lownignitus's Journal

lownignitus's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


25 entries this month

A vote of confidence

20:27 Oct 28 2006
Times Read: 687

On 19:46:38 Oct 28 2006 Nightgame wrote:

Sir, I just wanted to say, Way to go! A whole load of crap has been thrown at you in the forum and journals and from what I can read it's undeserved. Your coven rules do not seem unreasonable nor that difficult to be traded if they truly want to leave. The rules of vr are there and if they don't like it they don't have to stay or can start the hell over.

I just wanted you to know there are those of us out here who find what you're doing admirable. I say this only in support for you seem an honorable person who doesn't deserve this treatment.

I was talking to my friend Chordewa about wanting to message you but not knowing if I should or not and she said she knew you and to go ahead. So I hope I haven't interrupted your day but I just wanted you to know. I'm not interested in asking for anyone to be traded in or out just a voice of support.

On 19:57:22 Oct 28 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Why thank you for the support, I hope you do not mind if I place this in my journal?

FROM: Nightgame

Go right ahead. I am not ashamed of anything I said and will say it to anyone who asks. Best of luck to you and your lady, may your coven flourish.


Thank you kindly :D

And the best of luck to you as well.




22:58 Oct 26 2006
Times Read: 705

On 22:50:52 Oct 26 2006 bloodessavladamortea154V wrote:

I want to know how you choose those that join your coven .

I have to tell you that my wife Has been abducted into your coven by force and i am so unhappy about it I can't even sleep at night.

She has asked to be released and you don't .. what is this all about .. thats not moraly decent . VR isn't about donmination over people , its a bout feeling happy and comfortable amongs like minds and making friend ships and learning .. I have to ask you to relase her . I am being as polite as I can , but I am not happy with what I leanred at all.

On 22:53:57 Oct 26 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Well one this is her account not yours. Mean that both yours and her accounts can be suspended now.

two, read my rules.

three, I am not picky about whos gets inducted, I treat everyone equally.

four, It is sad such a petty thing that is online causes you to lose sleep.

On 23:09:32 Oct 26 2006 bloodessavladamortea154V wrote:

I am sorry , i don;t mean any disrespect . I just care about her so much and when she is upset I was trying to help .. I tottally don't want her account suspended .. Please give us one more chance .. I don't know how you are very well .. I didn't mean to be disrespectful.. I am a nice person .. Thank you for answering my question .i greatly have learned .. I am so slow at leveling up here.. please don't suspend her account cause i was trying to come to her aid . This was my fault.. I'm trying to make friends .

On 23:18:14 Oct 26 2006 lownignitus wrote:

I'm not able to suspend accounts, but I know those that can. I haven't taken it to anyone though.

Partly because i didn't not realize this was your account and not hers ...

thing is I have my rules and I do not make exceptions for anyone.

I do have a way out, but it involves work. If the person is not willing to put forth the effort to get out, then it shows they really are not motivated beyond the point of complaining about it.

I do not single people out to be "evil" or "controlling", I just simple state how things are so that there is no confusion on what is expected of them. I am not one to sugar coat things.

FROM: bloodessavladamortea154V

I really do understand now .. i didn't before ..

I am still new to all of the rules .. all the involvments.. I apologise .

If you please let me learn from this and keep our account active I will be most greatful .


I already said do not worry about it.

Thing is reading the rules for sites like this is a must.

there are things everyone agrees to when they sign up, that they wouldnt agree to, but have unknowingly.




This one has many different faces ....

22:18 Oct 26 2006
Times Read: 709

On 21:58:05 Oct 25 2006 IsoBlood290580 wrote:

How do I earn favor and why have I been inducted?

On 22:20:22 Oct 25 2006 lownignitus wrote:

if you will take a second to check out the rules page in the coven, it is all laid out for you.

On 22:24:01 Oct 25 2006 IsoBlood290580 wrote:

I already have done and I am still not happy... therefore I am free!

On 23:00:22 Oct 25 2006 lownignitus wrote:


Only I can let you out of the coven...

Otherwise youll just hang around blind.

FROM: IsoBlood290580

ok I will learn my place


On 23:02:12 Oct 25 2006 IsoBlood290580 wrote:

pls tell your Lady I am sorry... I will stay, pls unblind me. I guess I will learn my place

On 23:04:27 Oct 25 2006 lownignitus wrote:

You will have to talk to her if you have pissed her off.

On 23:06:03 Oct 25 2006 IsoBlood290580 wrote:

she has blocked me so I can't

On 23:07:16 Oct 25 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Ill pass the word then, but no guaranties on what will come of it.

FROM: IsoBlood290580

Thankyou Master


On 23:24:02 Oct 25 2006 IsoBlood290580 wrote:

what has she said?

On 23:34:20 Oct 25 2006 lownignitus wrote:

No reply.

On 23:40:28 Oct 25 2006 IsoBlood290580 wrote:

guess I am blinded then :(

On 23:42:55 Oct 25 2006 lownignitus wrote:

That is up to her

FROM: IsoBlood290580

I guess I have blown it


On 19:18:29 Oct 26 2006 IsoBlood290580 wrote:

I see I have been blinded so can I now be set free pls? another coven wants me anyway and there is no point in staying in yours if I am blinded.

On 20:59:20 Oct 26 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Read the rules, you must earn 2000 favor first. Blind or not, rules are rules, it also states to not ask.

On 21:56:20 Oct 26 2006 IsoBlood290580 wrote:

not happy

On 21:57:52 Oct 26 2006 lownignitus wrote:

I dont see how you where happy before.

but that was a completely useless and pointless message to send to me.

On 21:59:30 Oct 26 2006 IsoBlood290580 wrote:

Im quite happy on VR. you made me unhappy once you inducted me....

On 22:05:20 Oct 26 2006 lownignitus wrote:

You are the one that agreed to the terms of VR when you joined.

This is part of being on VR.

If you are going to let one aspect of being on VR ruin the entire thing for you, then that is a pity.

What happened to the "I will learn my place" you stated earlier?

On 22:08:27 Oct 26 2006 IsoBlood290580 wrote:

you must hate me.... I came here for more friends of my kind

On 22:12:44 Oct 26 2006 lownignitus wrote:

where in my actions have I stated or implied that I hate you?

I am not "singling" you out.

Read my rules. Everybody is held to them. I make no special treatments, as they do nothing but cause havoc.

Ive seen you change faces so many times in these messages its quit funny....

And I know you want to get into murmur... I have ties there....

On 22:26:39 Oct 26 2006 IsoBlood290580 wrote:

hwo do you have ties there? I have different faces cos I have mood swings... simple thats me.

On 22:33:22 Oct 26 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Well to start off with, I was in Murmur before I made this coven.

I have been friends with Murmurs Mistress thebatt since I joined VR.

there is also the fact that BlackOblivion is my brother.

And DragonMaster is another good friend of mine.

Thats all the ties I need to have I think.

FROM: IsoBlood290580

ok I get the idea now... I am here to stay. Forgive my mood swings and have a good day. i hope my acct isnt suspended. Be well.


no there is a way out, it just takes work.

And no your account is not being suspended.




How many times do I have to say it?

21:14 Oct 26 2006
Times Read: 714

On 20:36:27 Oct 26 2006 Athos wrote:

Consider the following To Be A Warning:

1. Do not expect that the simple fact you drafted me into this coven to mean you have power over mefor no one does i do what i want when i want and no one but me has a say in it.

2. When my clan's coven is finally created you will trade me or suffer the conseqiences.

3. I joined this coven not of my free will so do not expect co-operation from me, if i choose to do something it iss of my own free will and not of yours.

4. Although you may be a coven master but i tell you this you know not of whom you deal with so i suggest you bare in mind i am a froce to be reckoned with.

