ill try to ancer some questions ive come across just to sort things out.
q. y do all your storey entreys seem to be so persanol?
a. i wright my persanol entrey in the storey slot becass that way every one can se them.
q. you clame alot of things how can we baleav you?
a. you cant but from now on ill be adding a picher to each entrey to prove it aslong as i had time to take one.
if there are eney questions then pleas ask away and ill post them pu in my jernal with the anncer thanks fore the feed back.
it is tru being a sword fighter has its perks but also has its draw backs i sed i would show you one of my draw backs and so i have in my profile you will see the injareys i sustaned in my last fight in fucher if you think your good rember thers always some one better out there and if you openly look fore chalenges like me the be reddy to pat the price.... dam this herts like hell.
its bean along time since i had a fight of such magnatude..... left one dead and me injerd badly but she kneuw the risks when she singed that parchment... r.i.p and she should have backed down sorry it ended that way... but she did a good job slitting open my back and side when i have fully heald ill get pics taken and put up hear fore you all to see she nearly took my life with hers but oonly one victer in the end eney other chalonges are welcome try your luck singe the paper and get reddy.