I answer ALL mail..I promise if you write you'll hear from me..That's my Word..
I'll Thank You when you write..
I just found out she Loves me & wants me..
I couldn't be any Happier..
I pray it lasts...
This has to be one of if not the FASTEST in the World..
Old School...
Yngwie Malmsteen
My taste in Music is all over the place ..
If it makes me Feel something I love it..
Another Friggin Awesome Musician...
This is just one of the Greatest Guitar players in the World..
RIP my Friend....
Well I've been reading Journals & a good % of them alot of issues between people..
They did this ~They said that & so on..
I know when I first got here I went through some Crap & because of my Rage issues I lashed out..
I'm working on it & it is getting better..
Well I blocked a few people & now realize there's no need for that..WTF was I thinking.?
I don't see why people can't just get along & get over whatever issues they have with each other & try to understand each other instead of just talking Shit ..
I'm not going to do it & now will try harder to be Nice..
I'm Sorry to those people I took out my Crap on & if your willing I'd like to make Ammends..
Thanks & have a Great Day...
I'm not such a Rotten person just a little Twisted.. LOL
Personally I have Rantidous lolol
It's true that people don't take the time to get to know someone. They make judgements first.
Well that's the problem with people ...we are only human.
Just like life offline people argue and so forth here.
For the record I can only say that in the short time I have known you, you have been polite and friendly.
Thank You ..
I'm not & please don't take this the wrong way but..
The entry was for a few people that maybe didn't see it yet or don't really care.. Not sure which.?