lownignitus's Journal

lownignitus's Journal


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15 entries this month

Something That I thought Id let all see

09:22 Nov 28 2006
Times Read: 707


Specter (12)

Re: Welcome

Posted: 04:17:17 - Oct 25 2006

Times viewed: 68

The name is Ghost. I was on the edge of calling VR off. I almost deleated my account due to the fact that no one ever took me in. I have been waiting to be accepted for months. So finally today I saw that I was a member of a coven I thank you so much for taking me in. I shall do my best to keep up with everything in my new home. I also am excited to say that I will no longer be leaving VR.

Once again thank you for accepting me.

Now something about me I love and support our troops that fight for our freedom here in America I am very proud to be American. I love the outdoors and have been trained to live off the land. Please anything else come and ask me.





This does not suprise me at all.

10:11 Nov 25 2006
Times Read: 720

I had problems with VR and had to get off, but this message was waiting in my system box:



Nov 24 2006

Vamperellia is up for trade.

Best offer please. She is a level 20

please have this in mind. Thank you.

* * * Master Message * * *

Now this does not surprise me one bit since shes has been society hopped about as much as raziel does.

But I had to laugh because nobody wants a lier and a scam artist in their society LOL And thats exactly what this person does.




Another one...

08:26 Nov 23 2006
Times Read: 728

FROM: ScionOfTheFallen

hey you never have respond to any messages ive sent you and i really want to be kicked out of this coven i did not want to be in here and i was being evaluated by another coven and i will never do anything as part of your coven and will never gain favor and i have had many people ask me why i chose your coven and i explained what you have done


Well if you do not earn favor (1000 to be exact) I will not let you out.

but if the coven that wants you is willing to do a trade I will do that.

Otherwise site tight untill you hit sire.




A positive message from a few days ago LOL

08:00 Nov 23 2006
Times Read: 729

FROM: ghost21

I want to let you know Master chief that I am happy to be in this coven and have no reason to leave. Also I been very sick this last past month. I shall be having surgery on my heart on December 1, 2006 and will not be able to gain any more favor. I will also not be able to be on line for at least a week or more. Please consider not blinding me. As soon as I am better I shall start to gain favor again.





Always nice to get positive messages from coven members

07:54 Nov 23 2006
Times Read: 731

FROM: dariann69

forgive me if this is ill placed but i am quite content here within your coven and have no desires to be traded now , i have no problem with anyone in the coven and have been doing my best to maintain all that is required of me , i would like to say however that i am honored to be in this coven and would greatly appreciate if i may continue to serve the coven in any way that i may

thank you m'lord for your time and patience




Can nobody read the house message I sent right?

07:53 Nov 23 2006
Times Read: 732

FROM: SadisticVamp

hey dude sorry i havent been particpating and what not, but i dont even know how i got in your coven.

i dont remember ever talking to you saying i wanted in or accepting an invite.

so please i wish to leave and be left out, thank you




Another that thinks they are above the rules....

07:32 Nov 23 2006
Times Read: 735

On 07:12:48 Nov 23 2006 Darkravensgirl wrote:

hello there...i have a question and i dont mean to be rude...is there a way i could just leave the covern...i dont wanna be in them....hope u dont mind

On 07:15:14 Nov 23 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Yes there is, bye earning 1000 favor.

thing is I might let you out, but somebody else can snatch you up.

On 07:16:28 Nov 23 2006 Darkravensgirl wrote:

grrr i dont wanna b n any of them....not right now atleast n e ways

On 07:21:18 Nov 23 2006 lownignitus wrote:

You really do not have a choice in that ubntil you become a sire.

I would suggest reading the Society Section of the VR manual, specifically the induction policy.

You might like to see what cancer has to say on the topic.

On 07:23:03 Nov 23 2006 Darkravensgirl wrote:

ive read it and i dont care about it

On 07:27:25 Nov 23 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Well then I do not have anything to say further, besides this.

Just because you do not care about it does not mean you are above the rule.

You joined this site which means you agree to EVERY rule.

If you get inducted there is nothing you can do to change it if they do not want to let you out.

I am willing, but I do require grounds for getting out.

FROM: Darkravensgirl

i wasnt sayin that i was better than a rule or n e thing. i asked you nicely if u would lemme out thats all i wanted to know....bye


Well by saying you dont agree with the rules is placing yourself above them. no matter how you want to look at it.

And I did tell you I would let you go, I just stated conditions to the release. Which obviously you do not like.




For such a pissed off member he doesnt want out ...

06:51 Nov 23 2006
Times Read: 740

I sent this message to the infamous LordFangor:

If you dislike the coven so much, then why are you not trying to get out.

