STEP 1: Grind any or all of
these botanicals into a fine
powder with a mortar and pestle:
* Basil
* Lavender
* Rose Petals
* Yarrow
* Ginger Blossoms
(The more of these you can
find and use the more powerful
the love attraction energies
will be.)
STEP 2: Then blend the powder
with "rice powder".
STEP 3: Turn up some soft
soothing music... light some
candles through the house,
and begin sprinkling this
love dust in each corner
of your home.
As you do this, make sure
to visualize the type of
love you desire...whether
it's a new relationship
you seek, or a new special
friend to sweep away your
STEP 1: Make a fire in your cauldron,
hearth, or fireplace.
STEP 2: Hold 13 papaya seeds in your
left hand and run through 13 of you
deepest desires in your mind... visualize
each desire -- each thought -- filling
one of the seeds... (NOTE: If you don't
have papayas in your area, you can also
use pomegranate seeds or kiwi seeds...)
STEP 3: When you are ready, whisper your
wish or desire over a seed and toss it
into the fire. If it "pops" (you'll hear
it if it does...) the energy of your
desire will be released into the universe,
and your wish will come true...
STEP 4: Repeat this for each seed and
STEP 1: Use any hydrosol (a hydrosol is made by
boiling any flowers in a pot, and then straining
the water into a glass bowl.) I like to use
Rose Hyrdosol for this spell.
STEP 2: Before your bath, use a cotton ball
to dab the water all over your face and
body. As you do this, feel the confidence
filling your soul. Visualize how beautiful
you are inside, and out... really feel it,
and see yourself as someone desireable as
a lover and a friend.
STEP 3: Next, setup some candles around your
bathtub, and mix the water in with your
bathwater... make sure it's nice and warm,
and relaxing...
Use natura, organic soap, and as you soak
imagine living a long heathly life... all
the while retaining your inside and outside
beauty... a full, long, and happy life.
What will you be doing? Who will you be
with? The visions you have in the bath
will come to pass...
STEP 4: When you are done, allow yourself
to air dry as much as possible, then
snuff out the candles around your bath
(don't blow them out)
STEP 1: Get 2 pieces of blue cloth or fabric. Something that will last.
STEP 2: Trace the rough shape of a salamander onto one
piece of the blue cloth/fabric.
It doesn't have to be perfect. Just the rough shape of
a salamander (which looks like a lizard). Make sure the
tail is thick, because you or a friend will be
doing a little sewing on it.
STEP 3: Before you cut it out, place the 2nd piece of
cloth under the one you drew the salamander on, so when
you cut out the salamander, you have 2 exact copies of
STEP 4: Use a piece of red thread to sew the 2 halves
of the salamander together, leaving a hole to stuff
the salamander with.
STEP 5: Stuff it with your favorite money, success, and
luck drawing "stuff". Herbs, charms, resin, etc.
I have mine filled with dried spearmint, pennyroyal, rue,
harmel, and both dark and light benzoin resin.
STEP 6: For a stronger more powerful salamander, use your
favorite beads or charms and glue them to his head. They
will be his eyes.
I use amazonite beads.
STEP 7: For an even stronger salamander...give him a Magick
name, and place him somewhere in your home where he can watch over
you every day.
20:20 Apr 27 2013