a boy 7 years old brown hair brown eyes he woke up every day with the same routine go to school come home hug his dad eat and sleep pretty nomal right well then the boy notice his dad was losing his memberie so it was ok intell his 8th brithday when he became a man his dad was unable to work so the boy pick up any job possbile he went to school worked and took care of his dad then slept after two year of this jobs became scares and the boy try everyday to get work so the boy took his school lunch home to feed his dad after after 4 dayz of not eating the boy started stealing for stores taking any thing he could hide in his pants and coat intil he got cuaght by a lady she told him if u do wat i say i wont call the police the boy fallow her to her car and she drove to her house she ask him to come in she gave the boy something new it made he forget everything she call it brown sugar she ask him to kiss her the boy couldnt get up but couldnt see ok she strip his pants off and use his body the he past out he woke it was dark the boy found her on top of him the move and she awoke and got off she said here and gave the boy 200 bucks she drove him home with food the boy went back time and time again learning thing the boy was strong will after time went by he was 13 and his dad die the women kept him he started smoking weed and drinking giving away his soul little by then he snap and almost killed the women he got found and sent to a mental hospital and put on lithium