO ONE discussed. But I started asking around and was BLOWN AWAY by the number of similar experiences among vamps in my age group.

What was happening to us? I can't even begin to tell you how amazed I was... My aging had changed!

I turned on the computer and started comparing pictures of me over the years.

Lining up pictures of me at different ages didn't tell me much, till I put the pictures in a circle. Although I changed looks over the course of 20+ years, I was shocked to note that the picture of me at 17 was not significantly different than the one of me at 40. Hell, I was even sporting a similar haircut!

It's not as easy as you might think to get used to it. I had a well-established concept of whom I was and what I thought I looked like. It changed. Pleasantly, but a change, non the less. It took a while to get used to it.

These days I've learned to like it, love it and take FULL advantage of it. I combine it with Vampyric Charm, to get what I want, and I combine it with Magick, when charm fails. I can attract almost anyone in a room, using my gifts and intuition. Even though a few years have passed, I've seen no signs that I'm aging much at all... In fact, I'm STILL getting improvements in strength and stamina, and the speed of my brain functions. Of course, part of the difference now is that I KNOW what I am capable of achieving and I work at it.

So it's not all bad news! Being a vampyre is full of surprises, and not ALL of them are bad. Just be prepared for it. I'd have gotten through this much more easily if I hadn't thought I was losing my mind! IF you're going through it, and you're tempted to check yourself into a sanitarium, don't. You're probably fine. And there is help and support for aging vampyres now!

Less than a month ago, as of the writing of my book [Practical Vampyrism for Modern Vampyres], my friend Sphynxcat (of the SphynxcatVP Website) and I pulled together the very first Conference on Vampyric Aging*. It was so exciting! A Large group of vampyres over the age of 40 got together and discussed the Vampyric Aging process. What did we discover? Each of us discovered that we are NOT alone in our experiences.

For me the highlight of the evening was hearing others in my peer group talking about going through the very same things I'd been going through to greater or lesser degrees. Like normal human aging, it seems to vary somewhat from vamp to vamp and from male to female vamps, but most of what we go through is similar enough that we may be able to plot out a road map for those who come after us to follow. It's an exciting development in our comprehension of our own species!

One of the results of the conference is a new Yahoo Egroup, specifically for discussion of our aging processes. We hope through this new group to give support to those of us who are going through the aging process, track more of our common changes, and get that information out to younger vamps who will someday need it.

If you have an interest in this, the group is at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Aging_Vampire/

"For older Vampire/yre and to discuss the problems they face. Posting links, gifs and just about anything vampire-related is encouraged. Most of us so far are in the 30s and above. No one under 21 please. Age must be in your Yahoo bio to join."

The Vampyre Community is also planning more Aging Conferences. Hopefully, someday I'll be able to update my book with even better information on how we Vampyres age, and how to cope with it.

If you go through 2nd stage or Vamp menopause, as we fondly call it (we know that not ALL vampyres go through this and or subsequent stages), remember help and support are "out there". It's a hard stage to go through, but it helps to remember that it's not all bad. With the pain of evolution come gifts we can use to grow. We are Vampyres. We will adapt. It's one of the things we are good at.

It's one of those wonderful vampyric coping mechanisms that help us thrive.

The transcript from the first Vampiric Aging Conference is at http://www.sanguinarius.org/articles/vampiric-aging-conf-01.shtml




16:20 Aug 19 2019
Times Read: 1,573

You! alone are your own master. No one can harm you unless you allow them too. Unless it's through physical force.




15:59 Aug 19 2019
Times Read: 1,596

Karma has blessed me with the most wonderful gf in the world. She also has blessed me with a job, good health and an intelligent Brain.
If you are good, kind and good hearted, karma will bless you too.
If bad things keep happening to you,
evaluate your life. Make changes, eat healthier, go out etc.
You alone are your own master. No one can harm you unless you allow them too. Unless it's through physical force.




