What you'll need:
* a bowl of salt water (just use
purified water, and put in sea
salt if you have it... table
salt if you don't.)
* holly
* mistletoe
* a yule log if you have one. (It's
ok if you don't...but the ritual
will be more powerful with a yule
log.) (If you use a yule log, you'll
also need a red, a white, and a
black candle.)
* a basic altar setup with a God
and Goddess candles. (at mimimum)
STEP 1: Place the holly on your altar,
and have the mistletoe ready but not
on the altar yet.
STEP 2: when you are ready, cast your
circle, and say:
"Blessed Be the season of Yule.
Blessed be the young Virgin
Goddess who gives to Her people
STEP 3: Remove the holly from your
altar and replace it with the
mistletoe (the symbol of the Oak
"Blessed be the King of the Waxing
I pray you will guide your
children safely through the
season of warmth and light."
STEP 4: Take your Goddess and God
candle into your hands.
"Tonight Goddess and God are reunited.
Tonight life begins anew,
and light begins to anew.
Blessed be the one light.
Blessed be the divine force of
STEP 5: Touch the candle flames to
each other. Replace them closer
together on the altar.
STEP 6: If you have a Yule log, now
is the time to light it.
You will need a white, red, and black
Place the candles in the log.
STEP 7: Light the white and say:
"Blessed be the Virgin, innocent and
STEP 8: Light the red candle and
"Blessed be the Mother, fertile and
STEP 9: Light the black candle and
"Blessed be the Crone, powerful and
STEP 10: Go to the bowl of water and
"Blessed be the Triple Goddess."
STEP 11: Place your fingers into the
bowl and rub it on (annoint) your
feet, belly and head.
STEP 12: Now sit calmly with your
eyes closed.
Think of all you've been through in
your life.
Think of the good things, and the
"Acknowledge" any difficulties you've
had throughout life, and let those
thoughts gently fade away. When you
think of the good, let those thoughts
linger and grow brighter.
STEP 13: Now, say aloud exactly what
you want an "average" day for the
rest of your life to be like.
Be as precise as possible... from
where you wish to live...what you
wish to do every day... what the
view from your window will be...
What your friends will be like,
and your love...
STEP 14: When you are done, open
the circle and feel refreshed
and renewed...and hopeful for
the miracles to come.
When you clear out negativity from your
mind and soul...it creates a "vaccuum"
that can be filled with propserity and
This simple and relaxing spell does just
What you'll need:
* Lavender colored candle
* As many of the following as you can
find: lavender flowers, chamomile
flowers, and/or dried rosemary.
* A small bag or satchet that won't
be damaged by water.
* Half a cup of lemon juice
STEP 1: Place your lavender colored
candle near your bathtub and light
STEP 2: Turn off the lights so the
room is lit only by candlelight. (If
needed, light a few more white candles
for more light...)
STEP 3: Get into the tub, but before
you turn on the water, place whatever
flowers you gathered into the bag and
fasten it shut. (I use charm bags with
draw strings...)
STEP 4: Hang the bag under the faucet
and turn on the water, so the water
flows over the bag and is charged
with cleansing properties.
STEP 5: Once the tub is full, add the
lemon juice to the water, lean back,
relax, and take 3 deep breaths.
STEP 6: Close your eyes and focus on
any tension, stress, or points of
negativity in your life... and feel
the herbs and lemon draw out the
negativity through your muscles,
mind, and spirit.
STEP 7: When you are done, drain the
water, and thoroughly clean the tub.
What you'll need:
* A wooden clothespin
* A black marker
* Small pieces of paper you can write on
* Some black thread
* A pin
* Black Pepper
STEP 1: On each piece of paper, write down
each thing in your life you want changed.
They could be bad habits you want to lose,
or negative things in your life you want
to go away, etc.
STEP 2: Cast your circle as normal.
STEP 3: Sit quietly in front of your candles
and close your eyes. Visualize and think
about all of the changes you want in your
life... starting from the most important,
to the least important. These are the ones
you write on the pieces of paper.
See, in your minds eye, what your life will
be like once each thing is changed.
STEP 4: Say: "This spell I do, within my
rights to be free, Darken my spirit no more,
Begone... Begone from me!"
STEP 5: Color the clothespin with the black
STEP 6: Tie the pieces of paper around the
clothespin with the black thread.
STEP 7: Sprinkle the clothespin with pepper,
and then stick the pin into the clothespin
while you say the chant again:
"This spell I do, within my rights to be
free, Darken my spirit no more, Begone...
Begone from me!"
STEP 8: Open your circle...the spell is
done except for one thing...
STEP 9: Bury the clothespin near your
front door.
What you need:
* 1 mirror, big enough for you to
see your face in it
* 4 white candles
* Rose incense (or Rose essential oil in an
oil burner)
STEP 1: Place the candles so that when you
are sitting on the floor, there is one in
front of you, one behind you and one on
either side of you.
STEP 2: Light the candles and turn out all
the lights.
STEP 3: Light the incense, or oil burner
candle, and look into the mirror.
STEP 4: As you look at your reflection,
look at all your features... admire
yourself...focus on your good qualities.
STEP 5: As you look at each part of your
face, say out loud something good about
that part, for example:
"Blessed be my eyes, for I love their
... or...
"Blessed be my hair, for it shines like
the sparkling sun."
STEP 6: When you have finished appreciating
your face, smile to yourself and say:
"I am special, as I am a child of the
Goddess, She is within me, and around me,
I am surrounded by love ."
STEP 7: Conclude the spell by making a
list of all your good qualities, both
inside out out. Really take some time
with this and be as detailed as possible.
The more thought you put into this, the
better the results...
This spell works especially well to pick
you up when you are down... and because
it makes you feel so good about yourself
so quickly -- it will also naturally
attract positive events to occur in your
life over the next several days.