5. If you seriously expect me not to swear when i have been inducted into this coven against me will, you are sadly mistaken and shall get that nonsense out of your head as soon as possible to avoid any.......well let's just say you don't want to go there.

6. What the hell is blindment.

7. I will not follow the rules of a simpleton.

8. As i stated before I do what i want when i want and you have no say in the mater.

9.Finally at least for now I warn you, you can subject your blindment as you call it to me all you want but this simple fact is, i have minions of my own and i am part of a far great society than you could ever imagine, so i suggest you hold your tongue on what you say to meor this upcoming will be your down falling, for to provoct me is to provoct my clan and we are not something you want to deal with and i garantee my clan leader would have something to say.

This has been your warning you have but one left i suggest you use it well.

On 21:10:35 Oct 26 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Well lets see, I don't have to do anything you demand.

Since you wanted to know what blindment is, you now are.

Trade you or suffer the consequences? I think not. you ll hang around as one of my lackeys as long as I please.

I will and do what I wish with you as a member of my coven and well that means you is rot.

I do not care what you are a part of outside VR. It has nothing to do with VR so it means nothing to me.

Petty threats do not get one anything wished.

I hope you have fun not being able to do what you want when your friends coven comes along.

also ... You warn me? that is laughable. You cannot do a thing to me even if you could Id still not do anything but laugh in your face.

You ll learn your place soon enough. Especially if you want out of my coven.

further more, if you try sending anything like this to me again, I will just block you as it is annoying and a waste of my valuable time.

FROM: Athos

ah the petty chioces of some one who thinks they are in control, as i said you know not who you deal with, this has been your last warning, i hope you injoyed it so.......



what you going to do to me?

think me to death?

I think not. I have control over what coven or house you belong to now.

Id talk with a little more respect if I was you.

Of course based on your behavior around VR you have no respect.

So expect none from me.

good day and you are now blocked as I said I would.

and wouldnt you know it he blocked me LOL





08:47 Oct 26 2006
Times Read: 722

On 06:29:00 Oct 25 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Been trying sooooo hard to get out have you?

Havent even bothered to even talk to me.

Shows how much you want out.

On 06:34:10 Oct 25 2006 VampiresBite wrote:

since the only way out is becoming a sire or 2000 favors ive been working on them since your so keen on that

On 06:36:12 Oct 25 2006 lownignitus wrote:

At least somebody reads the rules then, and works to get out instead of bitching about it.

On 06:37:42 Oct 25 2006 VampiresBite wrote:

yeah....i dont want to be in a coven where the leader thinks hes better then everyone, and has the coven named after black widows...and has a squirrel for an icon

On 06:41:53 Oct 25 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Actually I dont think of my self as better.

Im just running my coven with a drill instructor mentality.

And you dont have to agree with my reason for using symbols, it was my choice to use such, not anyone leses.

On 06:43:43 Oct 25 2006 VampiresBite wrote:

yeah the icon says a lot about you...

so i guess your just someone who rather be at the top and the best at everything and competetive then just hanging out and having fun...

On 06:46:50 Oct 25 2006 lownignitus wrote:

You have no clue about me, yet you pass judgement on me without know anything.

Its funny how people are wired....

I do have fun and I do hang out.

I just do so with people that have bothered to get to know me and understand my frame of mind.

Im not all to different from cancer (who I has meet and donre things with in real life) This site would be totally different if he was able to do everything he wanted to.

On 06:50:55 Oct 25 2006 VampiresBite wrote:

im not saying being forceful with authority is a bad thing...and no i may not know anything about you, but by my first impressions of you id rather not get to know you...and since cancer is the genius that made this site, im sure id get along with him better.

On 06:54:02 Oct 25 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Whatever happened to the expression "dont judge a book by its cover"?

Ive had many people come to me pissed off or thinking Im not a person they would like to talk to and end up referring to me as a friend at later dates ....

People are so fickle anymore ...

On 06:55:43 Oct 25 2006 VampiresBite wrote:

well im not other people, and dont flatter yourself...with me first impressions are..everything. if I dont get a good impression of a person when I meet them, theres little chance ill ever get along with/like them even if I try to.

On 06:58:35 Oct 25 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Fell what you want, but that attitude ends up making it so you never get to know people that may be benificial allies.

As to getting along with cancer, he normally blows people off. He hardly meets with people unless its a VR thing ...

On 07:01:53 Oct 25 2006 VampiresBite wrote:

yeah that may be true but ill deal with it when those situations come along...but so far in my life ive been acually a really nice person...I blew off people who I didnt get along with for a few reasons...but they begged me to be their friend so I did..and lets just say it backfired on me...so Im not so easily deserved anymore.

Im not saying I want to be one of cancers best friends or anything, just that there could be ac hance Id get along with him.

Right now Im signing off..long day of work and theres a few more long days of work to go through this week, so ill talk to you later since I guess I have to

On 07:06:29 Oct 25 2006 lownignitus wrote:

You dont have to, its your choice.

And well stick with whatever you choose to do.

Just know that I stated things on the coven pages because Im not like all the other society masters.

I put it all out there for people to see and dont sugar coat it, I dont hide behind double standards as Ive seen in many covens.

FROM: VampiresBite

I dont care that you run your coven as like a drill sargent for the miliary instead of being flexible and reasonable like others Ive seen, I just don't want to be a part of it.


The funny thing is you are, and you don't have a say in it.

Until I let you go you will always be a part of my coven.




A New convorsation with my previous Friend...

08:52 Oct 22 2006
Times Read: 743

On 08:45:54 Oct 22 2006 MasterThoth wrote:

You are correct, and I did agree. But, there is nothing in the rules that states you have the right to be rude, or any member of your coven has the right to be rude, by sending me a message commanding me to do anything. Forced induction is part of VR, being rude to someone you don't know is not.

On 08:49:49 Oct 22 2006 lownignitus wrote:

who sent you a message telling you you had to do any thing?

I know I didn't. I have never been rude too you.

My rules are not rude. It also does not state that one must be informed of an induction. And it is up to the head of the said society as to how and what they do with members of their society.

On 08:54:29 Oct 22 2006 MasterThoth wrote:

I was sent a message saying I had to display your crest, which I will not. And, I have been here awhile. I respect the system and love VR. So, either blind me, or release me, but expect nothing from me. You begin with rudeness, you reap what you sow. Its your coven, all actions of its memebers are your responsibility.

On 08:59:06 Oct 22 2006 lownignitus wrote:

You got sent such a message because it is stated in the rules that every member must display the crest upon their profile.

Nothing rude about that. they where letting you know how it is.

Sometimes actions are taken as rude when they are not rude in nature. the person just takes them personally when it was not intended as such.

And I did not start with rudeness. So do not say that it is I who was rude.

Yes I am responsible for my coven, but I do not control each individuals actions. That is beyond my control. If you expect that then you live in a fantasy world.

FROM: MasterThoth

Alright, then we have nothing else to say to each other. I won't enter your forum or participate in any way. I will not display your crest or acknowledge your coven at all. Do what you must.


And so is your choice, a poor one, but a choice.




Hmmm ... Touchy Touchy ...

08:13 Oct 22 2006
Times Read: 745

On 07:42:03 Oct 22 2006 MasterThoth wrote:

I did not ask to be inducted into your coven. I am not going to display or do anything. I was not even given the basic respect of being talked to first.

On 08:00:33 Oct 22 2006 lownignitus wrote:

i was not the one that inducted you so do not complian to me.

though if you do not follow the rules you will be blinded and unable to be traded, or let go.

On 08:01:08 Oct 22 2006 MasterThoth wrote:

Then let me go now, and get it over with

On 08:05:09 Oct 22 2006 lownignitus wrote:

I take it you didn't read the rules.

