Had an okay sleep... still sore from yesterday though. Woke up at 7 am put t.v. on for my son and went back to sleep and got up not to long a go...
Tired as heck been a busy but good day... In need of good sleep but that wont happen lol... And also need a body massage....
12:01 am in New York....
Staying up again feeling a lot of energy right now. Can't sleep been like this for quite some time now... Hate being a "Night Owl".... Have to get up soon babysitting in the am along with my son as well... and more motherly duties.... which I love my son very much :)
Sinuses' s oh sinuses why do you have to hurt???
Staying up with my son. Got sick like an hour ago. Clean sheets ...
Gave him Tylenol to reduce his fever and also a cool wash cloth to help... He is asleep now again hope that he is done getting sick... fingers crossed......
Will have a web cam soon :-) so I can talk to my friends on here
So bored right now... It's a good day to go swimming.... bikini season....
To tired to type... miss spelled words and some typos... sinus's are kicking in... not a good feeling... Sleep is what I really need... Night everyone :)
My sister got married to her best friend. Went well, saw family and friends :) Tired out but a good kind of tired :)
My sister is getting married in a few days... last minute stuff. Making sure that everything fits. My son will be getting his little tux my brides maid dress fits perfectly my sister's wedding dress looks amazing on her.... Dress rehearsal is Friday..... friend's and family....
Sounds exciting! Good luck! MY friends sister is getting married and he is sooo lucky! Hes going on a cruise ship for it! But I hope it goes well! And I bet your son will look cute!
That's good :) I'm waiting for the right time and for the right guy....
Going to have a cook out with my family at my grandparents house.
Finally my son is a sleep... saw a movie with my cousins. Maleficent. I think that is how you spell it... It was really good but sad at the same time...Now going to watch a movie hope I don't get scared watching it by myself... Sinister...
Have been busy for the past few days. Trying to keep up with every thing. My sister's wedding is in two weeks from today....
Sinus headache from hell... stinks that I don't have allergy medicine... going to bed soon with a cool wash cloth....
Going to be a busy week yet again... Got to put clothes away get organized stop this lagging around. Get my butt in gear. Need to be where I need to be....