madlyn's Journal

madlyn's Journal


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4 entries this month

2 Candle Love Spell

17:27 Apr 27 2012
Times Read: 650

I highly recommend casting this spell over

the weekend, at night. Just pick a night

when you can be alone, and do it.

As you'll see, it can either create more

love between you and an existing love, or

draw a new one to your heart...

What you'll need:

* Two candles. 1 red (for you), and 1

pink (for the other person)

* Candle holders

* Paper

* Scissors

* A pen or pencil

* A wand (if you have one), or your finger

if you don't. :)

STEP 1: Write your name on one piece

of paper. On another piece of paper

either write the name of your existing

lover OR... if you're attracting new

love, write down the 3 most important

characteristics you want that person

to have.

STEP 2: Put the paper with your name

under the red candle...and put the

other paper under the pink candle.

STEP 3: On a 3rd piece of paper

write both your name, and your lovers

name (or new lovers 3 characteristics)

and draw a circle around them.

STEP 4: Place the candles about a foot

apart on their respective pieces of

paper, with the third piece of paper

exactly in the center.

STEP 5: Light your candle (red) first

and say:

"Burn bright, burn true,

heart of (your name) "

STEP 6: Then light the other and say:

"Burn bright, burn true,

heart of (your current lover's name,

or say "the love I desire" for new love.)

STEP 7: If you have a wand, trace 3 figure

eights in the air around the two candles.

The figure eights should cross the midpoint

right over the 3rd piece of paper in the

middle. (The one with you and your love

desire circled.)

Don't have a wand? Just use your finger. :)

Say with each pass slowly:

"A meeting of two hearts

if it is ordained

must come to pass. "

STEP 8: Stop, take a deep breath in and out,

and start on the second set. Three passes

again, full figure eight around the candles.

Say with each pass slowly:

"Let no-one and nothing

stand in the way

of our two hearts being together."

STEP 9: Stop, take a deep breath and start

the 3rd set of 3 passes.

Say with each pass slowly:

"Two hearts beat as one

it is my will

and it is done."

STEP 10: Now sit down and focus on the paper

with the circle around your name and the others.

This is the power focus of this ritual.

See yourself and your lover together, being

honest and true together, talking, making love,

making decisions.

Just you and your love. Keep this visualization

completely clear and powerful in your mind.

(If it's a new love, still create a vision of

them in your mind with general physical

characteristics that you desire.)

STEP 11: When you are ready, move both candles

together and tip them so their flames combine.

STEP 12: Take the circle paper and say:

"My will is transferred

my spell has been heard

As I will, so mote it be."

STEP 13: Blow out the single flame as one.

STEP 14: Put the circle paper in a safe place,


STEP 15: Wrap the candles and the name papers in

tissue and dispose of them.




Spirit Awakening Ritual

17:20 Apr 20 2012
Times Read: 655

What You'll Need:

* a quiet room

* 3 candles (red, blue, and green)

You don't need an altar for this spell,

just a quiet room.

STEP 1: I recommend "setting the stage".

For me, that means setting up candles

for light around the room, and turning

off all artificial lights.

Setting up some mystical music that

stirs emotion and hope.

I also recommend doing this spell at


STEP 2: Set the candles up in a triangle

formation, wide enough so that you can

sit in the middle.

STEP 3: Light each of them in this order,

red, blue, and then green. Make sure

you light them "clockwise".

STEP 4: Sit in the middle of the candles.

Close your eyes and focus your mind on

a "white glow" coming out of your body

from your heart.

STEP 5: Continue focusing your mind on

this glow for 5 minutes...and "see" it

growing bigger and bigger with each

minute that passes.

STEP 6: When the glow has grown so big

that it has "consumed" you, chant the

following 3 times:

"Spirits come forth to awaken all my

energy within."

STEP 7: Blow out each candle counter

clockwise in this order. Red, green,

and then blue.


Next, I recommend casting a spell

within the next 24 hours.




