You'll need:
* Sandalwood powder
* Dried powdered carnation petals
* Ground cinnamon
* Frankincense
* Myrrh
STEP 1: Grind and blend all ingrediants
into a fine powder with your mortar and
STEP 2: Leave the powder as it is or
blend it into cornstarch or rice
powder for a smoother consistency.
STEP 3: Sprinkle a little on your
hands and rub your hands together
immediately before you play your
next game...
This is extremely powerful, and you must
do this together with your partner, and
they must agree and commit to you
STEP 1: Get some gingerbread dough. Make
it or buy it, it doesn't matter.
STEP 2: With a cookie-cutter, cut the
dough into a heart shape.
STEP 3: Push a small mirror into the
top/center of the cookie so it's
sitting on TOP of the coookie, but
embedded in the dough.
STEP 4: Bake it in a low, slow oven.
STEP 5: Take it out when done and
when it has cooled, decorate it with
red beads and other charms. Decorate
it as elaborate or simple as you like.
STEP 6: When you're ready, you and
your partner will gaze into the mirror
together and swear your devotion together
in whatever words you wish.
STEP 7: Wrap it in red silk cloth and
keep it in a safe place... bring it out
anytime your "vows" need reaffirming or
you just need a new dose of love...
This is extremely easy to do, and can
quickly attract a new love interest
into your life...
STEP 1: Soak catnip in cinnamon water
overnight. (Use purified water, and
sprinkle some cinnamon into it.)
STEP 2: Strain the liqued and sprinkle
it on your doorstep every evening for
21 days in the shape of a new crescent
If youre new love interest shows up
before the spell is done, do NOT stop
The doll you'll be making in this
spell instantly fires back any and all
negative energy in your life, back to
where it came from.
We are NOT hexing another person. We
are simply sending back bad energy
anonymously, back to where it came from.
Whether it's a person that sent it, or
just some random negative energy that
floated in through your window.
This is the BEST and quickest way to get
rid of it. An' it harm none.
What you'll need:
* Two pieces of red flannel
* Any sharp plants like stinging nettels,
sharp rose stems, etc...
* White paper
* Gloves
* Pen, needle, thread, pins, and scissors
STEP 1: Pin one piece of cloth atop the
STEP 2: Draw a simple outline of a human
body on the top piece to serve as a pattern
STEP 3: Cut out two figures
STEP 4: Sew the two pieces of flannel
together, leaving a small opening at the
head. Do not add features or identifying
information. This is NOT an attempt at
a sex; it's merely an anyonymous return-to-
sender, whoever or whatever the sender may
STEP 5: Stuff with the sharp plants.
STEP 6: Sew up the hole.
STEP 7: Write "Return to Sender" on a tiny
piece of paper and pin it to the poppet.
STEP 8: Talk to the doll; charge it with
it's mission.
STEP 9: To conclude the spell, either take
it to a trash can a distance from your home
and throw it away, or leave it in the center
of a four-way crossroads, not too close to
your home.
Whichever method you use, return via a
circuitous route... (don't go STRAIGHT
back home...take a few detours along
the way...)
STEP 1: Fill a large glass with purified
water... better yet, natural spring water.
STEP 2: Add 7 drops of palm oil into the
STEP 3: Dim the room (this spell is best
done at night)
STEP 4: Place a white candle behind the
STEP 5: Spend a few minutes clearing
your mind by closing your eyes and
counting your breaths. Think of nothing
else but your breathings.
STEP 6: Open your eyes, and calmly gaze
into the glass and witness your future.
This is much like cloud gazing, and if
your mind is clear you will be able to
see some of the future events of your
life in 2014.
STEP 1: Place three white roses, three white
carnations, and three white lilies in a dish
and pour hot water over them.
STEP 2: Strain out the liquid, reserving the
flowers, and bring them to the bathtub
or shower.
STEP 3: Scrub from head to foot with one
flower at a time until that flower falls
STEP 4: When all nine flowers have been
used, get out of the water and air-dry.
STEP 5: Dress in clean clothes, and don't
clean the bathtub immediately. Wait several
hours or have someone else do the job.
Great for cleansing any negativity to start the New Year right!