Once you get into the coven, there is no getting out. unless you fulfill a few things first.

In fact I shouldn't have even answered you because it says don't ask to be let out.

FROM: MasterThoth

Fine, I'll ignore you, and block every member who contacts me. Enjoy your games, but don't expect me to play them.


funny thing is this isn't a game and you are being to high strung about all this.

You agreed to this when you signed up to VR, or did you not read the rules?

He blocked me so I left this as a comment for him.




just to make this easier a seperate thread for this one...

00:56 Oct 21 2006
Times Read: 764

On 06:19:45 Oct 20 2006 lownignitus wrote:

I got this message today:

On 05:04:09 Oct 20 2006 Maverick wrote:

thought i'd let you know what your most recent induction's been saying to people. Oh, he also rated me a 1, not for profile content, but because I pissed him off.. Ahh well, boys will be stupid.. lmao!

Profile for humankiller


| Block |

Rating: 1

Comment: little fags like you dont scare me either, why dont you stop trying to play with my dick, and go suck on your dog,

you know, i bet your a pedofile as well, and by the way, if you talk to me, or anyone i know again, there will be nowhere you can hide that i wont find you.

your fag, doggy dick loving, pedo ass will die if you comment or messege me again

Date: 19:07:49 - Oct 19 2006

do with this what you will. I trust your judgement! :)

Now I would like to know what this was all about?

and how you plan on resolving this.

On 21:49:47 Oct 20 2006 humankiller wrote:

i would like to know who the fuck you are

On 23:43:17 Oct 20 2006 lownignitus wrote:

I would be the person that is responsible for you.

I take it you are slow to figure things out. Wouldn't expect anything less from you by your profile.

I am now your Coven Master. Things about your digressions are now brought to my attention and you must now answer about them to me.

On 00:15:44 Oct 21 2006 humankiller wrote:

i answer to no one, i threaten ppl, and insult ppl who insult me, i never wanted to be in your coven, so i dont see you as my coven master, however, i will show respect, only if i am respected and not talked down to, in return, and maybe you will eventually be respected as my coven master, but only in time.

tell me your rules, i will repsect those that i think are fair, if u dont like it, just kick me out.

and i must appologise for my aditude, im gettin pissed about all these asshole humans harassing me, when i did nothing to them.

On 00:56:47 Oct 21 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Hmmm well If you would bother to actually read shit before you act you wouldn't make yourself look so stupid.

You are now in the coven for good and I don't care if you like it or not. you will answer to me now.

Go and read the rules before I get pissed off about repeating my self a third time.

FROM: humankiller

ummm, im not making myself look stupid, I DONT FUCKING ANSWER TO ANYONE, especialy after the shit ive been thrugh on this fuckin site, you would do well to leave me be till im calmer. then i may give you an answer. depends on how respectful you are


You can ask anyone. I am respectful. just not to those who are vulgar and disrespectful to me first.

If you have such problems there is a thing called the delete button. Make liberal use out of it.

As to answer to anyone. you don't have a choice in it now. You answer to me, but fore most you answer to cancer now.

You agreed to all the terms by joining .. maybe you should have read before you joined. fine print is a bitch.




seems like my boys cant stay out of trouble!

06:20 Oct 20 2006
Times Read: 780

On 06:19:45 Oct 20 2006 lownignitus wrote:

I got this message today:

On 05:04:09 Oct 20 2006 Maverick wrote:

thought i'd let you know what your most recent induction's been saying to people. Oh, he also rated me a 1, not for profile content, but because I pissed him off.. Ahh well, boys will be stupid.. lmao!

Profile for humankiller


| Block |

Rating: 1

Comment: little fags like you dont scare me either, why dont you stop trying to play with my dick, and go suck on your dog,

you know, i bet your a pedofile as well, and by the way, if you talk to me, or anyone i know again, there will be nowhere you can hide that i wont find you.

your fag, doggy dick loving, pedo ass will die if you comment or messege me again

Date: 19:07:49 - Oct 19 2006

do with this what you will. I trust your judgement! :)

Now I would like to know what this was all about?

and how you plan on resolving this.

On 21:49:47 Oct 20 2006 humankiller wrote:

i would like to know who the fuck you are

On 23:43:17 Oct 20 2006 lownignitus wrote:

I would be the person that is responsible for you.

I take it you are slow to figure things out. Wouldn't expect anything less from you by your profile.

I am now your Coven Master. Things about your digressions are now brought to my attention and you must now answer about them to me.

One of his replies:

and by the way, couldnt you be more creative when comming up with the coven name? it just dosent make sense

the one I responded too:

On 00:23:15 Oct 21 2006 humankiller wrote:

though, i do thank you for making it so i wasnt a vampiric dove, lmfao, now THat dosent make sense

On 00:52:50 Oct 21 2006 lownignitus wrote:

What kind of name is it?

Hmmmm Maybe you should go and read the coven pages young one. And i didnt "save" you from anything .. I dont go doing that ...

You still have not given me accountability for the action that have been brought forth to me.

FROM: humankiller

look buddy, i dont answer to anyone i know, so i sure as hel dont answer to you. if you want my respect, you'll have to earn it, if you want me in your coven, you'll have to deal with my aditude, and if you can somehow delete my profile, i'll be back, and i could get my level back in a day, so why dont you start being a little less commanding and ASK me what happend, or just kick me out of your coven


Sorry but that's not my style ...

I don't care what you think.

I don't ask you for anything and that's that. your here to stay and well If I please I can make your life miserable little boy...

Well he blocked me and sent a few more LOL

now youve gone and done it, now im pissed, you cant make my life any worse than it is, your just asking for death. i sware, leave me be, or you'll be sorry


now what bitch! throw all you got at me, i'll block all of ya, biotch!


ok , y dont u just send your dogs after me, let me desrtoy em all and leave me be




Sigh ... no way to get what one wants....

03:22 Oct 18 2006
Times Read: 808

On 22:58:35 Oct 17 2006 ducky69420 wrote:

fuck this please switch me fucken covens.

On 01:02:35 Oct 18 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Read the rules ... and now you are blinded.

On 03:37:37 Oct 18 2006 ducky69420 wrote:

fuck you

On 03:44:21 Oct 18 2006 lownignitus wrote:

No thank you, I am very much heterosexual. though if you are looking for a partner I do know a few gay members of VR. though I doubt they would associate because of your attitude.

I have done you no wrong so the cussing and attitude towards me is unnecessary.

If you have a problem with what has happened, then maybe you should have actually read the rules of VR before you joined.

Ignorance is no excuse to anything.

FROM: ducky69420

well its not my fault you think your god and every body else is shit but you know what hope you have fun and get a dick that youve been needing for that. peaces

quack bitch


I think I am a god? where did I say I was one of the gods? no where that I read.

I take it you are one of those "Rebels without a cause" types... hmmm interesting ... dealt with your kind before .. no surprise.

You obviously have never gone threw boot camp as you do not recognized the attitude of one. In boot camp you belong to the DI and are nothing until you impress him.

Their whole goal is the fact of making you the absolute best person you can possibly be and not comfortable with just being blah.

As to having a penis, yes I have one. Feel free to as my fiancee LownignitusWench just how much of one I have. Since it seems to interest you so much.

As to your last comment .. makes no sense, but what else could be expected from you.

well dang .. they deleted their account before I could send my last reply :(




On a side note

22:18 Oct 08 2006
Times Read: 822

To the fact the I am "too old" to be listening to Good Charlotte.

There is no age limit to music,. You listen to the muisic that you like, and none other.

Due to the fact that I am now 21 and have been following GC since they started. I do not think I am too old to listen to them.

anyone that thinks otherwise can just kiss it.