Power of Love Healing Spell

19:35 Apr 13 2012
Times Read: 666

What you'll need:

* 1 blue candle (for healing)

* 1 white candle (for power)

* 1 pink candle (for love)

* Healing incense (I use 1 part allspice,

and 1 part rosemary)

* 1 clear quartz crystal

* 1 piece of paper

* 1 pen

STEP 1: Create your Magick circle around a

basic altar setup.

STEP 2: Place the candles on your altar in

a semi-circle with the white candle in the


STEP 3: Place your incense on your left if

the person/animal to be healed is a woman.

Put the incense on your right if it's a male

to be healed.

STEP 4: Light the incense.

STEP 5: Write the person/animal's name on

the paper and place it in the center of

your altar, within the semi-circle of


STEP 6: Place the quartz crystal on top of

the paper.

STEP 7: Close your eyes...and visualize the

person or animal in perfect health in every

way. Happy. Loving. And feeling loved.

See this vision so clearly you can almost

touch it.

The happiest day with that person or animal

you can imagine.

STEP 8: Keep your eyes closed and feel your

energy connecting with the divine. The hidden

force of the universe. Connecting every living

thing as one. Feel it wrap it's warmth around

you...feel it connected to the person or animal

to be healed as well.

Feel it deeply.

STEP 9: Take 7 slow deep breaths...as deeply as you

can. Each time, feel the energy intensify around

you. A white energy, filled with light and love.

STEP 10: AS you open your eyes, release the energy

out of the center of your chest...visualize it going

into the crystal and down onto/into the paper.

STEP 11: As this happens say:

"[PERSON/ANIMAL's NAME] be healed by the gift of

this power."


Remember, Magick may not necessarily directly heal

a certain physical condition or ailment...but it

can start an overall healing process, and may "seem"

like it does the healing.

This is a powerful and emotional spell. One that

can fill your heart, and the heart of the person/animal

to be healed with pure love, hope, and positive energy.




Oraganic Dream Pillow For The Future

16:51 Apr 07 2012
Times Read: 674

You will need the following items for this spell:

* A pale blue cloth

* A mixture of ash leaves, bay leaves, cinquefoil,

heliotrope, holly, jasmine flowers,

marigold flowers, mimosa, mugwort, onion, and/or

yarrow (I know you may not be able to find ALL of

these, but see if you can find at least ONE of them.

The more, the better and more accurate this spell

will be...)

* A string, ribbon, or piece of yarn

* A white piece of paper

* A pen

STEP 1: Setup a basic altar, and create your sacred


STEP 2: Spend a few minutes in deep thought at your

altar, before you do anything.

Decide how your prophetic/psychic dream will reveal

your future:

Will it be about your future, or someone else's? (Yes

you can see the future of anybody you know...)

What is the exact area of life you want to see? (Money,

love, etc.)

How far or near in the future do you wish to see?

Do you have a specific question to ask, or just a

general topic?

How do you want the question answered - by a guide,

symbols, visions, emotions, etc.?

STEP 3: Once you have answered the questions above

in your mind, lay out a square of pale blue cloth.

STEP 4: In the middle, place a mixture of ash leaves,

bay leaves, cinquefoil, heliotrope, holly, jasmine

flowers, marigold flowers, mimosa, mugwort, onion,

and/or yarrow (however many you can find).

STEP 5: Bring the corners towards the middle and tie

it all together like a small bag with a string,

ribbon, or piece of yarn.

STEP 6: Then, on a white piece of paper, briefly

explain what you want to see in the dream, using the

guidelines above in STEP 2.

STEP 7: Place the herbal "dream pillow" you just made,

and the note beneath your pillow.

STEP 8: Open your circle, go to sleep.

STEP 9: As soon as you wake up (very important!), record your

dream in a notebook or journal so you do not forget it.

The most important information will be "lost" from

your mind within minutes after you wake up. So

write it all down immediately



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