15:39 Aug 19 2019
Times Read: 1,602

The best way to avoid an energy vampyre attack is to remain positive and smile at them.
Block their attacks with happy thoughts.
For example; My wonderful gf who has been a blessing in my life. I love her so much.
Energy vampyres feed off negative energy through drama etc. If you remain positive, they can't do nothing to you.



18:15 Aug 20 2019

Not all energy vampyres feed from.negative energy. There are those few who feed tantric or from nature. But the negative you speak of are drama vampyres, but then again it all depends on the nature of the person on if they feed from negative or positive as all vampyres need to find balance with both dark and light. ;)


13:30 Aug 19 2019
Times Read: 1,627

"Martin V. Riccardo founded the Vampire Studies Society in 1977 and issued a quarterly newsletter, Journal of Vampirism from 1977 to 1979. Riccardo went on to explore the nature of “psychic vampires,” and claims to have invented the term, “astral vampirism.” In 1978, Eric Held cofounded the Vampire Information Exchange, along with Dorothy Nixon, after talking to Stephen Kaplan by phone. Both Held and Nixon were intrigued by the idea of “real vampires.” The VIE published the Vampire Information Exchange Newsletter (VIEN) from 1978 through the mid-2000s. Despite the interests of their founders, both of these newsletters tended to focus on vampire media and folklore, and did not treat Vampire-Identified People seriously. However, many Vampire-Identified People subscribed to them and attempted to contact the researchers."

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.





06:47 Aug 19 2019
Times Read: 1,659

 "if you focus on negative doom and gloom you will remain under that cloud. If you focus on positive thoughts and have goals that you aim to achieve you will find a way to achieve them with massive action.
This is why the universe is such an infinitely beautiful place. The Law of Attraction dictates that whatever can be imagined and held in the mind’s eye is achievable if you take action on a plan to get to where you want to be."




07:32 Aug 19 2019


01:13 Aug 19 2019
Times Read: 1,703

"Some rogue psychic vampyres are often labeled “Drama Queens” because they feed off of the negative energy they generate with their actions or gossip. Some are mistaken for “nymphomaniacs” because they take their energy through a person during “intimate play.”
But–the most commonly noticeable thing is that around rogue psy-vamps you’ll often feel a cold, crawling, or invasive feeling, much like someone is watching you, or even like someone is touching you if their energy is strong enough. Stronger psychic vampyres can sometimes even feel when their are latched on to by the “tendril” of a rogue psy-vamp and can in turn combat them with their bright and positive energy.
But–you much keep in mind that all of these things can be attributed to other causes as simple as–“This person really is a nymphomaniac” to your spirit guide giving you that “cold” feeling as a warning against a just-plain-bad-person. When you get these feelings, or notice these people there is no reason to jump up and scream “ALL RIGHT, WHERE THE HECK IS THE ROGUE VAMPYRE?!”
…Just be wary and observant."





00:33 Aug 19 2019
Times Read: 1,715

"Vampyres wear an Ankh to symbolize that they take in life, be it energy or blood."

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

https://vampyreculturecenter.wordpress.com ›




00:27 Aug 19 2019
Times Read: 1,718

"The ankh, or in Latin the crux ansata (cross with a handle), was originally the Egyptian hieroglyph which meant "life". Many ancient Egyptian artworks, especially funerary art, depict gods and pharaohs bearing this symbol. The ankh was also associated with Osiris, the god of death and rebirth, and ankhs were often placed with mummies in order to symbolically convey the gift of immortality. Over time the ankh came to symbolize immortality and can even be seen as a key to unlock the gates of death. The Rosicrucians and members of Hermetic orders often use this symbol in their rituals. The Coptic Christians, as well, employed it as a symbol of life after death. Ankhs incorporating mirrors into their design have sometimes been used to symbolize perception of the subtle reality.

The bladed ankh first surfaced in popular culture in the 1983 film The Hunger, directed by Tony Scott and based on the novel by Whitley Strieber, who also, significantly, wrote the novel Communion. With its historical symbolism, cultural significance, and esoteric nature, the ankh was the obvious symbol for the Black Veils and the Legacy.