When do people learn?

22:16 Oct 08 2006
Times Read: 823

I opened my who's rated you section last night to find this:


Rating: 1

Comment: Aren't you a little too old to listen to GC. I give you a 1

Date: 21:03:26 - Oct 07 2006


Rating: 1

Comment: arent you kind of old to listen to gc. i give you a 1

Date: 20:59:16 - Oct 07 2006

Now tell me that does not look fishy. So naturally I think it is a multi. I asked around and it turns out the avatar that was on A7xAngel's profile was a picture that has disappeared off esmareria's.

I took this to an admin and guess what. It was a multi. It has been deleted and well now I think the pissed off esmareria is even more pissed off.

Oh well one must live by the rules or one does get pissed off a lot.




Well this makes no sense. Trying to blame me for their CHOICE to leave.

13:24 Oct 04 2006
Times Read: 847

FROM: mksdarkdream

Greetings Sir, please excuse the rude intrusion, however, out of respect i am sending this message.

i have awoken this morning to see that i have been inducted into the Coven and thank You for such a kind action, i am truly honoured.

However, i am in the bdsm lifestyle, am a real-time owned submissive with a Master, who has been good enough to allow me to come to VR to learn more and to experience the luxurious prose and poetry that so M/many members express on T/their profiles. He does not allow me however to obey Another, to follow the rules and commands of Another, to be 'owned' by Any other than He. Although i appreciate that induction and membership of the Coven is not the exact same as 'ownership', when i submit i give my all Sir, and this would not be possible with the Coven.

i therefore have two options presented to me - to have my induction from the Coven removed before Saturday 07 October 2006 or to leave the Rave.

i would therefore plead to Your fair and just nature and request that my induction be re-considered.

it is with a saddened heart that i write this to You, Sir, however, my loyalty and submission are and will always be, to my Master.

girl wishes You a safe journey today and everyday,



I understand where you are coming from, but VR is not real life. Something that most people have forgotten to realize.

Unless you can earn 2000 favor by the 7th you are not being let out of the coven.

A master is different then a Coven head here on VR. Your master is Real Life and I am but a Virtual entity.

If you do leave VR it will be your own choice and not anything to do with me. I do not make people act anyway. they choice the course of their own actions within the limits that are set forth before them.




Continuations of our conversation

02:18 Oct 04 2006
Times Read: 857


Dear Lownignitus,

I don't see the point in inducting someone who is going to refuse to contribute to the coven. All that really does is prove the stereotype that all goths are power-hungry, brainwashing, satanists who want to control and manipulate people. If you don't release me from the coven, I'm going to leave the site, because you'll be proving to me that this site has become everything I hate in the goth community - that is, a bunch of emo posers filled with high school angst and drama.

Thank you,


On 09:29:30 Oct 01 2006 lownignitus wrote:

I am not gothic, Brainwashing, Power hungry, emo (I hate them all), or a satanist (in fact I do not even believe in him). So all these statements have nothing to do with me.

If you read the rules, Which more then one unbiased person has helped me perfect, I will not release anyone. further more I am not obligates unless your a Sire to have to listen to request to leave my coven.

A person has a choice to be active or not.

By the sounds of it you shouldn't have joined this site anyways if you feel this site is so. If you do leave it will be not my doing, but of your own free choice. Of course I will get blamed for it, but I will rest soundly because I did no wrong.

darkling 21:55:32 Oct 01 2006:

I didn't say you WERE these things, just that this is the way you are coming off, and further more, Satanists don't believe in Satan - Satan came from the sanskrit word for chaos. Do your homework. This website is regarded by many as a "goth" hangout, and you are acting in a way that represents all of the gross stereotypes "goths" are perceived as, which damages the reputation of those who simply enjoy the gothic lifestyle.

You say your rules have been perfected - I'm saying that they are flawed because of how you are representing your people; I am not a sheep, and you can't make me into one.

To add, I joined this site before the covens really started; back when it was a safe place for me to chat with like minded people about vampiric lore and alternative lifestyles. That Cancer chose to turn it into a place where any idiot with enough time to become a sire can start a coven and dictate others behavior was not my choice. I am from Canada; a sovereign democratic nation. I was not raised to follow authority unquestioningly. If you have a problem with this attitude, perhaps you should only take drones into your coven. You seem to have enough people there who want to let you play your power game, why keep me?

On 20:51:42 Oct 02 2006 lownignitus wrote:

I don't see the point in inducting someone who is going to refuse to contribute to the coven. All that really does is prove the stereotype that all goths are power-hungry, brainwashing, satanists who want to control and manipulate people. If you don't release me from the coven, I'm going to leave the site, because you'll be proving to me that this site has become everything I hate in the goth community - that is, a bunch of emo posers filled with high school angst and drama.

Hmm that seems to me like you are implying that that is exactly how I am. but of course I have a different and outside of the box view on things. Like the fact that I do not judge people or things based on a "stereo-type". Only those that are not happy and confident about themselves do such things.

I never said anyone was a sheep. your the one saying it is that way. I am just running a coven with strict structure and guidelines. Based upon a military type structure. Though of course I am talking to a rebel without a cause so that means little to you. Your just focused on "sticking it to the man" and at the moment you have deemed me "The Man".

Well if you have been here that long then you understand the reason to the madness that cancer does. this whole site is a hobby and a test place for philosophies that cancer has. but of course you may be to narrow minded and short sighted to figure that out.

Why do I keep you? well its simple. It is because I enjoy a little drama here and there and people that complain like you feed into it even though you say you dislike it. If you really disliked it you wouldn’t have said anything at all. also would not have sent your lackey after me ether. The only difference between me any you is the fact that I admit that I like a little drama.

well I have had enough chatting for now. Feel free to message me back if it floats your boat, but know I can go on like this forever. I have studied enough psychology that I pick up on things people don’t want to talk about and push those buttons. so go ahead and try if it pleases you.

On 01:03:54 Oct 03 2006 darkling wrote:

I didn't "send" anyone - he wrote of his own regard. And even in the military are you allowed to question your leaders judgement without being punished.

And you didn't have to say anyone was a sheep, your actions speak volumes for you. I do not thrive on "sticking it to the man," I just refuse to give some loser who has been on this site for almost a year less than me power to tell me what to do, think, and believe, which is what your coven is proposing to do. I refuse to rate lazy assholes with a ten, coven-mate or not. I refuse to follow retarded rules without questioning them, especially considering the number of grammatical errors within them. And I definately refuse to show any support to a coven leader who treats his subjects like chattel.

On 02:47:41 Oct 03 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Well to start off with judgement is spelled judgment, and definately is spelled definitely. I also believe the word is cattle not chattel.

I do not claim to be the best writer in the world but there is not a spelling error on the pages. I know I checked them with Word. And second I am not being a tyrant, which is what you are implying. The rules are set up in the cause and effect for. You do what they say and positive comes from them. You do not do as they say and negative comes from them. It is all up to the individual to whether or not they want a negative or a positive consequence. They are tough and strict yes, but they are completely fair because they apply to everyone. I have had at least 30 Coven members tell me that the rules are good and needed they way that they are. I have also had countless others outside the Coven say the same thing. Some where skeptical to start with but once I explained the method to the madness they agreed I was right. In fact almost weekly there is 1 - 2 people asking to be let into this Coven. So obviously it is you that has a personal problem.

As to your friend.. The timing between your first post to me and them harassing me and being vulgar to me is to coincidental to say you when not the cause. But any case you have him to thank on your staying no until you are a Sire. Rudeness is not the way to get anything that one desires. Which I am not being rude at all. I am perfectly within my rights as a Sire and a Coven head to run my Coven this way. The fact that you do not agree is too bad and a tragic causality of circumstances, but it is how it is none the less.