There is a very easy way to get out now, but you do not look like you are trying to even use it.

Now I would really like to know the anwser to this, because it boggles my mind why he refuses to find somebody to take him....




Newest Coven message to be sent out ....

12:15 Nov 22 2006
Times Read: 745

You now have one week and 3 days to find a new home to be traded to if you want out.

I need a message from you personally saying you wish to be traded to X coven or house and then I need the person that is making the trade to message me as well.

any and every trade that does come threw will not get approved until I have received a message from the person to be traded saying yes they wish to be traded.

this is your chance to get out if you do not wish to be here.

If you do not take full advantage of this offer now, you may be blinded again, or booted out of the coven. Which every is at my own digression.

I am working on having only wanted members in this coven now.

::On a side note::

those of you that have bitched and moaned since day one about you do not want to be here.

this is not happening because of your whining and complaining.

It is happening because its a choice I made on my own without influence, BEFORE I made this coven.

And I am sure LordFangor will be putting this message in his journal as well, and some how turn this to be all about him.

* * * Message from The Coven of Iron Fisted Black Widows * * *




Attention seekers tend to annoy me ...

16:51 Nov 20 2006
Times Read: 755

On 16:04:49 Nov 18 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Try counting again and you wont look like a moron.

I have no blind members.

On 18:43:38 Nov 18 2006 LordFangor wrote:

Such timing I am stunned!

Yesterday I write of the 71 and this morning I write that Cancer should investigate your skunk coven and amend the VR manual. And you unblind the blinded!

I'm sure your timing had nothing to do with my journal entries. And no one will believe that my journal entries had anything to do with your timing, right! MERE COINCIDENCE!

Kinda like the symbol changing, right. You would be surprised with the number of members who think I had something to do with it

On 22:41:07 Nov 18 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Cancer wouldnt do anything about my coven as it was or change the rules anyways.

Hes already stated to some that I am within my rights on VR to run the coven as I am.

And you have nothing to do with any changes that have will or am going to happen.

Everything happens because of choices that I have made and discussed threwly with close friends.

You and everyone one else (outside a select group) have no true understanding the goals and principals of why I founded my coven.

That is the reason so many get made or such a stupid reason.

On 17:21:02 Nov 19 2006 LordFangor wrote:

it was coincidental wasn't it. why all of us believe that!

but you gave me something else to post

On 03:29:53 Nov 20 2006 lownignitus wrote:

You all believe that because your only focused on yourselves and not anyone else.

that is all it comes down too.

thats why you've all have had problems since day one.

Me I really do not have any problems except with those of you that where blind and bitched about it.

On 13:21:20 Nov 20 2006 LordFangor wrote:

You have no problems????

On 14:13:26 Nov 20 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Outside of you few that bitch about the coven.

I do not have any problems here on VR.

On 14:24:11 Nov 20 2006 LordFangor wrote:

Did someone ask you a series of questions regarding the occult ? I think these questions would have been asked of you within the last several weeks. My understanding is that you didn't know the answers(no crime there)BUT that you tried to bullshit

Do a number of your fellow sires think you are full of shit? Of course this a very subjective question!

When you have blinded 71 members(forget that you unblinded them) you have a serious problem.

Is your real job in the service field? Perhaps, janitorial(great, if you own the business) or perhaps a waiter? Just curious

On 14:33:27 Nov 20 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Ok You are making no sense at all.

Who said anything about any other sires or the occult. You cant even keep on a subject.

Someone did ask over a month ago and I gave them a bit of advice, but really I don't give people answers, I make them go find them on their own or they wont learn.

I am not acting like I never had any blind members (which was actually 130 last count. you seem to have been asleep if you only got 71.)

and my real life job has nothing to do with VR.

You seem to take the smallest things and blow them way out of proportion.

If you want to talk about how people view others, you might want to look in the mirror first before you point fingers and put words in others mouths.

By what I hear you do not have a very popular following yourself.

But that's not the case.

your just not happy unless your pointing the finger at somebody and stirring up things. Or just bitching about things to your hearts content.

I mean that's all that is seen by looking at your journal.

On 14:41:31 Nov 20 2006 LordFangor wrote:

I will admit that I like stirring the pot. And as I pointed out to you before, if you(or anyone) make a mistake I will point it out. You see it comes natural

As for my comments about the sires- it is just amazing that i have been added to their favorite journal lists. I assume it is because I write about you.

As for my popularity, well again, I have no problem commenting upon some of the crap that is posted in the forum threads. They post it, it becomes fair game! I'm sure there have been some unhappy people.

