I sit alone in this dark room mostly thinking mostly listening the quiet Night reminding me of things of old. Learning from the past is not hard nor should it be taken lightly. but as i think back i relize that who i truely am is shunned by all that are around me I trudge on not knowing why but knowing its who i am. Dont mistake that i dont try to be what they want a loving wife a well taken care of daughter a good friend but even amongst a crude of people i still feel the pull to be myself a vampiric Dark self not because its fun not because its the "in " thing but because thats who i am...... I am a Vampire.
Got a True Pic of my vampiric form yay
need to work on finishing the profile and to keep searching for more like mind vampires
Day one:
Nothing but I will watch from my shadows for another of like mined to appear