ok.. you've all heard of the movie "the exorsism of emily rose" right? and how its a true story... well after i watched that movie i started thinking about something that had happened in my life.. i woke up one night to my mom making gurgaling noises and started to yell at her to shut up couse i thought she was snoring and i couldnt sleep couse of it.. well she didnt stop.. it just got louder and louder.. so i got out of bed and saw her moving a lot.. i turn on the light and she's like spazing out, her eyes where wide open, she was reaching for things kicking things... so i screamed until my aunt entered the room... she stoped moving when she entered the room.. but she was spaced out fort a long time.. as i thought of the simalarities with the movie and my mom i noticed how in the movie emily was thought to have had a siezure.. until they were prooved wrong.. my mother had looked a lot like she was posesed that night.. the other factor was that the witching time is 3 a.m. and thats when all the bad things would usually hapen around.. when i awoke that night to see my mother in that posesed state.. it was a little after 3 a.m... i saspect she most likly started the "posestion" at 3 a.m. believe what you wish on this.. but i think personaly my mother was posesed that night.. she shows no sign of it yet today.. but still..