In 1996, Master Metal Manipulator PN Drennan was commissioned by Father Sebastiaan to make an exclusive version of a bladed ankh to represent the Black Veils. Thus was born the Legacy Ankh, the most recognized international symbol in the Vampire World. Since there are so many imitators, the Legacy Ankh is legally copyrighted and trademarked by the Sabretooth Clan in order to protect it and to avoid any misuse of the symbol. We wish to make it clear that this particular scimitar-bladed ankh is the exclusive symbol of the Legacy and representing those who embrace the Black Veils."

http://www.vampireworld.com and www.sabretoothclan.com .




00:14 Aug 19 2019
Times Read: 1,726


"The Vampyre is a truly majestic and romantic creature. We have all had an experience with enjoying the role that the Vampyre plays at some point in our lives, be it on television, the live stage or the movie theatre. Maybe you have dressed up as one on Halloween, or maybe you played pretend with your friends as a child. Maybe you have played Vampire: The Masquerade, or Bloodlines on MySpace. They intrigue us all in some way or another, but what if Vampyres really did exist?

What if I told you that there were tens of thousands of Vampyres walking the Earth as I am writing this…?? Would you believe me? Maybe you would…maybe you wouldn’t, but first, let me tell you that I am not talking about the kind of Vampyres you may be thinking about!

There exists a secret society of Vampyres. There are four major kinds, which include the Strigoi Vii, the Psi/Psy or Psychic Vampyre, the Sanguinarian, or Blood Drinker, and the Pranic, or Sexual Vampyre.

The psi/psy or Psychic Vampyre is a person/human being that sucks in the energy from another human. This is done by either using a donor, taking ambient energy out of a crowd which is something I like to call “skimming off the top”, or taking the energy from another living being without their knowledge. To do so is unethical. Every Vampyre, no matter the breed, should have a donor that they can feed from regularly. This is the method I use most often.. If you have any questions about it, feel free to ask!

The Sanguinarian is your typical “blood drinking” Vampyre. There is a difference between a blood fetishist and a Sanguinarian. Most Sanguinarians are Psi Vampyres who use the blood they take in as a focal point to channel the energy from their donor. The Sanguinarian must be careful on how much blood they injest. It doesn’t take much to make the Living Vampyre sick! I, myself, only need a few drops. I get the blood by using a lancet. My husband pricks his finger and I lick the drops. That is an example of what small of an amount is needed to fulfill a true sanguinarian. For safety purposes…anytime you are thinking about using someone as a donor in this fashion, you MUST get a full blood panel done on both parties to make sure that it is safe. You do NOT want to catch a disease!!

Sexual Vampyrism is a form of Psi or Psychic Vampyre and they feed on sexual energy. Although very euphoric, it is an addictive and dangerous form of feeding. Most of these Vampyres crave sexual fluids just like a Sanguinarian Vampyre craves blood. This is also dangerous due to the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. Often times, the donor to a Sexual Vampyre will want to be fed upon further. They crave to be fed upon more and more, which is possibly a result of the Sexual Vampyre dressing in a pleasuring fashion to the donor. This is a way that I like to get energy and one of the most simple.

These Vampyres are not immortal, and are not allergic to garlic. If you drive a stake through their heart, of course they will die! So would you if you were stabbed! They don’t sleep in coffins and can come out in daylight. Heck, the beach on a sunny day is one of my favorite places in the world! I love taking my son swimming and watching him have a ball in the water. Vampyres are people too. They are “human beings with a kick!” We know how to have a good time and we, for the most part, are good people. Give us a chance and you just might surprise yourself!"

By Mary DeStefano aka Lilitha Vain




14:40 Aug 18 2019
Times Read: 1,753

Also known as “The Vampire of Hanover,” Fritz Haarmann was one of the world’s first serial killers. And one of its most prolific. Between 1918 and 1924, he murdered at least two dozen people, many of whom he killed by biting through their necks. On December 19, 1924, Haarmann was sentenced to death by guillotine for his crimes"

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.




