I have been on here for four years. I've logged over one hundred hours! I've seen almost thirteen thousand pages! I've journal entried stuff. I've read the journals of others. And YET, I'm not even at level 40 yet. Clearly my loner charisma and quick wit are not paying off on the points scale. I certainly don't seem to have the social networking abilities of many who have passed me up in a year or less.
Then again, I've made some friends on here, stayed almost completely out of the little Drama escapades that have frenzied so many, and managed to have some very good late night conversations on the phone with people whose real names I don't even know- about topics that the mundane people could not even begin to grasp. So VR has been good for me. Was it good for you? No, really. WAS it? What was I talking about?
Gabriel Garcia Marques died today. For those who don't know, he was a great Colombian writer who had a complete mastery of the Spanish language and a grasp upon the very soul of Colombia. I met him once. He came to speak at a class I was taking. It was inspirational. I lived in Colombia in the city of Bucaramanga once upon a time in the wind so his passing is reflective of fond memories as well as appreciation for his work. Adios y Vaya con dios Gabi.
06:21 Apr 25 2014
Don't ask me! I thought YOU knew!