madlyn's Journal

madlyn's Journal


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6 entries this month

Magickal Money Multiplication Spell

17:30 Mar 30 2012
Times Read: 810

What you'll need:

* a bowl

* 1 silver coin

* basil, cinnamon and thyme herbs

* 2 gold and 2 green candles

STEP 1: Light the candles and place 2 greens on the

left, and 2 golds on the right - on either side of

the bowl.

STEP 2: Put the herbs in the bowl with the silver

coin and say the following:

"A single coin starts my wish,

the money grows within this dish,

day by day the coins increase,

never shall the flow decrease. "

STEP 3: Drip some green and gold candle wax over the

herbs and coin.

STEP 4: Snuff out the candles. (Don't BLOW them out.)

STEP 5: Each day add another coin to the bowl.

STEP 6: Also look out for coins laying around when

you are away from home.

The more coins you add from a variety of places, on

a daily basis, the faster your fortune could grow.


This is a wonderful and fun spell that you can keep

"active" for days, weeks, months, and years.

Just keep adding coins...upgrade to a bigger bowl,

and watch your fortune grow.




3 Stone Passion or Friendship Spell

16:08 Mar 23 2012
Times Read: 816

What you'll need:

* 1 blue candle

* 1 yellow candle

* 1 red candle

* 2 black candles

* 2 white candles

* Passion Flower or Strawberry Incense (or

some other "sweet smelling" incense...)

* 3 of your favorite "stones" (I always

use: Angelite/Celestite, Garnet/Moss Agate,

and Emerald/Lapis Lazuli/Malachite)

...but stones that feel right to you.

STEP 1: Setup a basic altar on a Friday

night. (Yes, it works best on a Friday

night...and I'll be doing this one tonight

at 8pm pacific time if you want to join!)

STEP 2: From left to right, place the

candles in this order; white, black, red,

yellow, blue, black, white.

STEP 3: Light them from left to right.

STEP 4: Now light the incense.

STEP 5: Place the stones in a circle in

front of you, in whatever order feels right

to you, and meditate.

STEP 6: Close your eyes and visualize the

face of the person you're going to meet,

visualize it being happy. Spend a few minutes

really "seeing" them.

STEP 7: Visualize yourself meeting the person

and everything going well.

STEP 8: As your confidence about meeting the

person grows, whisper:

"Elen sila lumenn omentilmo."

(Translation: A star shall shine on the hour

of our meeting.)

STEP 9: Let the candles and incense burn out.

STEP 10: Once you are done make sure to carry

the stones with you (in your pocket) when you

go to meet that person.


Then...try to not get too excited, nervous, or

feel too much anticipation.

Just know that the meeting with this person

will go very well...better than you hope for. :)

Just "let the spell go", and go about your

daily business.

Remember: this is one of the "Magick Keys", and

one of the most important.




Magickal Orange of Wealth Spell

21:41 Mar 20 2012
Times Read: 823

Here's what you'll need:

* 1 brown candle (for overall prosperity)

* 1 orange (for money and happiness)

* a piece of paper and a pen

* Cinnamon

* 1 dried orange peel

* Basil

* Patchouli

* Vervain

* a 1 dollar coin (in U.S. silver dollar)

If you can't find all the herbs called for,

do not be troubled... just double up on the

ones you do have.

STEP 1: Create a basic altar and sacred


STEP 2: Light the brown candle and run each

of your items through the smoke.

As you do this, visualize what it would be

like to have the wealth you seek.

STEP 3: Touch the brown candle with your

right index finger, and say,

"I empower this candle with wealth attraction

energies. As the Goddess wills it.

So mote it be."

STEP 4: On the piece of paper write:

"Money come, money flow, money dance,

Money grow."

STEP 5: Wrap the dollar coin in the paper

you wrote on.

STEP 6: Blend the herbs together and sprinkle

2 or 3 pinches into the paper wrapping of

the coin.

STEP 7: Make a deep cut (about halfway through

the orange...big enough for the paper packet

to fit into.

STEP 8: Insider the paper-warped coin into

the orange.

STEP 9: Move the orange through the smoke of

the brown candle, and repeat what you wrote

on the paper:

"Money come, money flow, money dance,

Money grow."

STEP 10: Keep the orange on your altar for

7 days.

STEP 11: At the end of 7 days remove the coin

and donate it to charity.


Then, relax...let the spell go... go about your

life and don't think about it.

And when you least expect it... :)

Did you know full belief

is ONE of the 3 secrets for casting successful





Bad Luck Banishment Spell

16:51 Mar 09 2012
Times Read: 833

You will need the following items for this spell:

* 3 small jars (like empty baby food jars

or honey jars)

* 9 cloves of garlic

* 9 pins (you can also use rose bush


Cast this spell during a waning moon, which

happens to be right now...

STEP 1: Cast your Magick circle and setup

a basic altar.

STEP 2: Spend 3 minutes kneeling at your

altar thinking (in great detail) exactly

what your biggest source of negativity

or bad luck is in your life right now.

Hold this image in your mind as you do

the next step...

STEP 3: Pierce each garlic clove with

a pin or thorn. Each time you do this

say "Misfortune begone from me."

STEP 4: Carefully place 3 cloves (with

pins/thorns embedded) into each jar

and put the lids on.

STEP 5: Open your circle and bury the

jars at least 1 mile from your home.

STEP 6: As you walk away after burying

them, do NOT look back.


This spell works wonders, and actually

fills the garlic with the negative energy

that is making things hard for you...

And buries it for good, far away from


The key here is knowing exactly what your

bad luck/misfortune "is". (i.e. what

things are happening to you), and really

hold this image in your mind in step 2.

It's the key to everything.

And another key? Use your mind, heart,

and spirit to stay positive through

the rocky path life lays out for us all

once in awhile.

Life is not always easy (nor should it

be). Just remember, tough times makes

the good times that much sweeter.





17:08 Mar 02 2012
Times Read: 840



Soul Seeing Spell

17:05 Mar 02 2012
Times Read: 842

Ever feel you couldn't trust somebody?

What you'll need:

* 1 pink candle

* 4 white candles

* Athame (or butter knife)

* 1 small mirror

STEP 1: Setup a basic altar, place the

small mirror face up towards the back

of your altar.

STEP 2: Place the pink candle directly

behind the small mirror.

STEP 3: Place the white candles in a

semi circle in front of the mirror and

pink candle.

STEP 4: Light ALL of the candles.

STEP 5: Hold up your athame (or butter

knife) with both hands. Close your eyes.

Clear your mind. Then think ONLY of

the person in question... and focus

on looking "inside" their heart, to

find out who they REALLY are.

STEP 6: Once you feel like you have

concentrated for long enough (usually

about 5 minutes), blow out your white

candles in a clockwise motion, leaving

the pink candle to be the last one blown


STEP 7: The spell is over. The next time

you see the person...look into your

eyes and you will "see their soul",

and discover the truth that lies in

their heart.


By all means, whatever the spell reveals,

trust it...and trust your "gut".

If someone is bad for you, the spell will

reveal this fact... and it will be up to

you to ACT on this knowledge, and get away

from them at all costs.

At least you'll know the truth.



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