04:19 Aug 14 2019
Times Read: 1,790

"The Fallen Angels Theory: This theory inspired from the Books of Enoch claims that vampires are the offspring of the union between the Watchers (Fallen Angels) and humans. When the Children of the Watchers had consumed all of the food available, they turned to mankind and began to eat their flesh and drink their blood. In another adjunct, vampires are the offspring of the daughters of Eve (female humans) and the Angel of Death sent by God on Earth. Vampires have the mission to control and thwart the demonic offspring of the fallen angels. "




04:16 Aug 13 2019
Times Read: 1,826

A Higher Purpose: The Scientific Effort In the Vampire community.

"We all want to matter and to make a difference in the world, at work, or in someone else’s life. Our Higher Purpose is how we find deep meaning and fulfillment in our lives by contributing to someone or something that is bigger than ourselves. The goal of finding a scientific reason for the sanguinary condition is just such a higher purpose and one that we, the community really should support to our fullest.

I honestly think that the majority of the Vampire Community takes no real issue with this goal. Indeed all of us are seeking answers in our own way, and to different levels of active focus. The real issue doesn’t come from objections but fears.

You see science doesn’t care about offending people. Science doesn’t care about anything at all other than answering the question before it. Science is inquiry without consideration for fears, or offense, and as such it spooks people when they hear about it, if not consciously, than on a subconscious level.

For a second consider what it would take just to start a real scientific study, and how many people could be offended, or dismayed at what the conclusions might be. Some of the natural questions people will have could very well be:

Will this actually be scientifically valid at all?
How will you know the difference between who is real, or who’s just playing the part?
Once you develop a method to decide who’s a real vampire, a “litmus test” what does that mean if I’m not part of it?
Does this attempt to invalidate my experience and personal identity?
Will this make a new “elite” class, of people who consider themselves. ”Real”?
While these are just a sample of the questions people might have, these are some that I would like to look at for a moment.

One of the biggest issues many scientifically minded people face, is in dealing with people who don’t look at science as objective, but instead, look at the political, or social response to the research. Just as science doesn’t care about offending people, challenging their beliefs or hurting their feelings, many of the people who conduct research like this don’t spend a lot of time focusing on it either. It’s not because they are cruel or uncaring, it’s because it adds nothing to the science.

So, let’s get back to the questions.

Will any scientific efforts actually gain scientifically valid information? The efforts themselves might not be scientific, but they lead to resources that might help establish communication with the people who could do such research. Much like the Atlanta Vampire Alliance’s survey’s in themselves weren’t all that scientifically valid, (no subjective survey is) it did lead to interest from people in fields of study from outside the community.

How will they know who is a real vampire, and what if I’m not considered ‘real’ in their study? Well that is a little more difficult. People will balk at the idea of developing any kind of ‘litmus test’ that determines who is, or isn’t, what they believe themselves to be. Of course the real issue is that, this isn’t the goal at all. Again Science doesn’t care what you believe. But the goal isn’t in finding who is ‘Real’ or not “Real’ The goal is to find people with common denominators that help define a study group.

If you want to do a study on red heads, you have to decide exactly what defines that for your purpose, or you’ll end up with a lot of shades of red. Does this mean that a strawberry blond isn’t a red head, or perhaps, people with blond hair, but a red beard and body hair isn’t a real? No, it merely means that a specific group is being looked at and defined for the purpose of the study. Science needs to have controls, and it doesn’t care if you get mad because you’re hair isn’t red enough for their needs. You’re still who and what you are, just not at the center of focus, get over it.

So let’s look at the next question. Does this attempt to invalidate my beliefs and personal experiences?

I would like to start by saying that the only one who can invalidate your beliefs or experiences except you. Regardless of what might eventually be found, the answers they find are meant to help the community as a whole, not invalidate anyone else.