If you think I am only directing my “wrath” at you you are mistaken. I treat each and every person the same way. I even blinded one of my own original staff members because he got too big for his britches. In fact there are a few that are talking in the forums right now fixing to get blinded if they do not start acting civil. There cannot be any order out of chaos unless there are rules. If you really think that Canadians view things completely different then I do, you have not checked out OniKage’s profile yet. He was one of the founding minds and driving forces behind the making of the Coven. And he is breed born and raise Canadian.

I do not treat anyone as sheep, nor do I make any implication to such in my Coven pages. I just expect everyone to learn that on this site, as in real life, shit happens so deal with it. That is the main focus behind the Coven. To see who can adapt and survive and who is so stubborn and set in their ways that they refuse to advance themselves. It’s a test of character and ones sense of duty. I see that you are having a hard time finding the positive light in this event. Which brings me to this point that will piss you off. You are a lot more gothic/emo then you want to admit. The attitude that you are putting forth on this single situation shows that deep down you are truly gothic in your view points, and that deep down your actions say that you are a more then a little emo. Me I know who I am. I am a punk/metal head/goth and damn proud of it. I am not afraid to say what is on my mind and if it pisses people off oh well. The truth hurts, because it is what people want to refuses to accept. I use my darker look on life to see how I can use it to turn any given circumstance in to a positive. Sometimes it works sometimes it does not. But I at least try to do the positive thing first. Because then I can at least say I gave it my best and all.

I am a perfectionist not a control freak. I grew up with to many of those in my life to turn into one myself. The out comes of being one is too negative for me. So instead of trying to control the world around me I control myself. You can ask anybody. I am one of the most disciplined people that a lot of people know. My Coven is not about control, but about lifting people to standards that they didn’t even know that was possible for them to do. For some of them it is a big confidence boost to have achieved something so great. But I do not expect you to understand this.

Well I have spent too much of my time on this reply already, though I think my English teacher would be proud of me for the way I wrote it. I must bid you adue and am looking for your next humorous reply.

You “Enslaver”,

Lown Ignitus

Master of IFBW

On 16:03:51 Oct 03 2006 darkling wrote:

Fine. Keep me. But until I see an ounce of respect from you, you will not be seeing any from me.

And chattel is a different word than cattle, although it means generally the same thing.

On 22:29:12 Oct 03 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Respect? You talk to me about respect?

the first message you even sent me you cussed and insulted me when I had done nothing but done as the rules of VR let me. If your going to attack me for following rules then you get no respect until I see a reason too.

I actually did give you respect and infact I still am. I can respect a person and still not agree with what they are saying or not do as they wish. I respect you as a person, but they way you are acting does not merit me just letting you do as you wish.

Infact my first reply was nothing but respectful. So I do not see where you get off by demanding respect from me when it is already there. Though if you mean respect as in roll over and do what you want of releasing you, then you are sadly mistaken

On 02:04:58 Oct 04 2006 darkling wrote:

I don't recall cussing at all in my first message to you.

And the rules of your coven show no respect for those in it.

On 02:13:23 Oct 04 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Actually yes they do. Very much so they do. You just do not see it because you've never had any military experience. My rules are similar in structure and I have had more then one person that is in my coven and with such experience thank me and say its a wonderful structure.

It seems that you have run out of steam. your replies have gotten shorter and shorter still. Is it that you are starting to realize that maybe I am right after all? hmmm .. maybe maybe not... I know you will deny it though.

I would send you a copy of the message if I had it, but you did say those damn rules.

FROM: darkling

and damn is hardly a cuss word - as a former sailor, I've heard words to make your ears bleed. The reason my replies are getting so short is because I have much better things to do with my time then talk to some low life, scum sucking, totalitarian prick who probably still lives in his parent's basement and gets his mommy to wipe his rear end.


Well Coast Guard doesn't really count as military.

I happen to live on my own and have done things on my own since the age of 8. I have no need to further this conversation with you. As it tires me greatly. I have not replied back because other things are more important, but though I should clear things up and inform you that I am blocking you.

Have a nice day. Oh and if you want out read the new rule. 2000 favor you must earn.




A nazi camp huh? That is a little extreme even for me. But yet again it seems another lacky, be they be a Ass. Coven Head.

01:47 Oct 04 2006
Times Read: 864

On 00:29:46 Oct 04 2006 LadyKrystalynDarkstar wrote:


I don't know you and don't claim to. I know people who admire you greatly and I am not assuming anything here.

I just would really like to know why you do your coven the way you do. If someone really doesn't want to be there, why do you make them? I know of a couple there who are very truly not happy. I am just curious.... and not trying to start anything at all. Just would like to know why you do that.

On 00:38:05 Oct 04 2006 lownignitus wrote:

I do this because its what I have decided and settled on doing.

I saw too much chaos and disorder and people that where laughing about the system becasue they thought that they could do as they please.

Also for some people that I talked to this is like a safe haven because they know they will not be traded off at my whim. unlike some covens where if you do not do something your gone.

I have set my rules up not just for my coven members but for myself as well.

On 00:47:49 Oct 04 2006 LadyKrystalynDarkstar wrote:

Ok... I get that part. But if someone doesn't want to be there... why not let them out? That just makes for sour attitudes to begin the chaos and disorder you are trying to avoid.

On 00:50:35 Oct 04 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Sometimes inlife do not go how you want them. Most people do not relize that it is a privlage that they really do not have to be let out of a house before they are a sire.

I am just teaching them a lesson.

On 00:55:15 Oct 04 2006 LadyKrystalynDarkstar wrote:

Pardon my disrespect.... but who died and left you in charge? Doesn't that cause you and your assistants grief? I mean... I certainly would pitch a fit. I would not want to be where I am not appreciated. One girl described to me about your coven that she felt like she is in a Nazi prison camp. I mean technically being blinded doesn't really matter much.... and being held either, but working as a group unit seems more affective then what you are currently doing. Please correct me if I am wrong - I sincerely want to know.

On 01:00:58 Oct 04 2006 lownignitus wrote:

A majority does work together. I really do not mind what anyone thinks about me or even views me as. And I think I know who you are talking abou, but hey I just added a rule for those that want out. Its just whether they are that determind to get out or not.

On 01:00:58 Oct 04 2006 lownignitus wrote:

A majority does work together. I really do not mind what anyone thinks about me or even views me as. And I think I know who you are talking abou, but hey I just added a rule for those that want out. Its just whether they are that determind to get out or not.


It says 2000 total, which mean exactly that. no matter how long it takes the total must be 2000.




Well some people just do not know when to give up.

22:53 Oct 03 2006
Times Read: 875

On 04:06:36 Oct 03 2006 Xzavier wrote:

I would very much like to be traded to The Coven of Sangre Fidelis

On 05:48:32 Oct 03 2006 lownignitus wrote:

I would suggest that you go and read the rules a second time.

On 05:55:30 Oct 03 2006 Xzavier wrote:

I would suggest not.

On 05:58:58 Oct 03 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Well get comfortasble because you atre not going anywhere now.

On 06:01:31 Oct 03 2006 Xzavier wrote:

What does it profit you to have me?

On 06:04:13 Oct 03 2006 lownignitus wrote:

It it not about what I profit. Its about adhering to the rules. And abiding by them.

On 06:06:57 Oct 03 2006 Xzavier wrote:

If you did not profit, then what was the reasoning behind bringing me into the coven?

I am not trying to argue but understand.

On 06:11:05 Oct 03 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Well I believe that every person has something to offer. Be it knowledge or loyalty or whatever.

Even blinded members help out a coven, because they can still earn favor if they please. But also because their profile and portfolio rating and level help the coven out as well.

Not everything that helps out is as plain as earning favor or participating in activities.

