Is it possaible to be in love with more than one person at a time weather it be female or male?Also can someone have sex with another with no emotional connetion? I think it is possiable to be in love with more that one thats why some women have prombles with men they are still in love with and ex but as well love the one they are with and theres lots of other reasons why to many in afact to talk about lol. Now about the sex I know alot of men can have sex with out the emotional part but what about women can they I have befor but what if its so great that you cant stop thinking about it and the guy? girl does everything right and you like thier personality and every thing but you agree to have only the sex and a friendship between the two of you how do you not get involed emtionaly at some degree. well thats about it for today have any comment feel free to contact me sorry if I hit any soft spots lol ttfn makari