On 14:52:40 Nov 20 2006 lownignitus wrote:

What you do is beyond pointing out things.

You do it for your own self gratification. You do not care if pointing it out can help the other improve or not. Hell you like to point it out in the most obscure and obscene way you can so that you look the better and the rest are all fools.

Your not making things any better the way you do things, you just amplify it to where its far more a problem then it ever was.

Many might have you on their favorites just to laugh at the newest BS that you toss out in your journal next.

I must admit I found a few of your political views quiet humorous as to how biased and inside the box they are.

One does not get threw life to its fullest by not exploring other points of view on a topic.

FROM: LordFangor

not "threw" it would be through-check your spelling


ah yes ran out of things to nit pick about so you go for spelling...

well I have and never will claim to be a perfect speller. In fact there are times I think twice as fast as I type and things get done wrong oh well.

The meaning still gets threw(and I'm spelling it this way on purpose now) if your not being a tight ass about things.




Seriously, Do I need to keep pointing out the ToS?

03:13 Nov 09 2006
Times Read: 784

On 20:17:09 Nov 08 2006 HauntedDreams wrote:

okay,i did not ask to be in this coven,nore do i wish to be in any other coven,please remove me at once....

On 20:20:18 Nov 08 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Sorry but read my rules, you do not get out that easily.

On 02:57:46 Nov 09 2006 HauntedDreams wrote:

well ya know what,thats fuckin retarded,puttin ppl in shit against their will is bullshit

On 03:03:59 Nov 09 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Thing is YOU AGREED too it by SIGNING UP.

Its not my fault that you joined a site that you do not agree with all the terms of it.

try reading the Induction Policy

On 04:16:56 Nov 09 2006 HauntedDreams wrote:

BULLSHIT,u cant pull that card on me cuz i already joined this site way the fuck beore they even thought of making the houses or covens,so i ddnt agree to anything

On 04:28:12 Nov 09 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Well then, you still agreed by staying on VR.

It doesnt matter if you joined before the rule came around.

If you are a member of VR that means you AGREE to the CURRENT rules.

On 00:33:47 Nov 10 2006 HauntedDreams wrote:

wtf ever,then im not participating in it,so u can fuckin eat me

On 02:00:12 Nov 10 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Well I take it you didnt like the response you got from cancer ether.

but no I have a fiancee if I want to do something like that.

Anger and abuse do not get you anywhere.

thought not that I need to do anything further because you are already blind.

Have a nice days.

FROM: HauntedDreams

um,wat responce from cancer?he didnt send me anything,and go ahead,blind me,i dont do shit on here anyway


So I guess your denying you sent or received this message then "Sucks to be you"

Because I mean that looks an awfully like your name there.




Always nice to be thanked.

03:11 Nov 09 2006
Times Read: 785



Nov 05 2006

i wanted to tell you that i am honered to be enducted into the coven of iron fisted black widows and i will do my best not to disappoint you or my mistress. just tell me what to do and i will do it.




Not only did he ask to join, hes over using "Master" LOL

03:09 Nov 09 2006
Times Read: 786

On 20:59:16 Nov 06 2006 timmyrock wrote:

may I join your coven please I have read all the rules and I agree with what the rules are.

On 21:44:38 Nov 06 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Well I sure am not going to say no LOL

On 21:46:09 Nov 06 2006 timmyrock wrote:

so am I in yes or no master.

On 21:50:37 Nov 06 2006 lownignitus wrote:

you are in now.

On 21:52:09 Nov 06 2006 timmyrock wrote:

nice so now I can my 35 faver a week.

On 21:55:37 Nov 06 2006 lownignitus wrote:

LOl yes you can :D

On 21:57:04 Nov 06 2006 timmyrock wrote:

thank you master for letting me join I will make you proud.

On 21:57:58 Nov 06 2006 lownignitus wrote:

i like to hear that :D

On 22:00:06 Nov 06 2006 timmyrock wrote:

how long do wait to play a game master.

On 22:13:15 Nov 06 2006 lownignitus wrote:

It all depends on whos looking to play, if you can post in the vamp box asking for people to play ya.

On 22:19:41 Nov 06 2006 timmyrock wrote:

thank you master.

On 22:29:24 Nov 06 2006 lownignitus wrote:

no problem at all

On 22:30:46 Nov 06 2006 timmyrock wrote:

how much favor do I need a week master.

On 22:59:52 Nov 06 2006 lownignitus wrote:

you had it right when you said 35 earlier.



Nov 07 2006

cool master.




Why do so many have such hostility?