On 06:15:37 Oct 03 2006 Xzavier wrote:

Yes I understand that. Do you not think that I would have joined yuor Coven if asked?

But what good is a member who gains no favor and whos profile rating goes down and whos level goes down?

On 06:20:36 Oct 03 2006 lownignitus wrote:

They are no good but if that is what they want then they might as well just get it over and delete their profile, because I was not the only person that made up the rules. It was a collective brainstorm that made these up and I was the one that was chosen to move ahead with them.

On 06:22:09 Oct 03 2006 Xzavier wrote:

And yet you would not be willing to trade?

On 06:25:57 Oct 03 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Not unless I was given an ample reason to do so. Which as it is there is none.

I am the type of person that when I go with something I stick to it even in bad times.

On 06:28:02 Oct 03 2006 Xzavier wrote:

And using the simple diginty of asking bares not with you.

On 06:31:03 Oct 03 2006 lownignitus wrote:

No as it shows you have no wish to follow the rules. as it state to not do just that.

On 06:34:51 Oct 03 2006 Xzavier wrote:


It is as it shall be.

Your words mean nothing, Your ideas have no purpose other than to fulfil your phsycologic downfalls.

On 06:41:22 Oct 03 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Think what you want. I am not the one that is getting hot headed over this. So you cannot be in the coven you please. The one you are in has good people in it as well. I am sorry that you do not feel them worthy of your time.

It is amazing how people act when they are given two simple choices and they refuse to do ether and opt for a third that does not exist.

It is amazing what one learns about people just based on how they react to certain circumstances.

This this grows weary. Have a nice day and time with whatever you do.

On 06:45:37 Oct 03 2006 Xzavier wrote:

Indeed there are many good people in the Coven. A third option exists due to science not a mans word.

I would have been more than happy to have taken part of your Coven had I been asked. But it seems that your is destined to remain at the bottom of the ladder.

On 06:52:28 Oct 03 2006 lownignitus wrote:

I highly doubt it. due to the fact you are unwilling to participate as of right now. If you truly would participate then you would be doing so now instead of trying to convince me into trading you out. The system is set up so that one does not have to know if they are going to be joining a society or not. If you had not wanted to be snatched up randomly, perhaps you should have looked for a society to have joined.

I am fine being on the bottom of the ladder. there must be those willing to due the dirty work to pave the way forward for others.

On 13:56:02 Oct 03 2006 Xzavier wrote:

I am unwilling to participate in the Coven because I ws not asked to join.I understand that I would have had little say in the matter, and that if I had said no I still probably would have ended up here but its the idea of consent.

In fact I was in the process of joining Sangre Fidelis, it had been put up to a vote and by the end of the day I would have been a member.

Successful societies never work by forced mebership.

On 22:42:17 Oct 03 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Well I am sorry about that, but life isn't all about peaches.

And well I would like to say you are mistaken. This coven has been a success. Almost half the members like it and I as getting about 1 request a day about what needs to be done so people can join or get traded in. So I would say again. That over all it is quit successful.

On 01:32:38 Oct 04 2006 Xzavier wrote:

I know you are resonable man. On hind sight logicaly yes you are right about the rules and I never questioned them just the method, however thats neither here nor there.

Would this be acceptable. I earn 100 favor points for the Coven and update my profile status, then I get traded. Or I could do nothing and delete my account and neither one of us receives any benifit.

On 01:36:21 Oct 04 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Might want to check your system messages. As I just implimented a new rule about this.

On 01:52:51 Oct 04 2006 Xzavier wrote:

Hmm. You are one tough cookie lol. Do you see any possible resolve to this situation by which we would both be satisfied.

On 02:05:17 Oct 04 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Yes I just gave it. That is very lenient compared to what was suggested to me (5000).

That is a win win situation for everyone there. It also helps cover the fact you will not be in anymore. because I know that what will be got in a trade will not make up for the difference that trading a person makes.

On 02:25:03 Oct 04 2006 Xzavier wrote:

Well there is no way I could earn 2000 points.

Look Im getting tired of this as I am sure you are. How about a cash payment to you. (In reason of course)

On 02:44:10 Oct 04 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Thats gettin a little desperate there. 2000 is not hard if you play 5's and have the time. Hell Id be there and over myself if it was not for the fact Ive ran 2 different covens over the last 5 months.

Might be able to let you go if you get 1000

On 03:14:04 Oct 04 2006 Xzavier wrote:

1000 is that a gurantee

On 03:19:19 Oct 04 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Against my better judgment yes it is.

I should hold you to the 2000 based on how you have acted, but I will be lenient this once.

FROM: Xzavier

So it shall be.

1000 points for your Coven Sir.


Once I see that favor is being earned if you wish you may be unblinded.




Well this could be seen happening from a mile away.

22:53 Oct 03 2006
Times Read: 876

On 13:18:26 Oct 03 2006 LordFangor wrote:

I see that you have drafted me for your coven. This you have done at your own peril. Others have asked and were rejected as you would have been.

Ground rules, (1) don't bother me with your Coven bullshit, as I simply don't care; (2) Do not expect loyalty from me, if you screw up I will be there to point it out to EVERYONE; (3) If you are foolish enough to lose status I WILL point it out to everyone; (4) Your Coven symbol is ridiculous (come on! A fucking skunk)

On 22:45:19 Oct 03 2006 lownignitus wrote:

its not a skunk its a squirrel, but if that is the way you want to be then maybe you will enjoy being blind.

In fact, the very reason that you have no respect i think I will.

So enjoy yourself and have fun being in purgatory.

On 23:43:09 Oct 03 2006 LordFangor wrote:

Being blind is not a problem. You are right though I do not respect you. Why should I?

Have fun reading about yourself in the Forum

On 23:46:44 Oct 03 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Do as you will, but do remember that all actions have a reaction.

The reason you should have respect for me is because of the fact that I have done no harm to you, but you are just a instigator , a user, and a person full of hate is what it comes down to so I understand.


(he sent this one first but I replies to the second one:

take your skunk coven and leave)

On 11:51:08 Oct 04 2006 LordFangor wrote:

you see, I was warned about you! Where the other Covens wwould ask, you wouldn't. This makes you a thug! I don't care if the so-called manual allows you to do it. I would point out that the manual isn't strictly followed, just look at the recent example of trouble's loss of status and the bending over backwards for her. But back to you, you see your reputation is simply one of being a thug. You like force(big surprise, you support the armed forces).

How many others have you forced? Would they stay voluntarily? This you should ask yourself!

On 13:32:36 Oct 04 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Yes I have inducted many a member and more then 3/4 does not have a problem with it.

There is nothing wrong with supporting the Marines. They are Honorable and Disciplined. Do not hate them because of this war that is going on. they did it because it is what they are told to do. They did not chose to do this all on their own. If you want to blame someone for that then blame those that tell them what to do.

And again as I said. there is nothing wrong with supporting those that have shed their own blood for the protection of right you have.

As to my "reputation". I could care less. The day that I let a bunch of electronic drama effect my RL is the day that I die. It wont happen so it looks like Ill be around for years to come.

FROM: LordFangor

Exactly my point!. this isn't real. I find it somewhat amusing to read the forum threads, especially those in the first section.

As far as supporting the military, I'm looking forward to the coming war crimes' trials!

One last point, you then have 25% of your Coven who do not wish to belong. What a guy you are


It would be less then 25% if you had read what I wrote properly. It would most likely be 10 -15 % in fact. But hey that is not as bad as another few coven that I could list off.

If you understand that it is not real then why are you letting it bend you out of shape.

And those war crime trials are going to be so biased, Subordinates that had no clue beyond that they were carrying out their orders are going to be taking the fall for their superiors, and getting punished for it. War Crime Trials are always set up to assign blame where it does not belong so others may get away unharmed. War is never a pretty thing but to punish a person for doing as they were told is stupid.




