damn ....
running along feelin good
when I spot my reflection
in a window .... and ...
I'm sporting a muffin top.
I would put my shirt on but
the sweat, sunshine, and tattoos
feel so good on my skin .... plus ....
I have nobody to impress.
I mean
I'm feelin good in the sun
running with the dead
who cares what some shallow bitch
I'll never know thinks ?
the dead don't care
they don't care for my playlist,
yet when I'm cresting the Morrison Bridge
and Prince sings "the river of addiction flows"
they know I'm listening.
the living let me down ....
but not the run.
the dead know who I really am ....
as does the run.
as far as the muffintop goes ....
who gives a shit ? .... I don't .... cuz rite now
I'm in heaven.
by martin
06:01 Jul 17 2014
LMAO! Dude...!