15:52 Nov 03 2006
Times Read: 800

On 17:04:01 Nov 02 2006 lilithoreve wrote:

please let me out of your coven i have been doing my research and i would like to be traded into la rose....i am tomuch of a girl to be in a coven ruled by a man and you can not help me be the better vampire that i would like to be. thank you


On 18:16:31 Nov 02 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Sorry, unless you fulfill my rules you are not getting out.

I dont care if you think your too good to be in a "male" coven or not. You are and thats it. Deal with it.

As to becoming a better vampire, My coven is not about that, never has and never will.

But as to my being helpful to you. dont knock me. Ive helped numerous people her on this site. even made a few come to terms and accept that they are.

But ether way, fulfill my terms for release, or not. Untill you decide you are not moving out.

On 14:47:45 Nov 03 2006 lilithoreve wrote:

well ill just kill ur already bad rep. on this site i refuse to do as ur stupid ass comands....i am not a mean crappy person like you and i refuse to be hated by all so fock off you masty ass bastered! i will never put ur ugly ass sign on my page it will only take down the cate look of it and i highly dout you can help me with my problem with being a better vampire right now bc i know you cant go threw what i am i need another woman vampire to help me with this problem....

do you know what it is like being a prgenet vampire its not easy and i need the support from a woman that has gone threw this as well!

I will NEVER be ruled by a man on a site or in life men are the lesser of the creatchers what can you males do to keep born vampires going if us females wernt here you damn cocky ass men wouldnt be here either....did anyone worn you not to mess with this cute little girl or were you just so stupid you thought oh look its a cute little girl at the right level to get forced into a coven lets take her b4 a better coven gets her that she would acculy be happy being in!

You can blind me you can do whatever you want to be but i will never do as u tell me to do....i am my own vampire and i will never be ruled by some motcho jack ass that doesnt care what his so called fallowers have to say has anyone ever acculy come to you wanting to be in this damn coven i dout it u r the worst coven master there is on this site so fock off!

On 15:51:15 Nov 03 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Hmm such hostility... And hate towards men...

If it wasn’t for us you wouldn’t be able to get pregnant in the first place.

I had no knowledge of what you wanted help with, I merely stated do not block a path that could help you.

But in your blind hatred of males you will block help from one even though I know things.

Sad you are narrow and closed minded enough to think there is no possible way that I could help you.

Sad thing is you ARE ruled by a make on VR. Cancer is a male and his word is FINAL on things that happen around VR.

I do not go about preying out individuals, I merely saw a profile without an affiliation and inducted. Does not matter if they are young or old, High lvl or low, Male or Female. Everyone is equal in my eyes. Even if I didn’t induct you one of my staff might of, Head of which is a FEMALE!

Suck hostility and vulgarity are not needed. One can better portray their thoughts, and hope for better results when such manners are not used.

But yes I am going to blind you now, as that is my policy. I am not doing it because I enjoy it, but because it is my rules and even I follow my own rules.

If you have such a problem with the Induction policy read here:


FROM: lilithoreve

i dont think it is right to force someone to be in a coven...fine if you wanna prove to me ur coven is worthy of me dealing with it ok tell me how to deal with being a pregent always hungry vampire sense you think you wanna help?....i dont want help from anyone but you so i want only an answer from you.

and you cant blind some one that has been blind sense she found out she was a member of ur coven...

what was it ur staff saw in me that they liked ill bet u 10 to 1 they never even talked to be to see if im on enough to evt the favors i need to keep from being blinded.


Well have you even bothered to check out a book called The Phsycic Vampire Codex?

If you have not, that book is very handy and a good resource of information.

The key trick is to not let the hunger control you and you do that threw meditation and practice. Also by using alternat forms of feeding besides from a host(s).

Well If you are blind there is a way to solve that.

Also you are not doing anything to my rep, its already that of a tyrant though I am not. Though I really do not care about images, they are just a way of interacting with people. the person behind the image is what I am interested in.

There is a way to look up favor without talking to individuals, I just have to check out the member page in coven, and I find all the answers that I need.




False Accounts hmm ....

15:52 Nov 03 2006
Times Read: 801

FROM: blueballs

It's a shame you have so many blinded in your coven. It seems that with as many as you have blinded, you could be getting favor from them if you were less harsh with your rules. It's also a shame that you think you can own people like that. It's a website. It's not like it's going to matter to you in real life. Is this something to be proud of?


Its not about pride or any of those things that you all think it is.

My coven is based on a principle and a blief, ones that are not that hard to grasp.

I do not enjoy blinding people, but if they refuse to follow SIMPLE rules, then that is their own choice.

If you have such a problem with the induction policy maybe you should read this link:


Well It turns out somebody made a multi account just to harrass me because this message never got sent as the account is gone....



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