Will that lead to a new Elite Class of Sanguinary Vampires? There will always be those who use such things as a point of personal exceptionalism, but that’s really no different than thinking being identified as a diabetic means you’re better than someone with hypoglycemia, or someone with Fibromyalgia. There is nothing better or worse involved, just differences, and if research into a specifically identified group of sanguinary vampires can help a larger segment of sanguinary vampires all the better. Just like research into type 1 diabetics might help develop a drug that helps hypoglycemic individuals as well.

The biggest fear people face isn’t the seeking a real scientific study, it’s the idea of new leadership stepping forward in their segment of the community. Efforts such as these can lead to some level of notoriety, even credibility. Just as Merticus’ survey brought a lot of attention to him and the AVA, this effort could also propel someone into the lime light, and even make them seen as leaders with in the community.

Truthfully, that’s because they are leaders. These are the people who are stepping forward in their segment of the community and really attempting to do something significant. It doesn’t mean they speak for the whole community, or even that they speak for that segment, but it does afford them the place of being able to speak to their efforts, and let’s face it, people will be interested in what they are doing. I can’t fault them for that. Indeed, many of the current leaders in the community have long admonished the complainers about the current community to undertake such efforts.

In the end there really isn’t anything to get worked up about, the efforts in themselves could take decades or longer to produce anything of scientific value, and when they do, and I say ‘WHEN’ because I believe it will, then it still won’t change anything for the rest of the community. Simply because one group is able to validate their personal experience with a scientific result, wouldn’t mean anyone else’s experiences are lessened in anyway, and all of us can still enjoy the vampire community for those things that appeal to us.

We have never been a single faceted community, and thankfully, we never will be. We are diverse, but a community is only more colorful for that diversity."

By Deacon Gray © thegraveyardpress 2016




15:52 Aug 12 2019
Times Read: 1,879

The psychological effects of vampirism includes Bipolar Disorder.

"Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks"

National institute of mental health



Vampirism is not an easy life.



20:51 Aug 12 2019

I have biopolar one


14:41 Aug 12 2019
Times Read: 1,897

"Soul vampires are vampires that are able to feed directly off the energy of a person's soul. As a result of soul feeding, soul vampires will sometimes gain some or all of the abilities of the person they are feeding from. Soul vampires will also sometimes receive memories, thoughts and desires of the person that they are feeding from. Soul feeding is a very intimate form of feeding, even more so than sexual and sanguine feeding. Soul vampires are also sometimes referred to as soul devourers."





14:28 Aug 12 2019
Times Read: 1,904

"A fairly popular topic throughout the Vampyre Community is the subject of "Blood Bars." Many will insist that they do not exist, while others will quite confidently make proclamations of their definitive existence.
Well, I'm here to tell you that they are real, albeit a bit uncommon.
Blood Bars usually double as your fairly average nigthclub, with the exception that they have blood on the menu. More often than not, this blood is taken from pigs or other such animals from the local butcher shop. Pigs' blood seems to be the most common. In some rare cases, they may serve human blood from willing Donors; however due to the amount needed and the risks involved therein, this practice is relatively uncommon.
The blood is typically served in shot glasses, and tends to run a bit on the expensive side, unfortunately. Of course, you could always see if the patrons are feeling...'generous.' *sly grin*

Jokes aside, doing so without a prior blood test of some form is very risky, and by participating in such careless actions you are accepting the fact that you may or may not be exposing yourself to harmful disease illnesses. In lay man's terms: Stupid."





13:13 Aug 11 2019
Times Read: 1,962

Vampyre History

"Temple Sahjaza

Beginning as a coven led by women, for women in the early '70s, Temple Sahjaza is one of the oldest Houses/Covens/Temples still around today. Taking its inspiration from various female-dominated cultures throughout history, the founding members saw women as the, "...embodiment of life an death itself."
This ideaology was carried by the members up until 1997, at which point it was decided that their Coven should branch out. What began as a Vampyre-Witch Coven then became a much broader organization with major presences in both Toronto, Canada, as well as New York City. At this point in time, the Coven was renamed as, "House Sahjaza."

What is Sahjaza?

