So, today is the first day I've really been exploring VR in earnest.'s awesome. For an uber-dork like myself, it's pretty exciting to read forums that cite Phillipe Aries and Steven Moffatt side-by-side.
Yes, folks, this is my kind of place.
And while I'm pretty darn jazzed to have ascended to the status of "Follower" on my first day active on the site...I must say, there's a place deep down in my heart that misses the "Scrounger" of yester-hour. I mean...come on! "Scrounger!!!?" It just sounds so awesome. Just say it aloud to yourself once or twice. Please. Humor me: "Scrounger." Let it linger on your tongue. "Scrounger..." It's a behind-the-anatomy-lab, dead-of-night grave robbing transaction. Yet, it's Artful Dodgery; I'm picturing gloves with cut-off fingers. "Scrounger..."
***double sigh***
I was once a "Scrounger," but I am a "Scrounger" no more.
Scrounger, RIP.
00:48 Feb 10 2013
Hope you like it here :)