You a faint figure pausing to dream of me
And for my consideration I bow my head
And I kiss your energy full on the lips
The wind being cold dried and bloodied my kiss
The bloody salt along with your salt
Made you fear me again
I might wish to own you? No
I only wish to own your mind
A little fear and a lost and desolate night
Go along way to try and block your memory
The truth being the animal that bites
A reminder of shared feelings and hot longing touches
You cannot fear me but only what I represent
A less than perfect freedom..
Your anger yours to vent
Me a target
Holow and spent
Let life as it reaches out to you, give you all the new experiences made easier in the past. Do not forget who you are, to become another person's wish, dream or desire.
Be who you are, and cry if you must, openly.
Allow no one to rob you of the personal touch you learned to activate your feelings and decisions.
Only play the games you learned were your games, and get out of those whose rules do not apply to you. You cannot lose with yourself.
No one has the rights or wrongs of making you happy for the rest of your life. Your life will only be happy if you first fulfill your own needs, instilling your own happiness, even when others would have you unhappy or alone.
There are no reasons you should ever have to be alone, so don't be. You don't have the time.
Do not look upon people's faces and hold yourself responsible because they are not smiling.
Let your smile recognize them as parts of your being, but remain your own reflection.
Let yourself find peace with the beginning of every new adventure.
Again and again, and again, grow.
Life is Once Only
18:05 Nov 11 2010
We could own each other Great Lady... for awhile...
03:01 Feb 19 2011
A lovely poem.