Well at least he was respectful about it.

22:51 Oct 03 2006
Times Read: 877

On 22:36:31 Oct 02 2006 MaDDnEsS wrote:

greetings, you recently inducted me into your coven. i have read your rules and i understand that if i ask to be released you wont, and with all due respect i must let you know that i will not be active in coven events, i am not going to gain any honor for you , especially a set ammount. i am not going t post the crest, or seal o any other maring on my profile. i realize this results in blinding. i honestly do not care. i do not wish to be in a coven, or house at this time. i realize that the only way i can get out is if you trade me, or i hit sire. i mean no disrespect, i just do not wish to participate in covens or houses. I would greatly appreciate it if you would eventually release me, but if not its really no skin off my back. i thank you for your time, and beg you please consider it. as it will be a waist of your time and mine for me to remain. thank you again. and good day

On 00:17:15 Oct 03 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Well you can do as you wish, but you will not be let go. You think that by not earning favor you are hurting the coven? that is not true your rating and level status benefit the coven, even in blindment. So as they go up so shall the coven score.

Thank you for expression your opinion. it has been noted and yes you are no to be blinded. Hope you enjoy purgatory.


Lown Ignitus

Your Coven Master of IFBW


thank you for replying. i just wanted to say it was not my intention to hurt the coven in anyway. i was merely expressing how i shall do nothing. i do not wish to be involved in anyway that is all, i just wanted to make sure you understood that my noninvolvement was in no way a malicious decision.




Some people just do not learn.

06:32 Oct 03 2006
Times Read: 886

FROM: ManSlayer

I am still waiting to be blinded


As you wished it.




The Person bornlover was talking about

02:49 Oct 03 2006
Times Read: 896


Dear Lownignitus,

I don't see the point in inducting someone who is going to refuse to contribute to the coven. All that really does is prove the stereotype that all goths are power-hungry, brainwashing, satanists who want to control and manipulate people. If you don't release me from the coven, I'm going to leave the site, because you'll be proving to me that this site has become everything I hate in the goth community - that is, a bunch of emo posers filled with high school angst and drama.

Thank you,


On 09:29:30 Oct 01 2006 lownignitus wrote:

I am not gothic, Brainwashing, Power hungry, emo (I hate them all), or a satanist (in fact I do not even believe in him). So all these statements have nothing to do with me.

If you read the rules, Which more then one unbiased person has helped me perfect, I will not release anyone. further more I am not obligates unless your a Sire to have to listen to request to leave my coven.

A person has a choice to be active or not.

By the sounds of it you shouldn't have joined this site anyways if you feel this site is so. If you do leave it will be not my doing, but of your own free choice. Of course I will get blamed for it, but I will rest soundly because I did no wrong.

darkling 21:55:32 Oct 01 2006:

I didn't say you WERE these things, just that this is the way you are coming off, and further more, Satanists don't believe in Satan - Satan came from the sanskrit word for chaos. Do your homework. This website is regarded by many as a "goth" hangout, and you are acting in a way that represents all of the gross stereotypes "goths" are perceived as, which damages the reputation of those who simply enjoy the gothic lifestyle.

You say your rules have been perfected - I'm saying that they are flawed because of how you are representing your people; I am not a sheep, and you can't make me into one.

To add, I joined this site before the covens really started; back when it was a safe place for me to chat with like minded people about vampiric lore and alternative lifestyles. That Cancer chose to turn it into a place where any idiot with enough time to become a sire can start a coven and dictate others behavior was not my choice. I am from Canada; a sovereign democratic nation. I was not raised to follow authority unquestioningly. If you have a problem with this attitude, perhaps you should only take drones into your coven. You seem to have enough people there who want to let you play your power game, why keep me?

On 20:51:42 Oct 02 2006 lownignitus wrote:

I don't see the point in inducting someone who is going to refuse to contribute to the coven. All that really does is prove the stereotype that all goths are power-hungry, brainwashing, satanists who want to control and manipulate people. If you don't release me from the coven, I'm going to leave the site, because you'll be proving to me that this site has become everything I hate in the goth community - that is, a bunch of emo posers filled with high school angst and drama.

Hmm that seems to me like you are implying that that is exactly how I am. but of course I have a different and outside of the box view on things. Like the fact that I do not judge people or things based on a "stereo-type". Only those that are not happy and confident about themselves do such things.

I never said anyone was a sheep. your the one saying it is that way. I am just running a coven with strict structure and guidelines. Based upon a military type structure. Though of course I am talking to a rebel without a cause so that means little to you. Your just focused on "sticking it to the man" and at the moment you have deemed me "The Man".

Well if you have been here that long then you understand the reason to the madness that cancer does. this whole site is a hobby and a test place for philosophies that cancer has. but of course you may be to narrow minded and short sighted to figure that out.

Why do I keep you? well its simple. It is because I enjoy a little drama here and there and people that complain like you feed into it even though you say you dislike it. If you really disliked it you wouldn’t have said anything at all. also would not have sent your lackey after me ether. The only difference between me any you is the fact that I admit that I like a little drama.

well I have had enough chatting for now. Feel free to message me back if it floats your boat, but know I can go on like this forever. I have studied enough psychology that I pick up on things people don’t want to talk about and push those buttons. so go ahead and try if it pleases you.

On 01:03:54 Oct 03 2006 darkling wrote:

I didn't "send" anyone - he wrote of his own regard. And even in the military are you allowed to question your leaders judgement without being punished.

And you didn't have to say anyone was a sheep, your actions speak volumes for you. I do not thrive on "sticking it to the man," I just refuse to give some loser who has been on this site for almost a year less than me power to tell me what to do, think, and believe, which is what your coven is proposing to do. I refuse to rate lazy assholes with a ten, coven-mate or not. I refuse to follow retarded rules without questioning them, especially considering the number of grammatical errors within them. And I definately refuse to show any support to a coven leader who treats his subjects like chattel.

On 02:47:41 Oct 03 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Well to start off with judgement is spelled judgment, and definately is spelled definitely. I also believe the word is cattle not chattel.

I do not claim to be the best writer in the world but there is not a spelling error on the pages. I know I checked them with Word. And second I am not being a tyrant, which is what you are implying. The rules are set up in the cause and effect for. You do what they say and positive comes from them. You do not do as they say and negative comes from them. It is all up to the individual to whether or not they want a negative or a positive consequence. They are tough and strict yes, but they are completely fair because they apply to everyone. I have had at least 30 Coven members tell me that the rules are good and needed they way that they are. I have also had countless others outside the Coven say the same thing. Some where skeptical to start with but once I explained the method to the madness they agreed I was right. In fact almost weekly there is 1 - 2 people asking to be let into this Coven. So obviously it is you that has a personal problem.

As to your friend.. The timing between your first post to me and them harassing me and being vulgar to me is to coincidental to say you when not the cause. But any case you have him to thank on your staying no until you are a Sire. Rudeness is not the way to get anything that one desires. Which I am not being rude at all. I am perfectly within my rights as a Sire and a Coven head to run my Coven this way. The fact that you do not agree is too bad and a tragic causality of circumstances, but it is how it is none the less.

If you think I am only directing my “wrath” at you you are mistaken. I treat each and every person the same way. I even blinded one of my own original staff members because he got too big for his britches. In fact there are a few that are talking in the forums right now fixing to get blinded if they do not start acting civil. There cannot be any order out of chaos unless there are rules. If you really think that Canadians view things completely different then I do, you have not checked out OniKage’s profile yet. He was one of the founding minds and driving forces behind the making of the Coven. And he is breed born and raise Canadian.