The word, "Sahjaza" is a derivation of the Sanskrit, "Sahaja," meaning innate or natural. Prevalent in early forms of Hindu and Buddhism, it is essentially the same concept as their idea of "nirvana." Nirvana is the theoretical state of pure bliss and enlightenment, and is attained once an individual has accomplished all that they are supposed to achieve throughout their lives (yes, that is intentionally plural, as the Hindu and Buddhists both believe in reincarnation). According to House Sahjaza's official site, the word, "sahaja," was chosen as the root word because,

"Sahaja means"together born" – a medieval term denoting the fact that the transcendental Reality and the empirical reality are not truly separate but coexist, or with the latter being an aspect or misperception of the former; often rendered as "spontaneous" or "spontaneity"; the sahaja state is the natural condition, that is, enlightenment or realization,"

At some point unkown to me along with everyone else I have asked, it was decided that "House Sahjaza" would then become "Temple Sahjaza,"

General Thoughts and Perception

Temple Sahjaza has a lot of history behind them, and I suspect quite a bit ahead of them as well. Where they are headed, however, is anybody's guess. My own thoughts on this Temple are generally disfavorable. Although their online presence is fairly unexciting, they are an extremely active in-person group. There have been numerous reports of some...unruly members of this group; however how much of that is the individual, versus how much is the Temple is questionable. While I doubt that the ranking members of Temple Sahjaza go out and say, "Hey, let's start a vampire turf war with this other coven," I can't say with any degree of certainty whether they do anything to discourage it either.
There really isn't much to be seen about House Sahjaza/Temple Sahjaza from the outside looking in, simply because it is such a guarded society. In their own words, "Most of their teachings are private and remain a mystery to those not initiated into the Temple. Membership is private and by invite only," , and, "We are not a secret society, however our ways and inner Household workings shall remain unknown and in secret regarding the specifics of our Family," .
They do, however, have a brief list of a few of the core contributors to Temple Sahjaza. Father Todd Sebastian, for example, was in House Sahjaza when The Black Veil 2.0 was collaborated upon with Michelle Belanger, ."




15:37 Aug 11 2019

Are you not afraid of all this vampire information falling into wrong hands?

I learnt the hard way... but then, I graduated from the University of Hard Knocks.

So to the masses: Temple Sahjaza is one of the major league organisation in the Western vampire sub-culture.

20:31 Aug 11 2019



02:43 Aug 11 2019
Times Read: 2,012

"Black Magick is the process of self-transformation through an antinomian initiatory structure, Black meaning the hidden wisdom, power of darkness, dreams and staging the reality you wish and Magick being the process to ascend, become immortal in spirit."
Michael W. Ford




23:45 Aug 10 2019
Times Read: 2,055

Here's the vampyre path

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

The Oath Initiation:

I stand here tonight before the Ancients and the members of unknown and loyalty, preparing to initiate my journey towards the awakening of my Dragon Within through study..

I seek to be recognized as a pledge to the unknown

and vow to uphold and respect the Covenant. I vow to uphold the Black Veil and be guided by it's tenets. These members are my Family. For this reason their pain is my pain, Their blood is my Blood. I vow to protect the House and it's members with my life if need be. I vow to uphold the Pillars and keep them safe from those who would not nor cannot understand.

Here lies my tools of my journey, my Septem Civis Ankh. The symbol of my Dragon, which stands for my choice of immortality. This I will wear by my heart at all times ( hold the Ankh, charge it by reciting then put it on )

This is the symbol of life.
It is the symbol of my ancient heritage,
A heritage I now proudly proclaim.

Life sustains me and makes me strong:
Every breath and every sweet drop of blood
Is a celebration of what I am.

Let this ankh be my constant reminder
As I wear it each night above my heart
Of the life that is so very precious
And the darkness that encircles my soul.

Kiss the ankh and place it over your heart.

To remind me of my choice of initiation.

Here I now consecrate my grimoire,

which will be my journal and guide to all of my knowledge.

I am Vampyre!

I am Immortal!

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.



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