One sentence.
Why humans tend to stay in a relation, when the sadness of their heart and soul, can be seen through their eyes?
Dear Vampires, here we go again. I will write the following, not to tell you as how to live you life during the insanity of the incoming months.
10 tips to keep you sane over the holidays...or any other time:
1. Finding happiness is a choice and you can choose
to pursue happiness and experience laughter. As Abraham Lincoln said, “Most folks are as happy as
they make up their minds to be.”
2. Live today only. Holding on to resentment is not
good for the body or mind.
3. Carry with you something small that reminds you
of peaceful times. When agitated, pull your object
out of your purse or pocket and reflect on tranquility and remember to breathe.
4. Practice gratitude. Say “thank you” for the day.
5. Practice acceptance. We can’t change people, but
we have the ability to choose how we react and
interact with others.
6. Simplify holiday preparations.
7. Do not over-commit.
8. Entertain less.
9. Be more relaxed about how the house looks.
10. Be realistic about your expectations.
And now, about your beautiful health:
Tips to a healthy holiday season
As the holiday season approaches, thoughts of the
dreaded holiday weight gain arise. Here are a few ideas
on how to keep those pounds at bay this year:
Set realistic goals for yourself. Since the colder months often mean more tempting treats and less time experiencing the outdoors, focus on maintaining your current weight instead of stressing about weight loss.
Be aware of how much you are eating. Snacking can be dangerous since it is hard to monitor how much is really being consumed.
Try to incorporate low-calorie options with
high-calorie ones. Choose which holiday food you really want and fill the rest of your plate with nutrient-rich vegetables and fruit.
Never skip a meal in preparation for a later celebration. The longer you go without eating, the more likely you are to overeat later.
Keep up with your usual exercise routine. It will not only help keep those extra pounds off,
but also will help reduce the stress that is often felt during the holidays.
16:23 Nov 20 2010
A sense of obligation, and they resign to thin gravity.
Often the bad partner feign helplessness, thus perpetuating the vicious cycle that generates more gravity.
16:48 Nov 20 2010
Either that or they're a glutton for pain.
My step mother hates to be alone. That's the only reason she married my dad even though she doesn't even like him anymore. He's a convenience for her.
17:51 Nov 20 2010
The question can into my mind, due to the fact that I see so many women come the ER, in the blink of death, and they still protecting their aggressor. After being bit-up, how can the human mind comprehend the situation.
00:08 Nov 21 2010
Good point...