I do not treat anyone as sheep, nor do I make any implication to such in my Coven pages. I just expect everyone to learn that on this site, as in real life, shit happens so deal with it. That is the main focus behind the Coven. To see who can adapt and survive and who is so stubborn and set in their ways that they refuse to advance themselves. It’s a test of character and ones sense of duty. I see that you are having a hard time finding the positive light in this event. Which brings me to this point that will piss you off. You are a lot more gothic/emo then you want to admit. The attitude that you are putting forth on this single situation shows that deep down you are truly gothic in your view points, and that deep down your actions say that you are a more then a little emo. Me I know who I am. I am a punk/metal head/goth and damn proud of it. I am not afraid to say what is on my mind and if it pisses people off oh well. The truth hurts, because it is what people want to refuses to accept. I use my darker look on life to see how I can use it to turn any given circumstance in to a positive. Sometimes it works sometimes it does not. But I at least try to do the positive thing first. Because then I can at least say I gave it my best and all.

I am a perfectionist not a control freak. I grew up with to many of those in my life to turn into one myself. The out comes of being one is too negative for me. So instead of trying to control the world around me I control myself. You can ask anybody. I am one of the most disciplined people that a lot of people know. My Coven is not about control, but about lifting people to standards that they didn’t even know that was possible for them to do. For some of them it is a big confidence boost to have achieved something so great. But I do not expect you to understand this.

Well I have spent too much of my time on this reply already, though I think my English teacher would be proud of me for the way I wrote it. I must bid you adue and am looking for your next humorous reply.

You “Enslaver”,

Lown Ignitus

Master of IFBW

FROM: darkling

Fine. Keep me. But until I see an ounce of respect from you, you will not be seeing any from me.

And chattel is a different word than cattle, although it means generally the same thing.


Respect? You talk to me about respect?

the first message you even sent me you cussed and insulted me when I had done nothing but done as the rules of VR let me. If your going to attack me for following rules then you get no respect until I see a reason too.

I actually did give you respect and infact I still am. I can respect a person and still not agree with what they are saying or not do as they wish. I respect you as a person, but they way you are acting does not merit me just letting you do as you wish.

Infact my first reply was nothing but respectful. So I do not see where you get off by demanding respect from me when it is already there. Though if you mean respect as in roll over and do what you want of releasing you, then you are sadly mistaken




Well this is starting to look like an interesting month now doesnt it?

00:18 Oct 03 2006
Times Read: 903

MaDDnEsS 14:36:31 Oct 02 2006:

greetings, you recently inducted me into your coven. i have read your rules and i understand that if i ask to be released you wont, and with all due respect i must let you know that i will not be active in coven events, i am not going to gain any honor for you , especially a set ammount. i am not going t post the crest, or seal o any other maring on my profile. i realize this results in blinding. i honestly do not care. i do not wish to be in a coven, or house at this time. i realize that the only way i can get out is if you trade me, or i hit sire. i mean no disrespect, i just do not wish to participate in covens or houses. I would greatly appreciate it if you would eventually release me, but if not its really no skin off my back. i thank you for your time, and beg you please consider it. as it will be a waist of your time and mine for me to remain. thank you again. and good day


Well you can do as you wish, but you will not be let go. You think that by not earning favor you are hurting the coven? that is not true your rating and level status benefit the coven, even in blindment. So as they go up so shall the coven score.

Thank you for expression your opinion. it has been noted and yes you are no to be blinded. Hope you enjoy purgatory.


Lown Ignitus

Your Coven Master of IFBW




Hmm Can people not read the rules and comprehend them?

21:45 Oct 02 2006
Times Read: 909

On 21:28:29 Oct 02 2006 ManSlayer wrote:

I want out of the coven now

On 21:30:58 Oct 02 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Sorry but you need to read the rules. It is not going to happen.

On 13:32:08Oct 02 2006 ManSlayer wrote:

well I am not earning 1 point of favor... and I do know the rules


Then you know the only way out is to become a Sire then. If you are not participating then you will be blinded.




Some people take things a little too personally

20:34 Oct 02 2006
Times Read: 917

From Ravenas:

I have an issue with one of your house members.

Gaining favor by forcing forfeit when you are losing is not reasonable.

"Ravenas: Hello

unknownskull48: looks like ur good at this game

Ravenas: Yup. I've beat you before ;)

unknownskull48: i kno

unknownskull48: im a little bit better

Ravenas: I see that :)

unknownskull48: lol

unknownskull48: do i seem to be a lil better than i was

System: unknownskull48 has claimed a Force Forfeit.

unknownskull48: i won

unknownskull48: hey now were even u beat me i beat u"

I expect a response on the action you will be taking.



My Reply:

You expect me to punish someone for doing something that is allowed by the game rules?

I have had people do their share of force forfiting to me to, but I do not go and complain to their head of society. this is because Ive read the rules of the game and realize that sometimes people do do this.

Side note: She sent me a reply saying nevermind they worked it out and my reply was then this was a waste of my time.




Well here is another golden message for the scrapbook

11:05 Oct 01 2006
Times Read: 928



Sep 30 2006

hello!do you know lady shadow?

well hey its me ! i fucked up my profile.

oh,and to day is my 18th birthday.

write back please


Sep 30 2006

hey asshole! What kind of mediocre prick do you have to be to not let someone out of your dumbass lame coven when she asked.. you either let jasenth out now or you will be continuing to hear from me.

btw.. that hooker from tiajuanna is not dead asshole.. there coming for you.


Sep 30 2006

Hey dickhead.. pull your miniscule dick out of your own ass and go fuck a post. let Jasenth out of your coven now. Your pathetic life will not get better by forcing her in and she fucking hates you. so take the goddamned hint and fuck right off.


Sep 30 2006

dear sir,



the guy that fucks all the girls you want to and can't have.


Sep 30 2006

nobody likes you.


Sep 30 2006



Sep 30 2006



Sep 30 2006



Sep 30 2006




Sep 30 2006




My reply to the whole bulk:

Wow I really cannot read half of the psycho babble you just wrote me in a total of Messages, with the bulk of it being sent in under a quarter of an hour. But if you wanted to get someone out of my coven you just went about it the wrong way missy. Now they are not getting out just for the fact they sent a lackey to do what they wanted.

I have an actual real life and this is the first time in almost 3 days I have been on for an amount of time to do more then look at whole all have viewed my profile and rate them in kind.

As to nobody likes me one VR. Well I have no fewer then 125 people that have me on their friends list at all times and about 10 people stalking me. Also almost daily I get more then 3 bites.

If nobody likes me then I’m just fine with how things are.

If you have a problem with how things are set up in my coven then do not attack me. I set my coven up within the guidelines that are set in place for running them by cancer himself. Who I just happen to know personally and have meet in person and 3 separate occasions.

As to who you where before I have no clue. I have seen so many people come and go since I joined I don’t bother to keep track of anyone not in my coven or on my friends list.

Really I am growing tired just writing this reply so I do not think I will play games with your head like I normally do to people who message me like this.

By the way I had no clue who you where talking about until I read the most recent message from your friend. Next time you want something to be done. think about it before you act, because if you don’t you come off looking like you do now. A desperate, ignorant, crack pot.

And just so you know I do not have to hear from you again. Its called blocking.

Have a bright and cheery day.

Your unwanted stalked,

Lown Ignitus

Master of IFBW




Wow I have a bona fide Harasser

10:52 Oct 01 2006
Times Read: 931

Look at the times on all of these messages. I mean wow.... excessive.


Sep 30 2006


Sep 30 2006


Sep 30 2006


Sep 30 2006


Sep 30 2006


Sep 30 2006


Sep 30 2006


Sep 30 2006


Sep 30 2006


Sep 30 2006



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