Good night world and VR.....Busy day tomorrow...
My sister has lupus. This really bad autoimmune disease...we are only 2 years apart.... She recently got married to her best friend and one and only... I feel very sad because of this. There is no cure for it. She still has life a head of her.... there is nothing in this world that I wouldn't do for her...
My fave cousin had lupus it wasn't the end in fact she lived 20 years with no problems till her vac caused eye infections (tip for ya later) have her look up some of the herbs she can put in her food for flavor that can keep her healthy and fit cinnamon Olive leaf extract garlic turmeric golden seal are all very good natural antibiotics you can use to flavor :)
One of my sisters has it as well.
I hope that your sis gets a handle on it as best as she can.
Thank you to you both :)
Going to be putting up Halloween lights this weekend... what a pain LOL
Going to bed shortly... school in the am for my son... Glad that it will be Friday but then really not... Hate allergy season........!!!!!!!!! Can breathe and not breathe at the same time and sense of smell is out of whack.....
I don't know why I think vampires are sexy and as a teenager and young adult growing up... Maybe its because of the movie Lestat and Anne Rice's books about vampires.... and now the movie Dracula Untold..... Yet they would enter my dreams....
Hate having allergies... bringing me down and slowing me down... Took allergy medicine hopefully it will work soon :)
Darn you post nasal drip!!!! Don't like being all groggy and have a stuffy nose....